Change path tests not to include line numbers in stack traces

Only include exception names
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-05-09 17:58:12 +07:00
parent f7f22cbf52
commit 7a1b3954d7
1 changed files with 6 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -112,11 +112,10 @@ Path.is_local (Path.absolute "relative/path")
- : bool = false
Path.insert_after_build_dir_exn Path.root "foobar"
try Ok (Path.insert_after_build_dir_exn Path.root "foobar")
with e -> Error e
Exception: Stdune__Exn.Code_error <abstr>.
Raised at file "src/stdune/", line 30, characters 37-131
Called from file "toplevel/", line 180, characters 17-56
- : (Stdune.Path.t, exn) Stdune.result = Error (Stdune__Exn.Code_error _)
Path.insert_after_build_dir_exn Path.build_dir "foobar"
@ -159,10 +158,8 @@ Path.append (Path.of_string "/root") (Path.relative Path.build_dir "foo")
- : Stdune.Path.t = /root/_build/foo
Path.rm_rf (Path.of_string "/does/not/exist/foo/bar/baz")
try Ok (Path.rm_rf (Path.of_string "/does/not/exist/foo/bar/baz"))
with e -> Error e
Exception: Stdune__Exn.Code_error <abstr>.
Raised at file "src/stdune/", line 30, characters 37-131
Called from file "src/stdune/", line 505, characters 4-127
Called from file "toplevel/", line 180, characters 17-56
- : (unit, exn) Stdune.result = Error (Stdune__Exn.Code_error _)