Refactor dune-project parsing

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-05-02 14:58:24 +01:00 committed by Jérémie Dimino
parent 2e47052bb2
commit 8d4e1904a2
3 changed files with 55 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -11,59 +11,30 @@ type lang =
| Dune_0_1
let lang =
let name =
[ ("dune", ()) ]
let version ver =
match string ver with
| "0.1" -> Dune_0_1
| _ ->
of_sexp_error ver "unsupported version of the dune language"
let name =
[ ("dune", ()) ]
[ cstr "lang" (name @> version @> nil) (fun () v -> v) ]
field_multi "lang" (name @> version @> nil) (fun () v -> v)
module Acc = struct
type t =
{ name : string option
let name ~dir =
field_o "name" string >>= function
| Some s -> return s
| None -> return ("_" ^ String.concat ~sep:"_" (Path.explode_exn dir))
let init =
{ name = None }
let parse ~dir =
(lang >>= fun Dune_0_1 ->
name ~dir >>= fun name ->
return { name })
let load ~dir =
let fname = Path.relative dir filename in
let sexps = Io.Sexp.load fname ~mode:Many in
let langs, sexps =
List.partition_map sexps ~f:(function
| List (loc, Atom (_, A "lang") :: _) as sexp ->
Left (lang sexp, loc)
| sexp -> Right sexp)
let _lang =
match langs with
| [] -> (Loc.in_file (Path.to_string fname))
"language not specified, you need to add (lang dune 0.1)"
| [(v, _)] -> v
| _ :: (_, loc) :: _ -> loc "language specified too many times"
let acc =
List.fold_left sexps ~init:Acc.init ~f:(fun (acc : Acc.t) sexp ->
[ cstr "lang" nil acc
; cstr_loc "name" (string @> nil) (fun loc name ->
match with
| None -> { = Some name }
| Some _ -> loc "name specified too many times")
{ name =
match with
| Some s -> s
| None -> "_" ^ String.concat ~sep:"_" (Path.explode_exn dir)
let sexp = Io.Sexp.load_many_as_one fname in
parse ~dir sexp

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@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
type unparsed_field =
{ value : Ast.t option
{ values : Ast.t list
; entry : Ast.t
@ -229,27 +229,36 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
| Located f -> f (Ast.loc entry)
let too_many_values name field =
of_sexp_errorf_loc (Ast.loc field.entry) "too many values for field %s" name
let field_missing state name =
of_sexp_errorf_loc state.loc "field %s missing" name
let field name ?(short=Short_syntax.Not_allowed)
?default value_of_sexp state =
match Name_map.find state.unparsed name with
| Some { value = Some value; _ } ->
| Some { values = [value]; _ } ->
(value_of_sexp value, consume name state)
| Some { value = None; entry } ->
| Some { values = []; entry } ->
(Short_syntax.parse short entry name,
consume name state)
| Some f ->
too_many_values name f
| None ->
match default with
| Some v -> (v, add_known name state)
| None ->
of_sexp_errorf_loc state.loc "field %s missing" name
| None -> field_missing state name
let field_o name ?(short=Short_syntax.Not_allowed) value_of_sexp state =
match Name_map.find state.unparsed name with
| Some { value = Some value; _ } ->
| Some { values = [value]; _ } ->
(Some (value_of_sexp value), consume name state)
| Some { value = None; entry } ->
| Some { values = []; entry } ->
(Some (Short_syntax.parse short entry name),
consume name state)
| Some f ->
too_many_values name f
| None -> (None, add_known name state)
let field_b name = field name bool ~default:false ~short:(This true)
@ -261,17 +270,16 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
let unparsed =
List.fold_left sexps ~init:Name_map.empty ~f:(fun acc sexp ->
match sexp with
| List (_, [Atom (_, A name)]) ->
Name_map.add acc name { value = None; entry = sexp }
| List (_, [name_sexp; value]) -> begin
| List (_, name_sexp :: values) -> begin
match name_sexp with
| Atom (_, A name) ->
Name_map.add acc name { value = Some value; entry = sexp }
Name_map.add acc name { values; entry = sexp }
| List _ | Quoted_string _ ->
of_sexp_error name_sexp "Atom expected"
| _ ->
of_sexp_error sexp "S-expression of the form (_ _) expected")
of_sexp_error sexp
"S-expression of the form (<name> <values>...) expected")
{ loc = loc
; known = []
@ -317,6 +325,16 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
let nil = Constructor_args_spec.Nil
let ( @> ) a b = Constructor_args_spec.Cons (a, b)
let field_multi name ?default args_spec f state =
match Name_map.find state.unparsed name with
| Some { values; entry } ->
(Constructor_args_spec.convert args_spec No_rest entry values f,
consume name state)
| None ->
match default with
| Some v -> (v, add_known name state)
| None -> field_missing state name
module Constructor_spec = struct
type ('a, 'b, 'c) tuple =
{ name : string

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@ -123,6 +123,14 @@ module Of_sexp : sig
-> ('b, 'c) Constructor_args_spec.t
-> ('a -> 'b, 'c) Constructor_args_spec.t
(** Field that takes multiple values *)
val field_multi
: string
-> ?default:'b
-> ('a, 'b) Constructor_args_spec.t
-> 'a
-> 'b record_parser
val cstr : string -> ('a, 'b) Constructor_args_spec.t -> 'a -> 'b Constructor_spec.t
val cstr_rest
: string