Merge pull request #864 from rgrinberg/doc-private

Refactor odoc generation and fix the private doc alias
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-06-07 20:10:25 +07:00 committed by GitHub
commit 79b8caf4d2
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 71 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ next
whether a multi valued variable is allowed is determined by the quoting and
substitution context it appears in. (#849, fix #701, @rgrinberg)
- Fix documentation generation for private libraries. (#864, fix #856,
1.0+beta20 (10/04/2018)

View File

@ -22,10 +22,20 @@ type target =
| Lib of Lib.t
| Pkg of Package.Name.t
type source = Module | Mld
type odoc =
{ odoc_input: Path.t
; html_dir: Path.t
; html_file: Path.t
; source: source
module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
open S
let context = SC.context sctx
let stanzas = SC.stanzas sctx
module Paths = struct
let root = context.Context.build_dir ++ "_doc"
@ -138,14 +148,6 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
type odoc =
{ odoc_input: Path.t
; html_dir: Path.t
; html_file: Path.t
; html_alias: Build_system.Alias.t
; typ: [`Module | `Mld]
let odoc_include_flags requires =
Arg_spec.of_result_map requires ~f:(fun libs ->
let paths =
@ -159,11 +161,12 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
Arg_spec.S (List.concat_map (Path.Set.to_list paths)
~f:(fun dir -> [Arg_spec.A "-I"; Path dir])))
let to_html (odoc_file : odoc) ~deps ~requires =
let setup_html (odoc_file : odoc) ~requires =
let deps = Dep.deps requires in
let to_remove, jbuilder_keep =
match odoc_file.typ with
| `Mld -> odoc_file.html_file, []
| `Module ->
match odoc_file.source with
| Mld -> odoc_file.html_file, []
| Module ->
let jbuilder_keep =
Build.create_file (odoc_file.html_dir ++ Config.jbuilder_keep_fname) in
odoc_file.html_dir, [jbuilder_keep]
@ -182,10 +185,7 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
; Dep odoc_file.odoc_input
; Hidden_targets [odoc_file.html_file]
:: jbuilder_keep
:: jbuilder_keep))
let css_file = Paths.html_root ++ "odoc.css"
@ -259,12 +259,6 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
SC.add_rule sctx @@ Build.write_file toplevel_index html
let html_alias pkg =
Build_system.Alias.doc ~dir:(
Path.append context.build_dir pkg.Package.path
let libs_of_pkg ~pkg =
match Package.Name.Map.find (SC.libs_by_package sctx) pkg with
| None -> Lib.Set.empty
@ -278,7 +272,6 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
let create_odoc ~target odoc_input =
let html_alias = Dep.html_alias target in
let html_base = Paths.html target in
match target with
| Lib _ ->
@ -291,8 +284,7 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
{ odoc_input
; html_dir
; html_file = html_dir ++ "index.html"
; typ = `Module
; html_alias
; source = Module
| Pkg _ ->
{ odoc_input
@ -303,52 +295,48 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
|> String.drop_prefix ~prefix:"page-"
|> Option.value_exn
; typ = `Mld
; html_alias
; source = Mld
let setup_pkg_html_rules =
let loaded = Package.Name.Table.create ~default_value:false in
let static_html = [ css_file; toplevel_index ]
let odocs =
let odoc_glob =
Re.compile (Re.seq [Re.(rep1 any) ; Re.str ".odoc" ; Re.eos]) in
fun ~pkg ~libs ->
if not (Package.Name.Table.get loaded pkg) then begin
Package.Name.Table.set loaded ~key:pkg ~data:true;
let odocs =
let odocs target =
fun target ->
let dir = Paths.odocs target in
SC.eval_glob sctx ~dir odoc_glob
|> ~f:(fun d -> create_odoc (Path.relative dir d) ~target)
let setup_lib_html_rules =
let loaded = ref Lib.Set.empty in
fun lib ~requires ->
if not (Lib.Set.mem !loaded lib) then begin
loaded := Lib.Set.add !loaded lib;
let odocs = odocs (Lib lib) in
List.iter odocs ~f:(setup_html ~requires);
let html_files = ~f:(fun o -> o.html_file) odocs in
SC.add_alias_deps sctx (Dep.html_alias (Lib lib))
(Path.Set.of_list (List.rev_append static_html html_files));
let setup_pkg_html_rules =
let loaded = Package.Name.Table.create ~default_value:false in
fun ~pkg ~libs ->
if not (Package.Name.Table.get loaded pkg) then begin
Package.Name.Table.set loaded ~key:pkg ~data:true;
let requires = Lib.closure libs in
List.iter libs ~f:(setup_lib_html_rules ~requires);
let pkg_odocs = odocs (Pkg pkg) in
List.iter pkg_odocs ~f:(setup_html ~requires);
let odocs =
List.concat (
odocs (Pkg pkg)
:: ( libs ~f:(fun lib -> odocs (Lib lib)))
) in
let html_files =
let closure =
match Lib.closure libs with
| Ok closure -> closure
| Error _ ->
(* CR diml for rgrinberg: this branch needs a comment, I
don't understand why we fallback to not taking the
transitive closure in case of error. *)
let deps = Dep.deps (Ok closure) in odocs ~f:(to_html ~deps ~requires:(Ok closure)) in
List.iter (
Dep.html_alias (Pkg pkg)
:: ~f:(fun lib -> Dep.html_alias (Lib lib)) libs
) ~f:(fun alias ->
SC.add_alias_deps sctx alias
(Path.Set.of_list [ css_file
; toplevel_index
List.combine odocs html_files
|> List.iter ~f:(fun (odoc, html) ->
SC.add_alias_deps sctx odoc.html_alias (Path.Set.singleton html)
let html_files = ~f:(fun o -> o.html_file) odocs in
SC.add_alias_deps sctx (Dep.html_alias (Pkg pkg))
(Path.Set.of_list (List.rev_append static_html html_files))
let gen_rules ~dir:_ rest =
@ -366,25 +354,31 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
| Ok lib -> SC.load_dir sctx ~dir:(Lib.src_dir lib)
| "_html" :: lib_unique_name_or_pkg :: _ ->
let setup_html_rules pkg =
setup_pkg_html_rules ~pkg ~libs:(
Lib.Set.to_list (load_all_odoc_rules_pkg ~pkg)
) in
(* TODO we can be a better with the error handling in the case where
lib_unique_name_or_pkg is neither a valid pkg or lnu *)
let lib, lib_db = SC.Scope_key.of_string sctx lib_unique_name_or_pkg in
let setup_pkg_html_rules pkg =
setup_pkg_html_rules ~pkg ~libs:(
Lib.Set.to_list (load_all_odoc_rules_pkg ~pkg)) in
begin match Lib.DB.find lib_db lib with
| Error _ -> ()
| Ok lib -> Option.iter (Lib.package lib) ~f:setup_html_rules
| Ok lib ->
begin match Lib.package lib with
| None -> setup_lib_html_rules lib ~requires:(Lib.closure [lib])
| Some pkg -> setup_pkg_html_rules pkg
(Package.Name.Map.find (SC.packages sctx)
(Package.Name.of_string lib_unique_name_or_pkg))
~f:(fun pkg -> setup_html_rules
~f:(fun pkg -> setup_pkg_html_rules
| _ -> ()
let setup_package_aliases (pkg : Package.t) =
let alias = html_alias pkg in
let alias =
Build_system.Alias.doc ~dir:(
Path.append context.build_dir pkg.Package.path
) in
SC.add_alias_deps sctx alias (
Dep.html_alias (Pkg
:: (libs_of_pkg
@ -468,7 +462,7 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
let init ~modules_by_lib ~mlds_of_dir =
let docs_by_package =
let map = lazy (
SC.stanzas sctx
|> List.concat_map ~f:(fun (w : SC.Dir_with_jbuild.t) ->
List.filter_map w.stanzas ~f:(function
| Documentation (d : Jbuild.Documentation.t) ->
@ -491,7 +485,7 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
| o -> o
end) in
let lib_to_library = lazy (
SC.stanzas sctx
|> List.concat_map ~f:(fun (w : SC.Dir_with_jbuild.t) ->
List.filter_map w.stanzas ~f:(function
| Jbuild.Library (l : Library.t) ->
@ -529,7 +523,7 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
(Build_system.Alias.private_doc ~dir:context.build_dir)
(SC.stanzas sctx
|> List.concat_map ~f:(fun (w : SC.Dir_with_jbuild.t) ->
List.filter_map w.stanzas ~f:(function
| Jbuild.Library (l : Jbuild.Library.t) ->
@ -544,7 +538,7 @@ module Gen (S : sig val sctx : SC.t end) = struct
| _ -> None
|> ~f:(fun (lib : Lib.t) ->
Build_system.Alias.stamp_file (Dep.alias (Lib lib)))
Build_system.Alias.stamp_file (Dep.html_alias (Lib lib)))
|> Path.Set.of_list

View File

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
This test checks that there is no clash when two private libraries have the same name
$ dune build --display short @doc-private
odoc _doc/_html/odoc.css
ocamldep a/
ocamlc a/.test.objs/test.{cmi,cmo,cmt}
odoc _doc/_odoc/lib/test@a/test.odoc
odoc _doc/_html/test@a/Test/.jbuilder-keep,_doc/_html/test@a/Test/index.html
ocamldep b/
ocamlc b/.test.objs/test.{cmi,cmo,cmt}
odoc _doc/_odoc/lib/test@b/test.odoc
odoc _doc/_html/test@b/Test/.jbuilder-keep,_doc/_html/test@b/Test/index.html