Add unit tests for String.{take,drop,split_n}

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-08-26 14:41:05 +03:00
parent e43dcc919d
commit 7f18816447
2 changed files with 99 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -98,3 +98,13 @@
(progn (progn
(run %{exe:expect_test.exe} %{t}) (run %{exe:expect_test.exe} %{t})
(diff? %{t} %{t}.corrected))))) (diff? %{t} %{t}.corrected)))))
(name runtest)
(deps (:t string.mlt)
(glob_files %{project_root}/src/.dune.objs/*.cmi)
(glob_files %{project_root}/src/stdune/.stdune.objs/*.cmi))
(action (chdir %{project_root}
(run %{exe:expect_test.exe} %{t})
(diff? %{t} %{t}.corrected)))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
(* -*- tuareg -*- *)
open! Stdune;;
Printexc.record_backtrace false;;
String.take "foobar" 3;;
- : unit = ()
- : string = "foo"
String.take "foobar" 0;;
- : string = ""
String.take "foo" 10;;
- : string = "foo"
String.take "" 10;;
- : string = ""
String.take "" 0;;
- : string = ""
String.drop "" 0;;
- : string = ""
String.drop "foo" 0;;
- : string = "foo"
String.drop "foo" 5;;
- : string = ""
String.drop "foobar" 3;;
- : string = "bar"
String.split_n "foobar" 3;;
- : string * string = ("foo", "bar")
String.split_n "foobar" 10;;
[Atom "String.split_n"; List [Atom "s"; Atom "foobar"];
List [Atom "n"; Atom "10"]]).
String.split_n "foobar" 0;;
- : string * string = ("", "foobar")
String.split_n "foobar" 6;;
- : string * string = ("foobar", "")
String.split_n "" 0;;
- : string * string = ("", "")
String.split_n "" 10;;
[Atom "String.split_n"; List [Atom "s"; Atom ""];
List [Atom "n"; Atom "10"]]).