Speed up merlin generation (#805)

Improve merlin generation by minimizing intermediate strings and reusing a buffer.
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-05-26 11:04:21 +07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 37366ea63f
commit 88e71c3432
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 64 additions and 72 deletions

View File

@ -31,6 +31,37 @@ module Preprocess = struct
| _ -> Other
module Dot_file = struct
let b = Buffer.create 256
let printf = Printf.bprintf b
let print = Buffer.add_string b
let to_string ~obj_dirs ~src_dirs ~flags ~ppx ~remaindir =
let serialize_path = Path.reach ~from:remaindir in
Buffer.clear b;
Path.Set.iter obj_dirs ~f:(fun p ->
printf "B %s\n" (serialize_path p));
Path.Set.iter src_dirs ~f:(fun p ->
printf "S %s\n" (serialize_path p));
begin match ppx with
| [] -> ()
| ppx ->
printf "FLG -ppx %s\n"
(List.map ppx ~f:quote_for_shell
|> String.concat ~sep:" "
|> Filename.quote)
begin match flags with
| [] -> ()
| flags ->
print "FLG";
List.iter flags ~f:(fun f -> printf " %s" (quote_for_shell f));
print "\n"
Buffer.contents b
type t =
{ requires : Lib.Set.t
; flags : (unit, string list) Build.t
@ -69,19 +100,15 @@ let ppx_flags sctx ~dir:_ ~scope ~src_dir:_ { preprocess; libname; _ } =
match preprocess with
| Pps { pps; flags } ->
let exe = Preprocessing.get_ppx_driver sctx ~scope pps in
let command =
List.map (Path.to_absolute_filename exe ~root:!Clflags.workspace_root
:: "--as-ppx"
:: Preprocessing.cookie_library_name libname
@ flags)
|> String.concat ~sep:" "
[sprintf "FLG -ppx %s" (Filename.quote command)]
(Path.to_absolute_filename exe ~root:!Clflags.workspace_root
:: "--as-ppx"
:: Preprocessing.cookie_library_name libname
@ flags)
| Other -> []
let dot_merlin sctx ~dir ~scope ({ requires; flags; _ } as t) =
match Path.drop_build_context dir with
| None -> ()
| Some remaindir ->
let merlin_file = Path.relative dir ".merlin" in
(* We make the compilation of .ml/.mli files depend on the
@ -99,57 +126,22 @@ let dot_merlin sctx ~dir ~scope ({ requires; flags; _ } as t) =
SC.add_rule sctx ~mode:Promote_but_delete_on_clean (
>>^ (fun flags ->
let ppx_flags = ppx_flags sctx ~dir ~scope ~src_dir:remaindir t in
let libs =
Lib.Set.fold requires ~init:[] ~f:(fun (lib : Lib.t) acc ->
let serialize_path = Path.reach ~from:remaindir in
let bpath = serialize_path (Lib.obj_dir lib) in
let spath =
Lib.src_dir lib
|> Path.drop_optional_build_context
|> serialize_path
("B " ^ bpath) :: ("S " ^ spath) :: acc
let (src_dirs, obj_dirs) =
Lib.Set.fold requires ~init:(Path.Set.empty, Path.Set.empty)
~f:(fun (lib : Lib.t) (src_dirs, build_dirs) ->
( Path.Set.add src_dirs (Lib.src_dir lib)
, Path.Set.add build_dirs (
Lib.obj_dir lib
|> Path.drop_optional_build_context)))
let source_dirs =
Path.Set.fold t.source_dirs ~init:[] ~f:(fun path acc ->
let path = Path.reach path ~from:remaindir in
("S " ^ path)::acc
let objs_dirs =
Path.Set.fold t.objs_dirs ~init:[] ~f:(fun path acc ->
let path = Path.reach path ~from:remaindir in
("B " ^ path)::acc
let flags =
match flags with
| [] -> []
| _ ->
let escaped_flags = List.map ~f:quote_for_shell flags in
["FLG " ^ String.concat escaped_flags ~sep:" "]
let dot_merlin =
[ source_dirs
; objs_dirs
; libs
; flags
; ppx_flags
|> String.Set.of_list
|> String.Set.to_list
|> List.map ~f:(Printf.sprintf "%s\n")
|> String.concat ~sep:"")
~ppx:(ppx_flags sctx ~dir ~scope ~src_dir:remaindir t)
~src_dirs:(Path.Set.union src_dirs t.source_dirs)
~obj_dirs:(Path.Set.union obj_dirs t.objs_dirs))
Build.write_file_dyn merlin_file
| _ ->
Build.write_file_dyn merlin_file)
let merge_two a b =
{ requires = Lib.Set.union a.requires b.requires

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
$ jbuilder build foo.cma
$ cat .merlin
B _build/default/.foo.objs
FLG -open Foo -w -40
S .
FLG -open Foo -w -40
$ rm -f .merlin
$ jbuilder build foo.cma
$ cat .merlin
B _build/default/.foo.objs
FLG -open Foo -w -40
S .
FLG -open Foo -w -40
$ echo toto > .merlin
$ jbuilder build foo.cma
$ cat .merlin
B _build/default/.foo.objs
FLG -open Foo -w -40
S .
FLG -open Foo -w -40

View File

@ -5,29 +5,29 @@
ocamlopt sanitize-dot-merlin/sanitize_dot_merlin.exe
sanitize_dot_merlin alias print-merlins
# Processing exe/.merlin
B ../_build/default/exe/.x.eobjs
B ../_build/default/lib/.foo.objs
B $LIB_PREFIX/lib/bytes
B $LIB_PREFIX/lib/findlib
B $LIB_PREFIX/lib/ocaml
FLG -w -40
S .
S ../lib
B ../_build/default/exe/.x.eobjs
B ../lib/.foo.objs
S $LIB_PREFIX/lib/bytes
S $LIB_PREFIX/lib/findlib
S $LIB_PREFIX/lib/ocaml
S ../_build/default/lib
S .
FLG -w -40
# Processing lib/.merlin
B $LIB_PREFIX/lib/bytes
B $LIB_PREFIX/lib/findlib
B $LIB_PREFIX/lib/ocaml
B ../_build/default/lib/.bar.objs
B ../_build/default/lib/.foo.objs
B $LIB_PREFIX/lib/bytes
B $LIB_PREFIX/lib/findlib
B $LIB_PREFIX/lib/ocaml
FLG -open Foo -w -40 -open Bar -w -40
FLG -ppx '$PPX/fooppx@./ppx.exe --as-ppx --cookie '\''library-name="foo"'\'''
S .
S $LIB_PREFIX/lib/bytes
S $LIB_PREFIX/lib/findlib
S $LIB_PREFIX/lib/ocaml
S .
FLG -ppx '$PPX/fooppx@./ppx.exe --as-ppx --cookie '\''library-name="foo"'\'''
FLG -open Foo -w -40 -open Bar -w -40
Make sure a ppx directive is generated