Check for inconsistent (libraries ...) fields

Better fix for for #62
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-04-26 13:36:52 +01:00
parent 43572595b4
commit 89cdd70563
2 changed files with 42 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
((name jbuilder)
;; (public_name jbuilder)
(libraries (unix jbuilder_re))
(libraries (unix jbuilder_re)))
(synopsis "Internal Jbuilder library, do not use!")))
(ocamllex (sexp_lexer meta_lexer glob_lexer))

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@ -313,6 +313,46 @@ module Lib_dep = struct
let direct s = Direct s
module Lib_deps = struct
type t = Lib_dep.t list
type kind =
| Required
| Optional
| Forbidden
let t sexp =
let t = list Lib_dep.t sexp in
let add kind name acc =
match String_map.find name acc with
| None -> String_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:kind
| Some kind' ->
match kind, kind' with
| Required, Required ->
of_sexp_errorf sexp "library %S is present twice" name
| (Optional|Forbidden), (Optional|Forbidden) ->
| Optional, Required | Required, Optional ->
of_sexp_errorf sexp
"library %S is present both as an optional and required dependency"
| Forbidden, Required | Required, Forbidden ->
of_sexp_errorf sexp
"library %S is present both as a forbidden and required dependency"
ignore (
List.fold_left t ~init:String_map.empty ~f:(fun acc x ->
match x with
| Lib_dep.Direct s -> add Required s acc
| Select { choices; _ } ->
List.fold_left choices ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc c ->
let acc = String_set.fold c.Lib_dep.required ~init:acc ~f:(add Optional) in
String_set.fold c.forbidden ~init:acc ~f:(add Forbidden)))
: kind String_map.t);
module Buildable = struct
type t =
{ modules : Ordered_set_lang.t
@ -335,7 +375,7 @@ module Buildable = struct
field "modules" (fun s -> Ordered_set_lang.(map (t s)) ~f:String.capitalize_ascii)
>>= fun modules ->
field "libraries" (list Lib_dep.t) ~default:[]
field "libraries" Lib_deps.t ~default:[]
>>= fun libraries ->
field_osl "flags" >>= fun flags ->
field_osl "ocamlc_flags" >>= fun ocamlc_flags ->