Make sexp record parsing more composable

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-02-23 18:31:33 +00:00
parent ee7ab05d9e
commit 7d10b0e983
3 changed files with 276 additions and 282 deletions

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@ -303,11 +303,10 @@ module Js_of_ocaml = struct
let t =
record [ field "flags" (list string) ~default:[]
; field "javascript_files" (list string) ~default:[]
(fun flags javascript_files ->
{ flags; javascript_files })
(field "flags" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun flags ->
field "javascript_files" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun javascript_files ->
return { flags; javascript_files })
module Lib_dep = struct
@ -416,83 +415,77 @@ module Library = struct
let t =
~ignore:["inline_tests"; "skip_from_default"; "lint"]
[ field "name" library_name
; field_o "public_name" string
; field_o "synopsis" string
; field "install_c_headers" (list string) ~default:[]
; field "libraries" (list Lib_dep.t) ~default:[]
; field "ppx_runtime_libraries" (list string) ~default:[]
; field_modules
; field_oslu "c_flags"
; field_oslu "cxx_flags"
; field "c_names" (list string) ~default:[]
; field "cxx_names" (list string) ~default:[]
; field "library_flags" (list String_with_vars.t) ~default:[]
; field "c_libraries" (list string) ~default:[]
; field_oslu "c_library_flags"
; field_pp "preprocess"
; field "preprocessor_deps" (list Dep_conf.t) ~default:[]
; field "self_build_stubs_archive" (option string) ~default:None
; field_o "js_of_ocaml" Js_of_ocaml.t
; field "virtual_deps" (list string) ~default:[]
; field "modes" (list Mode.t) ~default:Mode.all
; field "includes" (list String_with_vars.t) ~default:[]
; field "kind" Kind.t ~default:Kind.Normal
; field "wrapped" bool ~default:true
; field_b "optional"
; field_osl "flags"
; field_osl "ocamlc_flags"
; field_osl "ocamlopt_flags"
; field "extra_disabled_warnings" (list int) ~default:[]
(fun name public_name synopsis install_c_headers libraries ppx_runtime_libraries
modules c_flags cxx_flags c_names cxx_names library_flags c_libraries
c_library_flags preprocess
preprocessor_deps self_build_stubs_archive js_of_ocaml virtual_deps modes
includes kind wrapped optional flags ocamlc_flags ocamlopt_flags
extra_disabled_warnings ->
{ name
; public_name
; synopsis
; install_c_headers
; libraries
; ppx_runtime_libraries
; modes
; kind
; modules
; c_names
; c_flags
; cxx_names
; cxx_flags
; includes
; library_flags
; c_library_flags =
(Sexp.To_sexp.(list string ( c_libraries ~f:((^) "-l")))))
; preprocess
; preprocessor_deps
; self_build_stubs_archive
; js_of_ocaml
; virtual_deps
; wrapped
; optional
; flags =
if Ordered_set_lang.is_standard flags && extra_disabled_warnings <> [] then
Ordered_set_lang.append flags
(List [ Atom "-w"
; Atom
(String.concat ~sep:""
( extra_disabled_warnings ~f:(sprintf "-%d")))
; ocamlc_flags
; ocamlopt_flags
(ignore_fields ["inline_tests"; "skip_from_default"; "lint"] >>= fun () ->
field "name" library_name >>= fun name ->
field_o "public_name" string >>= fun public_name ->
field_o "synopsis" string >>= fun synopsis ->
field "install_c_headers" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun install_c_headers ->
field "libraries" (list Lib_dep.t) ~default:[] >>= fun libraries ->
field "ppx_runtime_libraries" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun ppx_runtime_libraries ->
field_modules >>= fun modules ->
field_oslu "c_flags" >>= fun c_flags ->
field_oslu "cxx_flags" >>= fun cxx_flags ->
field "c_names" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun c_names ->
field "cxx_names" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun cxx_names ->
field "library_flags" (list String_with_vars.t) ~default:[] >>= fun library_flags ->
field "c_libraries" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun c_libraries ->
field_oslu "c_library_flags" >>= fun c_library_flags ->
field_pp "preprocess" >>= fun preprocess ->
field "preprocessor_deps" (list Dep_conf.t) ~default:[] >>= fun preprocessor_deps ->
field "self_build_stubs_archive" (option string) ~default:None >>= fun self_build_stubs_archive ->
field_o "js_of_ocaml" Js_of_ocaml.t >>= fun js_of_ocaml ->
field "virtual_deps" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun virtual_deps ->
field "modes" (list Mode.t) ~default:Mode.all >>= fun modes ->
field "includes" (list String_with_vars.t) ~default:[] >>= fun includes ->
field "kind" Kind.t ~default:Kind.Normal >>= fun kind ->
field "wrapped" bool ~default:true >>= fun wrapped ->
field_b "optional" >>= fun optional ->
field_osl "flags" >>= fun flags ->
field_osl "ocamlc_flags" >>= fun ocamlc_flags ->
field_osl "ocamlopt_flags" >>= fun ocamlopt_flags ->
field "extra_disabled_warnings" (list int) ~default:[] >>= fun extra_disabled_warnings ->
{ name
; public_name
; synopsis
; install_c_headers
; libraries
; ppx_runtime_libraries
; modes
; kind
; modules
; c_names
; c_flags
; cxx_names
; cxx_flags
; includes
; library_flags
; c_library_flags =
(Sexp.To_sexp.(list string ( c_libraries ~f:((^) "-l")))))
; preprocess
; preprocessor_deps
; self_build_stubs_archive
; js_of_ocaml
; virtual_deps
; wrapped
; optional
; flags =
if Ordered_set_lang.is_standard flags && extra_disabled_warnings <> [] then
Ordered_set_lang.append flags
(List [ Atom "-w"
; Atom
(String.concat ~sep:""
( extra_disabled_warnings ~f:(sprintf "-%d")))
; ocamlc_flags
; ocamlopt_flags
let has_stubs t =
match t.c_names, t.cxx_names, t.self_build_stubs_archive with
@ -523,21 +516,21 @@ module Executables = struct
let t =
~ignore:["js_of_ocaml"; "only_shared_object"; "review_help"; "skip_from_default"]
[ field "names" (list string)
; field_o "object_public_name" string
; field_o "synopsis" string
; field "link_executables" bool ~default:true
; field "libraries" (list Lib_dep.t) ~default:[]
; field "link_flags" (list string) ~default:[]
; field_modules
; field_pp "preprocess"
; field_osl "flags"
; field_osl "ocamlc_flags"
; field_osl "ocamlopt_flags"
(fun names object_public_name synopsis link_executables libraries link_flags modules
preprocess flags ocamlc_flags ocamlopt_flags ->
["js_of_ocaml"; "only_shared_object"; "review_help"; "skip_from_default"]
>>= fun () ->
field "names" (list string) >>= fun names ->
field_o "object_public_name" string >>= fun object_public_name ->
field_o "synopsis" string >>= fun synopsis ->
field "link_executables" bool ~default:true >>= fun link_executables ->
field "libraries" (list Lib_dep.t) >>= fun libraries ->
field "link_flags" (list string) ~default:[] >>= fun link_flags ->
field_modules >>= fun modules ->
field_pp "preprocess" >>= fun preprocess ->
field_osl "flags" >>= fun flags ->
field_osl "ocamlc_flags" >>= fun ocamlc_flags ->
field_osl "ocamlopt_flags" >>= fun ocamlopt_flags ->
{ names
; object_public_name
; synopsis
@ -560,13 +553,12 @@ module Rule = struct
let t =
record ~ignore:["sandbox"]
[ field "targets" (list file_in_current_dir)
; field "deps" (list Dep_conf.t)
; field "action" User_action.Unexpanded.t
(fun targets deps action ->
{ targets; deps; action })
(ignore_fields ["sandbox"] >>= fun () ->
field "targets" (list file_in_current_dir) >>= fun targets ->
field "deps" (list Dep_conf.t) >>= fun deps ->
field "action" User_action.Unexpanded.t >>= fun action ->
return { targets; deps; action })
module Ocamllex = struct
@ -627,11 +619,10 @@ module Install_conf = struct
let t =
[ field "section" Install.Section.t
; field "files" (list file)
; field_o "package" string
(fun section files package ->
(field "section" Install.Section.t >>= fun section ->
field "files" (list file) >>= fun files ->
field_o "package" string >>= fun package ->
{ section
; files
; package
@ -646,11 +637,12 @@ module Alias_conf = struct
let t =
record ~ignore:["sandbox"]
[ field "name" string
; field "deps" (list Dep_conf.t) ~default:[]
; field_o "action" User_action.Unexpanded.t ]
(fun name deps action ->
(ignore_fields ["sandbox"] >>= fun () ->
field "name" string >>= fun name ->
field "deps" (list Dep_conf.t) ~default:[] >>= fun deps ->
field_o "action" User_action.Unexpanded.t >>= fun action ->
{ name
; deps
; action

View File

@ -132,136 +132,124 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
| Error (key, _v1, _v2) ->
of_sexp_error (sprintf "key %S present multiple times" key) sexp
module Field_spec = struct
type 'a kind =
| Field : (sexp -> 'a) * 'a option -> 'a kind
| Field_o : (sexp -> 'a) -> 'a option kind
| Field_b : bool kind
type unparsed_field =
{ value : sexp option
; entry : sexp
type 'a t =
{ name : string
; kind : 'a kind
module Name_map = Map.Make(struct
type t = string
let compare a b =
let alen = String.length a and blen = String.length b in
if alen < blen then
else if alen > blen then
else a b
type record_parser_state =
{ record : sexp
; unparsed : unparsed_field Name_map.t
; known : string list
type 'a record_parser = record_parser_state -> 'a * record_parser_state
let return x state = (x, state)
let (>>=) m f state =
let x, state = m state in
f x state
let consume name state =
{ state with
unparsed = Name_map.remove name state.unparsed
; known = name :: state.known
let add_known name state =
{ state with known = name :: state.known }
let ignore_fields names state =
let unparsed =
List.fold_left names ~init:state.unparsed ~f:(fun acc name ->
Name_map.remove name acc)
{ state with
; known = List.rev_append names state.known
let field name ?default value_of_sexp state =
match Name_map.find name state.unparsed with
| Some { value = Some value } ->
(value_of_sexp value, consume name state)
| Some { value = None } ->
of_sexp_error (Printf.sprintf "field %s needs a value" name) state.record
| None ->
match default with
| Some v -> (v, add_known name state)
| None ->
of_sexp_error (Printf.sprintf "field %s missing" name) state.record
let field_o name value_of_sexp state =
match Name_map.find name state.unparsed with
| Some { value = Some value } ->
(Some (value_of_sexp value), consume name state)
| Some { value = None } ->
of_sexp_error (Printf.sprintf "field %s needs a value" name) state.record
| None -> (None, add_known name state)
let field_b name state =
match Name_map.find name state.unparsed with
| Some { value = Some value } ->
(bool value, consume name state)
| Some { value = None } ->
(true, consume name state)
| None ->
(false, add_known name state)
let make_record_parser_state sexp =
match sexp with
| Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "List expected" sexp
| List sexps ->
let unparsed =
List.fold_left sexps ~init:Name_map.empty ~f:(fun acc sexp ->
match sexp with
| List [Atom name] ->
Name_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:{ value = None; entry = sexp }
| List [name_sexp; value] -> begin
match name_sexp with
| Atom name ->
Name_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:{ value = Some value; entry = sexp }
| List _ ->
of_sexp_error "Atom expected" name_sexp
| _ ->
of_sexp_error "S-expression of the form (_ _) expected" sexp)
{ record = sexp
; known = []
; unparsed
let field name ?default of_sexp = { name; kind = Field (of_sexp, default) }
let field_o name of_sexp = { name; kind = Field_o of_sexp }
let field_b name = { name; kind = Field_b }
let field = Field_spec.field
let field_o = Field_spec.field_o
let field_b = Field_spec.field_b
module Fields_spec = struct
type ('a, 'b) t =
| [] : ('a, 'a) t
| ( :: ) : 'a Field_spec.t * ('b, 'c) t -> ('a -> 'b, 'c) t
let rec names : type a b. (a, b) t -> string list = function
| [] -> []
| { name; _ } :: t -> name :: names t
let compare_names a b =
let alen = String.length a and blen = String.length b in
if alen < blen then
else if alen > blen then
let record parse sexp =
let state = make_record_parser_state sexp in
let v, state = parse state in
if Name_map.is_empty state.unparsed then
else a b
let binary_search =
let rec loop entries name a b =
if a >= b then
let c = (a + b) lsr 1 in
let name', position = entries.(c) in
let d = compare_names name name' in
if d < 0 then
loop entries name a c
else if d > 0 then
loop entries name (c + 1) b
Some position
fun entries name -> loop entries name 0 (Array.length entries)
type field_value =
| Unset
| Value of sexp
| Without_value
let parse_field field_names field_values sexp =
match sexp with
| List [name_sexp; value_sexp] -> begin
match name_sexp with
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "Atom expected" name_sexp
| Atom name ->
match binary_search field_names name with
| Some (-1) -> () (* ignored field *)
| Some n -> field_values.(n) <- Value value_sexp
| None -> of_sexp_error (Printf.sprintf "Unknown field %s" name) name_sexp
| List [Atom name] -> begin
match binary_search field_names name with
| Some (-1) -> () (* ignored field *)
| Some n -> field_values.(n) <- Without_value
| None -> of_sexp_error (Printf.sprintf "Unknown field %s" name) sexp
| _ ->
of_sexp_error "S-expression of the form (_ _) expected" sexp
let rec parse_fields field_names field_values sexps =
match sexps with
| [] -> ()
| sexp :: sexps ->
parse_field field_names field_values sexp;
parse_fields field_names field_values sexps
let parse_field_value : type a. sexp -> a Field_spec.t -> field_value -> a =
fun full_sexp spec value ->
let open Field_spec in
let { name; kind } = spec in
match kind, value with
| Field (_, None), Unset ->
of_sexp_error (Printf.sprintf "field %s missing" name) full_sexp
| Field (_, Some default), Unset -> default
| Field (f, _), Value sexp -> f sexp
| Field_o _, Unset -> None
| Field_o f, Value sexp -> Some (f sexp)
| Field_b, Unset -> false
| Field_b, Without_value -> true
| Field_b, Value sexp -> bool sexp
| _, Without_value ->
of_sexp_error (Printf.sprintf "field %s needs a value" name) full_sexp
let rec parse_field_values
: type a b. sexp -> (a, b) Fields_spec.t -> a -> field_value array -> int -> b =
fun full_sexp spec k values n ->
let open Fields_spec in
match spec with
| [] -> k
| field_spec :: spec ->
let v = parse_field_value full_sexp field_spec values.(n) in
parse_field_values full_sexp spec (k v) values (n + 1)
let record ?(ignore=[]) spec =
let names =
Fields_spec.names spec
|> List.mapi ~f:(fun i name -> (name, i))
|> List.rev_append (List.rev_map ignore ~f:(fun n -> (n, -1)))
|> List.sort ~cmp:(fun (a, _) (b, _) -> compare_names a b)
|> Array.of_list
fun record_of_fields sexp ->
match sexp with
| Atom _ -> of_sexp_error "List expected" sexp
| List sexps ->
let field_values = Array.make (Array.length names) Unset in
parse_fields names field_values sexps;
parse_field_values sexp spec record_of_fields field_values 0
let name, { entry; _ } = Name_map.choose state.unparsed in
let name_sexp =
match entry with
| List (s :: _) -> s
| _ -> assert false
(Printf.sprintf "Unknown field %s%s" name
(hint name state.known)) name_sexp
module Constructor_args_spec = struct
type 'a conv = 'a t
@ -292,34 +280,54 @@ module Of_sexp = struct
let cstr name args make =
Constructor_spec.T { name; args; make }
let find_cstr names sexp s =
match binary_search names s with
| Some cstr -> cstr
| None -> of_sexp_error (sprintf "Unknown constructor %s" s) sexp
let equal_cstr_name a b =
let alen = String.length a and blen = String.length b in
if alen <> blen then
else if alen = 0 then
let is_cap s =
match s.[0] with
| 'A'..'Z' -> true
| _ -> false
match is_cap a, is_cap b with
| true, true | false, false ->
a = b
| true, false ->
a = String.capitalize_ascii b
| false, true ->
String.capitalize_ascii a = b
let sum cstrs =
let names =
List.concat_map cstrs ~f:(fun cstr ->
let name = cstr in
[ String.capitalize_ascii name, cstr
; String.uncapitalize_ascii name, cstr
|> List.sort ~cmp:(fun (a, _) (b, _) -> compare_names a b)
|> Array.of_list
fun sexp ->
match sexp with
| Atom s -> begin
let (Constructor_spec.T c) = find_cstr names sexp s in
Constructor_args_spec.convert c.args sexp [] c.make
| List [] -> of_sexp_error "non-empty list expected" sexp
| List (name_sexp :: args) ->
match name_sexp with
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "Atom expected" name_sexp
| Atom s ->
let (Constructor_spec.T c) = find_cstr names sexp s in
Constructor_args_spec.convert c.args sexp args c.make
let find_cstr cstrs sexp name =
List.find cstrs ~f:(fun (Constructor_spec.T cstr) ->
equal_cstr_name name)
| Some cstr -> cstr
| None ->
(sprintf "Unknown constructor %s%s" name
(String.uncapitalize_ascii name)
( cstrs ~f:(fun (Constructor_spec.T c) ->
) sexp
let sum cstrs sexp =
match sexp with
| Atom s -> begin
let (Constructor_spec.T c) = find_cstr cstrs sexp s in
Constructor_args_spec.convert c.args sexp [] c.make
| List [] -> of_sexp_error "non-empty list expected" sexp
| List (name_sexp :: args) ->
match name_sexp with
| List _ -> of_sexp_error "Atom expected" name_sexp
| Atom s ->
let (Constructor_spec.T c) = find_cstr cstrs sexp s in
Constructor_args_spec.convert c.args sexp args c.make
module Both = struct

View File

@ -39,24 +39,18 @@ module To_sexp : Combinators with type 'a t = 'a -> t
module Of_sexp : sig
include Combinators with type 'a t = t -> 'a
module Field_spec : sig
type 'a t
(* Record parsing monad *)
type 'a record_parser
val return : 'a -> 'a record_parser
val ( >>= ) : 'a record_parser -> ('a -> 'b record_parser) -> 'b record_parser
module Fields_spec : sig
type ('a, 'b) t =
| [] : ('a, 'a) t
| ( :: ) : 'a Field_spec.t * ('b, 'c) t -> ('a -> 'b, 'c) t
val field : string -> ?default:'a -> 'a t -> 'a record_parser
val field_o : string -> 'a t -> 'a option record_parser
val field_b : string -> bool record_parser
val field : string -> ?default:'a -> 'a t -> 'a Field_spec.t
val field_o : string -> 'a t -> 'a option Field_spec.t
val field_b : string -> bool Field_spec.t
val ignore_fields : string list -> unit record_parser
val record
: ?ignore:string list
-> ('record_of_fields, 'record) Fields_spec.t
-> 'record_of_fields -> 'record t
val record : 'a record_parser -> 'a t
module Constructor_spec : sig
type 'a t