Better support for cross-compilation

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-02-24 10:28:31 +00:00
parent ae376d30d2
commit 89335dd5e4
2 changed files with 31 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -610,6 +610,8 @@ In addition, =(action ...)= fields support the following special variables:
- =@= expands to the list of target, separated by spaces
- =<= expands to the first dependency, or the empty string if there are no dependencies
- =^= expands to the list of dependencies, separated by spaces
- =exe:<path>= expands to =<path>=, except when cross-compiling, in
which case it will expand to =<path>= from the host build context
- =bin:<program>= expands to a path to =program=. If =program= is
provided by a jbuild in the workspace (see [[provide][provide stanzas]]), the
locally built binarry will be used, otherwise it will be searched in
@ -772,8 +774,9 @@ of these two forms:
In both case, each atom in the argument supports [[Variables expansion][variables
expansion]]. Moreover, you don't need to specify dependencies
explicitely for the special =${bin:...}= or =${findlib:...}= forms,
these are recognized automatically by Jbuilder.
explicitely for the special =${exe:...}=, =${bin:...}= or
=${findlib:...}= forms, these are recognized automatically by
The DSL is preferable in general as it will make your package more
portable. It is currently quite limited, so the recommendation is to

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@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let build_exe ~flags ~dir ~requires ~name ~mode ~modules ~dep_graph ~link_flags =
let ext_ext = Mode.exe_ext mode in
let exe_ext = Mode.exe_ext mode in
let mode, link_flags, compiler =
match Mode.compiler mode ctx with
| Some compiler -> (mode, link_flags, compiler)
@ -1176,13 +1176,20 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
end = struct
module U = User_action.Unexpanded
type artefact =
| Direct of Path.t
| Dyn of (unit, Path.t) Build.t
let extract_artifacts ~dir ~dep_kind t =
U.fold t ~init:String_map.empty ~f:(fun acc var ->
let module N = Named_artifacts in
match String.lsplit2 var ~on:':' with
| Some ("bin", s) -> String_map.add acc ~key:var ~data:(N.binary s)
(* CR-someday jdimino: map the exe to the host exe here *)
| Some ("exe", s) ->
String_map.add acc ~key:var ~data:(Direct (Path.relative dir s))
| Some ("bin", s) -> String_map.add acc ~key:var ~data:(Dyn (N.binary s))
| Some ("findlib" , s) ->
String_map.add acc ~key:var ~data:(N.in_findlib ~dir ~dep_kind s)
String_map.add acc ~key:var ~data:(Dyn (N.in_findlib ~dir ~dep_kind s))
| _ -> acc)
let expand t ~artifact_map ~dir ~targets ~deps =
@ -1211,15 +1218,26 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
let s = expand t ~dir ~artifact_map:String_map.empty ~targets ~deps in
Build.return s
else begin
Build.all ( (String_map.bindings needed_artifacts) ~f:(fun (name, artifact) ->
let directs, dyns =
String_map.bindings needed_artifacts
|> List.partition_map ~f:(function
| (name, Direct x) -> Inl (name, x)
| (name, Dyn x) -> Inr (name, x))
(Build.paths ( directs ~f:snd))
(Build.all ( dyns ~f:(fun (name, artifact) ->
Build.arr (fun path -> (name, path))))
Build.arr (fun path -> (name, path)))))
>>^ snd
Build.dyn_paths (Build.arr ( ~f:snd))
Build.arr (fun artifacts ->
let artifact_map = String_map.of_alist_exn artifacts in
let artifact_map =
String_map.of_alist_exn (List.rev_append directs artifacts)
expand t ~dir ~artifact_map ~targets ~deps)