Adds support for findlib.dynload

which allows to easily dynlink packages and their dependencies.
     Dune is needed for putting in the binary the list of package
     statically linked.

Signed-off-by: François Bobot <>
This commit is contained in:
François Bobot 2018-08-23 13:41:01 +02:00 committed by Jérémie Dimino
parent fc0d99c9bb
commit 7f09979853
27 changed files with 329 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -57,6 +57,58 @@ set of predicates:
it is linked as part of a driver or meant to add a ``-ppx`` argument
to the compiler, choose the former behavior
Dynamic loading of packages
Dune supports the ``findlib.dynload`` package from `findlib
<>_` that allows to dynamically
load packages and their dependencies (using OCaml Dynlink module).
So adding the ability for an application to have plugins just requires
to add ``findlib.dynload`` to the set of library dependencies:
.. code:: scheme
(name mytool)
(public_name mytool)
(modules ...)
(name main)
(public_name mytool)
(libraries mytool findlib.dynload)
(modules ...)
Then you could use in your application ``Fl_dynload.load_packages l``
that will load the list ``l`` of packages. The packages are loaded
only once. So trying to load a package statically linked does nothing.
A plugin creator just need to link to your library:
.. code:: scheme
(name mytool_plugin_a)
(public_name mytool-plugin-a)
(libraries mytool)
By choosing some naming convention, for example all the plugins of
``mytool`` should start with ``mytool-plugin-``. You can automatically
load all the plugins installed for your tool by listing the existing packages:
.. code:: ocaml
let () = Findlib.init ()
let () =
let pkgs = Fl_package_base.list_packages () in
let pkgs =
(fun pkg -> 14 <= String.length pkg && String.sub pkg 0 14 = "mytool-plugin-")
Fl_dynload.load_packages pkgs
.. _advanced-cross-compilation:
Cross Compilation

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@ -139,6 +139,10 @@ let link_exe
Build.dyn_paths (Build.arr (fun (modules, _) ->
artifacts modules ~ext:ctx.ext_obj))
let arg_spec_for_requires = requires ~f:(Link_time_code_gen.libraries_link ~name ~mode cctx)
(* The rule *)
SC.add_rule sctx
(register_native_objs_deps modules_and_cm_files >>^ snd)
@ -154,8 +158,7 @@ let link_exe
; A "-o"; Target exe
; As linkage.flags
; Dyn (fun (_, _, link_flags) -> As link_flags)
; Arg_spec.of_result_map requires ~f:(fun libs ->
Lib.L.link_flags libs ~mode ~stdlib_dir:ctx.stdlib_dir)
; Arg_spec.of_result_map arg_spec_for_requires ~f:(fun x -> x)
; Dyn (fun (cm_files, _, _) -> Deps cm_files)
if linkage.ext = ".bc" then

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@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ module Package : sig
val requires : t -> Lib_name.t list
val ppx_runtime_deps : t -> Lib_name.t list
val dune_file : t -> Path.t option
val preds : Variant.Set.t
module Unavailable_reason : sig

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@ -440,6 +440,24 @@ module L = struct
loop [] l Int.Set.empty
module Lib_and_module = struct
type nonrec t =
| Lib of t
| Module of Module.t * Path.t (** obj_dir *)
let link_flags ts ~mode ~stdlib_dir =
let libs = List.filter_map ts ~f:(function Lib lib -> Some lib | Module _ -> None) in
(L.c_include_flags libs ~stdlib_dir :: ts ~f:(function
| Lib t ->
Arg_spec.Deps (Mode.Dict.get mode)
| Module (m,obj_dir) ->
Dep (Module.cm_file_unsafe m ~obj_dir (Mode.cm_kind mode))
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Sub-systems |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)

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@ -77,6 +77,16 @@ module L : sig
val remove_dups : t -> t
(** Operation on list of libraries and modules *)
module Lib_and_module : sig
type nonrec t =
| Lib of t
| Module of Module.t * Path.t (** obj_dir *)
val link_flags : t list -> mode:Mode.t -> stdlib_dir:Path.t -> _ Arg_spec.t
(** {1 Raw library descriptions} *)
(** Information about a library *)

src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
open Import
module CC = Compilation_context
module SC = Super_context
let of_libs = ~f:(fun l -> Lib.Lib_and_module.Lib l)
let rec cut_after_libs ~pkg_name before = function
| [] -> None
| a::l when ( a) pkg_name = Eq -> Some (List.rev (a::before),l)
| a::l -> cut_after_libs (a::before) ~pkg_name l
let findlib_dynload = Lib_name.of_string_exn ~loc:None "findlib.dynload"
let libraries_link ~name ~mode cctx libs =
let sctx = CC.super_context cctx in
let ctx = SC.context sctx in
let obj_dir = CC.obj_dir cctx in
let stdlib_dir = ctx.stdlib_dir in
match cut_after_libs [] ~pkg_name:findlib_dynload libs with
| Some (before, after) ->
(* If findlib.dynload is linked, we stores in the binary the packages linked by linking just
after findlib.dynload a module containing the info *)
let libs =
~f:(fun lib -> match Lib.status lib with | Lib.Status.Private _ -> false | _ -> true)
let preds = Variant.Set.add Findlib.Package.preds (Mode.variant mode) in
let s =
Format.asprintf "%a@\nFindlib.record_package_predicates %a;;@."
(Fmt.list (fun fmt lib ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Findlib.record_package Findlib.Record_core %a;;"
Lib_name.pp_quoted ( lib)))
(Fmt.ocaml_list Variant.pp) (Variant.Set.to_list preds)
let basename = Format.asprintf "%s_findlib_initl_%a" name Mode.pp mode in
let ml = Path.relative obj_dir (basename ^ ".ml") in
SC.add_rule sctx (Build.write_file ml s);
let impl = Module.File.make OCaml ml in
let name = Module.Name.of_string basename in
let module_ = Module.make ~impl name in
let cctx = Compilation_context.(
~scope:(scope cctx)
~dir:(dir cctx)
~dir_kind:(dir_kind cctx)
~obj_dir:(obj_dir cctx)
~modules:(Module.Name.Map.singleton name module_)
~requires:(Lib.DB.find_many (SC.public_libs sctx) [Lib_name.of_string_exn ~loc:None "findlib"])
Module_compilation.build_module ~dynlink:false
~dep_graphs:(Ocamldep.Dep_graphs.dummy module_)
let lm = (of_libs before)@[Lib.Lib_and_module.Module (module_,obj_dir)]@(of_libs after) in
Arg_spec.S [A "-linkall"; Lib.Lib_and_module.link_flags lm ~mode ~stdlib_dir]
| None ->
Lib.L.link_flags libs ~mode ~stdlib_dir

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(** {1 Handle link time code generation} *)
val libraries_link
: name:string
-> mode:Mode.t
-> Compilation_context.t
-> Lib.L.t
-> _ Arg_spec.t
(** Insert link time generated code for findlib_dynload in the list *)

View File

@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ let dparse =
; "native" , Native
let pp fmt = function
| Byte -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "byte"
| Native -> Format.pp_print_string fmt "native"
let choose byte native = function
| Byte -> byte
| Native -> native

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@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ val of_cm_kind : Cm_kind.t -> t
val variant : t -> Variant.t
val pp : t Fmt.t
module Dict : sig
type mode = t

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@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ module Name : sig
val opam_fn : t -> string
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
include Interned.S with type t := t
val dparse : t Dsexp.Of_sexp.t

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module type S = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t
val to_string : t -> string
val pp: t Fmt.t
val make : string -> t
val get : string -> t option
module Set : sig
@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ module No_interning(R : Settings)() = struct
let compare =
let make s = s
let to_string s = s
let pp fmt s = Format.fprintf fmt "%S" (to_string s)
let get s = Some s
module Set = struct

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module type S = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> Ordering.t
val to_string : t -> string
val pp : t Fmt.t
val make : string -> t

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@ -207,6 +207,14 @@
(progn (run %{exe:cram.exe} -test run.t) (diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))
(name findlib-dynload)
(deps (package dune) (source_tree test-cases/findlib-dynload))
(progn (run %{exe:cram.exe} -test run.t) (diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))
(name findlib-error)
(deps (package dune) (source_tree test-cases/findlib-error))
@ -848,6 +856,7 @@
(alias exec-missing)
(alias fallback-dune)
(alias findlib)
(alias findlib-dynload)
(alias findlib-error)
(alias fmt)
(alias force-test)

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@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ let exclusions =
; make "github764" ~skip_platforms:[Win]
; make "gen-opam-install-file" ~external_deps:true
; make "scope-ppx-bug" ~external_deps:true
; make "findlib-dynload" ~external_deps:true
(* The next test is disabled as it relies on configured opam
swtiches and it's hard to get that working properly *)
; make "envs-and-contexts" ~external_deps:true ~enabled:false

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
let () = print_endline "a: init"
let called () = print_endline "a: called"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
let t =
(fun () -> Thread.delay 0.0001 ) ()
let () = Mytool.Register.register "c_thread" (fun () -> Thread.join t)

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
(name a)
(public_name a)
(modules a)
(name mytool_plugin_b)
(public_name mytool-plugin-b)
(modules mytool_plugin_b)
(libraries a mytool)
(name mytool)
(public_name mytool)
(modules register)
(name main)
(modules main)
(public_name mytool)
(package mytool)
(libraries mytool findlib.dynload threads)
(rule (copy
(name main_with_a)
(modules main_with_a)
(public_name mytool_with_a)
(package mytool)
(libraries mytool findlib.dynload a threads)
(name main_auto)
(modules main_auto)
(public_name mytool_auto)
(package mytool)
(libraries mytool findlib.dynload findlib threads)
(name c_thread)
(public_name c_thread)
(modules c_thread)
(libraries threads mytool)

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
(lang dune 1.0)

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
let () = print_endline "m: init"
let () =
for i = 1 to (Array.length Sys.argv - 1); do
Fl_dynload.load_packages [Sys.argv.(i)]
| Fl_package_base.No_such_package(pkg, _) ->
Printf.printf "The package %S can't be found.\n%!" pkg
| Dynlink.Error error ->
Printf.printf "Error during dynlink: %s\n%!" (Dynlink.error_message error)

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
let () = print_endline "m: init"
let () = Findlib.init ()
let () =
let pkgs = Fl_package_base.list_packages () in
let pkgs =
(fun pkg -> 14 <= String.length pkg && String.sub pkg 0 14 = "mytool-plugin-")
Fl_dynload.load_packages pkgs

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
let () = print_endline "b: init"
let called () = print_endline "b: called"; A.called ()
let () = Mytool.Register.register "b" called

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
let register s f = print_endline (s^": registering"); f ()

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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
$ dune build
$ dune exec mytool
m: init
$ dune exec mytool inexistent
m: init
The package "inexistent" can't be found.
$ dune exec mytool a
m: init
a: init
$ dune exec mytool mytool-plugin-b
m: init
a: init
b: init
b: registering
b: called
a: called
$ dune exec mytool mytool-plugin-b a
m: init
a: init
b: init
b: registering
b: called
a: called
$ dune exec mytool_with_a
a: init
m: init
$ dune exec mytool_with_a mytool-plugin-b
a: init
m: init
b: init
b: registering
b: called
a: called
$ dune exec mytool_with_a a mytool-plugin-b
a: init
m: init
b: init
b: registering
b: called
a: called
$ dune exe mytool_auto
m: init
a: init
b: init
b: registering
b: called
a: called
$ dune exe mytool c_thread
m: init
c_thread: registering