Merge pull request #1014 from diml/refactor-a-bit-gen_rules

Refactor a bit gen rules
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-07-13 15:18:45 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 66024e72d4
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 248 additions and 204 deletions

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@ -17,11 +17,6 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
let sctx = P.sctx
let ctx = SC.context sctx
let stanzas_per_dir = (SC.stanzas sctx) ~f:(fun stanzas ->
(stanzas.SC.Dir_with_jbuild.ctx_dir, stanzas))
|> Path.Map.of_list_exn
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Interpretation of [modules] fields |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
@ -173,176 +168,116 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| User rules & copy files |
| Directory contents |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let interpret_locks ~dir ~scope locks = locks ~f:(SC.expand_vars_path sctx ~dir ~scope)
module Dir_contents : sig
type t = private
{ (* Set of "text" files (.ml, .c, ...). This is
the set of source files + user generated ones. *)
text_files : String.Set.t
; modules : Module.t Module.Name.Map.t Lazy.t
; mlds : string String.Map.t Lazy.t
let user_rule (rule : Rule.t) ~dir ~scope =
let targets : SC.Action.targets =
match rule.targets with
| Infer -> Infer
| Static fns -> Static ( fns ~f:(Path.relative dir))
SC.add_rule_get_targets sctx ~mode:rule.mode ~loc:rule.loc
~locks:(interpret_locks ~dir ~scope rule.locks)
(SC.Deps.interpret_named sctx ~scope ~dir rule.deps
(snd rule.action)
~loc:(fst rule.action)
~bindings:(Pform.Map.of_bindings rule.deps)
val get : dir:Path.t -> t
end = struct
type t =
{ text_files : String.Set.t
; modules : Module.t Module.Name.Map.t Lazy.t
; mlds : string String.Map.t Lazy.t
let copy_files_rules (def: Copy_files.t) ~src_dir ~dir ~scope =
let loc = String_with_vars.loc def.glob in
let glob_in_src =
let src_glob = SC.expand_vars_string sctx ~dir def.glob ~scope in
Path.relative src_dir src_glob ~error_loc:loc
(* The following condition is required for merlin to work.
Additionally, the order in which the rules are evaluated only
ensures that [sources_and_targets_known_so_far] returns the
right answer for sub-directories only. *)
if not (Path.is_descendant glob_in_src ~of_:src_dir) then loc "%s is not a sub-directory of %s"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted glob_in_src) (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src_dir);
let glob = Path.basename glob_in_src in
let src_in_src = Path.parent_exn glob_in_src in
let re =
match Glob_lexer.parse_string glob with
| Ok re ->
Re.compile re
| Error (_pos, msg) -> (String_with_vars.loc def.glob) "invalid glob: %s" msg
(* add rules *)
let src_in_build = Path.append ctx.build_dir src_in_src in
let files = SC.eval_glob sctx ~dir:src_in_build re in files ~f:(fun basename ->
let file_src = Path.relative src_in_build basename in
let file_dst = Path.relative dir basename in
SC.add_rule sctx
((if def.add_line_directive
then Build.copy_and_add_line_directive
else Build.copy)
(* As a side-effect, setup user rules and copy_files rules. *)
let load_text_files ~dir =
match SC.stanzas_in sctx ~dir with
| None -> String.Set.empty
| Some { stanzas; src_dir; scope; _ } ->
(* Interpret a few stanzas in order to determine the list of
files generated by the user. *)
let generated_files =
List.concat_map stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
| Menhir.T menhir ->
Menhir_rules.targets menhir
| Rule rule -> (Simple_rules.user_rule sctx rule ~dir ~scope)
| Copy_files def -> (Simple_rules.copy_files sctx def ~src_dir ~dir ~scope)
| Library { buildable; _ } | Executables { buildable; _ } ->
(* Manually add files generated by the (select ...)
dependencies *)
List.filter_map buildable.libraries ~f:(fun dep ->
match (dep : Jbuild.Lib_dep.t) with
| Direct _ -> None
| Select s -> Some s.result_fn)
| _ -> [])
|> String.Set.of_list
String.Set.union generated_files
(SC.source_files sctx ~src_path:src_dir)
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| "text" file listing |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let extract_modules ~dir ~files =
let make_module syntax base fn =
(Module.Name.of_string base,
Module.File.make syntax (Path.relative dir fn))
let impl_files, intf_files =
String.Set.to_list files
|> List.filter_partition_map ~f:(fun fn ->
(* we aren't using Filename.extension because we want to handle
filenames such as *)
match String.lsplit2 fn ~on:'.' with
| Some (s, "ml" ) -> Left (make_module OCaml s fn)
| Some (s, "re" ) -> Left (make_module Reason s fn)
| Some (s, "mli") -> Right (make_module OCaml s fn)
| Some (s, "rei") -> Right (make_module Reason s fn)
| _ -> Skip)
let parse_one_set (files : (Module.Name.t * Module.File.t) list) =
match Module.Name.Map.of_list files with
| Ok x -> x
| Error (name, f1, f2) ->
let src_dir = Path.drop_build_context_exn dir in
die "Too many files for module %a in %a:\
\n- %a\
\n- %a"
Module.Name.pp name
Path.pp src_dir
Path.pp f1.path
Path.pp f2.path
let impls = parse_one_set impl_files in
let intfs = parse_one_set intf_files in
Module.Name.Map.merge impls intfs ~f:(fun name impl intf ->
Some (Module.make name ?impl ?intf))
(* Compute the list of "text" files (.ml, .c, ...). This is the list
of source files + user generated ones. As a side-effect, setup
user rules and copy_files rules. *)
let text_files =
let cache = Hashtbl.create 32 in
fun ~dir ->
Hashtbl.find_or_add cache dir ~f:(fun dir ->
match Path.Map.find stanzas_per_dir dir with
| None -> String.Set.empty
| Some { stanzas; src_dir; scope; _ } ->
(* Interpret a few stanzas in order to determine the list of
files generated by the user. *)
let generated_files =
List.concat_map stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
| Menhir.T menhir ->
Menhir_rules.targets menhir
| Rule rule -> (user_rule rule ~dir ~scope) ~f:Path.basename
| Copy_files def -> (copy_files_rules def ~src_dir ~dir ~scope)
| Library { buildable; _ } | Executables { buildable; _ } ->
(* Manually add files generated by the (select ...)
dependencies *)
List.filter_map buildable.libraries ~f:(fun dep ->
match (dep : Jbuild.Lib_dep.t) with
| Direct _ -> None
| Select s -> Some s.result_fn)
| _ -> [])
|> String.Set.of_list
String.Set.union generated_files
(SC.source_files sctx ~src_path:src_dir))
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Modules listing |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let guess_modules ~dir ~files =
let make_module syntax base fn =
(Module.Name.of_string base,
Module.File.make syntax (Path.relative dir fn))
let impl_files, intf_files =
String.Set.to_list files
|> List.filter_partition_map ~f:(fun fn ->
(* we aren't using Filename.extension because we want to handle
filenames such as *)
let extract_mlds ~files =
String.Set.fold files ~init:String.Map.empty ~f:(fun fn acc ->
match String.lsplit2 fn ~on:'.' with
| Some (s, "ml" ) -> Left (make_module OCaml s fn)
| Some (s, "re" ) -> Left (make_module Reason s fn)
| Some (s, "mli") -> Right (make_module OCaml s fn)
| Some (s, "rei") -> Right (make_module Reason s fn)
| _ -> Skip)
let parse_one_set (files : (Module.Name.t * Module.File.t) list) =
match Module.Name.Map.of_list files with
| Ok x -> x
| Error (name, f1, f2) ->
let src_dir = Path.drop_build_context_exn dir in
die "Too many files for module %a in %a:\
\n- %a\
\n- %a"
Module.Name.pp name
Path.pp src_dir
Path.pp f1.path
Path.pp f2.path
let impls = parse_one_set impl_files in
let intfs = parse_one_set intf_files in
Module.Name.Map.merge impls intfs ~f:(fun name impl intf ->
Some (Module.make name ?impl ?intf))
| Some (s, "mld") -> String.Map.add acc s fn
| _ -> acc)
let guess_mlds ~files =
String.Set.to_list files
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun fn ->
match String.lsplit2 fn ~on:'.' with
| Some (s, "mld") -> Some (s, fn)
| _ -> None)
|> String.Map.of_list_exn
let mlds_by_dir =
let cache = Hashtbl.create 32 in
fun ~dir ->
Hashtbl.find_or_add cache dir ~f:(fun dir ->
let files = text_files ~dir in
guess_mlds ~files)
let get =
let cache = Hashtbl.create 32 in
fun ~dir ->
Hashtbl.find_or_add cache dir ~f:(fun dir ->
let files = load_text_files ~dir in
{ text_files = files
; modules = lazy (extract_modules ~dir ~files)
; mlds = lazy (extract_mlds ~files)
let mlds_of_dir (doc : Documentation.t) ~dir =
parse_mlds ~dir
~all_mlds:(mlds_by_dir ~dir)
~all_mlds:(Lazy.force (Dir_contents.get ~dir).mlds)
|> String.Map.values
|> ~f:(Path.relative dir)
let modules_by_dir =
let cache = Hashtbl.create 32 in
fun ~dir ->
Hashtbl.find_or_add cache dir ~f:(fun dir ->
let files = text_files ~dir in
guess_modules ~dir ~files)
type modules_by_lib =
{ modules : Module.t Module.Name.Map.t
; alias_module : Module.t option
@ -353,7 +288,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
let cache = Hashtbl.create 32 in
fun (lib : Library.t) ~dir ->
Hashtbl.find_or_add cache (dir, ~f:(fun _ ->
let all_modules = modules_by_dir ~dir in
let all_modules = Lazy.force (Dir_contents.get ~dir).modules in
let modules =
parse_modules ~all_modules ~buildable:lib.buildable
@ -921,44 +856,9 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
~modules_partitioner ~scope ~compile_info ~dir_kind)
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Aliases |
| Tests |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let add_alias ~dir ~name ~stamp ?(locks=[]) build =
let alias = Build_system.Alias.make name ~dir in
SC.add_alias_action sctx alias ~locks ~stamp build
let alias_rules (alias_conf : Alias_conf.t) ~dir ~scope =
let stamp =
let module S = Sexp.To_sexp in
[ Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "user-alias"
; Jbuild.Bindings.sexp_of_t Jbuild.Dep_conf.sexp_of_t alias_conf.deps
; S.option Action.Unexpanded.sexp_of_t
( alias_conf.action ~f:snd)
~locks:(interpret_locks ~dir ~scope alias_conf.locks)
(SC.Deps.interpret_named sctx ~scope ~dir alias_conf.deps
match alias_conf.action with
| None -> Build.progn []
| Some (loc, action) ->
~bindings:(Pform.Map.of_bindings alias_conf.deps)
let tests_rules (t : Tests.t) ~dir ~scope ~all_modules ~modules_partitioner
~dir_kind ~src_dir =
let test_kind (loc, name) =
@ -1011,12 +911,13 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
} in
match test_kind (loc, s) with
| `Regular ->
alias_rules ~dir ~scope (regular_rule run_action base_alias loc)
Simple_rules.alias sctx ~dir ~scope
(regular_rule run_action base_alias loc)
| `Expect diff ->
let (alias, rule) =
expect_rule run_action diff base_alias loc in
alias_rules ~dir ~scope alias;
ignore (user_rule ~dir ~scope rule : Path.t list));
Simple_rules.alias sctx alias ~dir ~scope;
ignore (Simple_rules.user_rule sctx rule ~dir ~scope : Path.t list));
executables_rules t.exes ~dir ~all_modules ~scope ~dir_kind
@ -1026,8 +927,12 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
let gen_rules { SC.Dir_with_jbuild. src_dir; ctx_dir; stanzas; scope; kind } =
(* This interprets "rule" and "copy_files" stanzas. *)
let files = text_files ~dir:ctx_dir in
let all_modules = modules_by_dir ~dir:ctx_dir in
let { Dir_contents.
text_files = files
; modules = lazy all_modules
; mlds = _
} = Dir_contents.get ~dir:ctx_dir
let modules_partitioner = Modules_partitioner.create ~dir_kind:kind in
let merlins =
List.filter_map stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
@ -1040,7 +945,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
Some (executables_rules exes ~dir ~all_modules ~scope
~modules_partitioner ~dir_kind:kind)
| Alias alias ->
alias_rules alias ~dir ~scope;
Simple_rules.alias sctx alias ~dir ~scope;
| Tests tests ->
Some (tests_rules tests ~dir ~scope ~all_modules ~src_dir
@ -1096,7 +1001,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
| "_doc" :: rest -> Odoc.gen_rules rest ~dir
| ".ppx" :: rest -> Preprocessing.gen_rules sctx rest
| _ ->
match Path.Map.find stanzas_per_dir dir with
match SC.stanzas_in sctx ~dir with
| Some x -> gen_rules x
| None ->
if components <> [] &&

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
open Import
open Jbuild
open Build.O
open! No_io
module SC = Super_context
let interpret_locks sctx ~dir ~scope locks = locks ~f:(SC.expand_vars_path sctx ~dir ~scope)
let user_rule sctx ~dir ~scope (rule : Rule.t) =
let targets : SC.Action.targets =
match rule.targets with
| Infer -> Infer
| Static fns -> Static ( fns ~f:(Path.relative dir))
SC.add_rule_get_targets sctx ~mode:rule.mode ~loc:rule.loc
~locks:(interpret_locks sctx ~dir ~scope rule.locks)
(SC.Deps.interpret_named sctx ~scope ~dir rule.deps
(snd rule.action)
~loc:(fst rule.action)
~bindings:(Pform.Map.of_bindings rule.deps)
let copy_files sctx ~dir ~scope ~src_dir (def: Copy_files.t) =
let loc = String_with_vars.loc def.glob in
let glob_in_src =
let src_glob = SC.expand_vars_string sctx ~dir def.glob ~scope in
Path.relative src_dir src_glob ~error_loc:loc
(* The following condition is required for merlin to work.
Additionally, the order in which the rules are evaluated only
ensures that [sources_and_targets_known_so_far] returns the
right answer for sub-directories only. *)
if not (Path.is_descendant glob_in_src ~of_:src_dir) then loc "%s is not a sub-directory of %s"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted glob_in_src) (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src_dir);
let glob = Path.basename glob_in_src in
let src_in_src = Path.parent_exn glob_in_src in
let re =
match Glob_lexer.parse_string glob with
| Ok re ->
Re.compile re
| Error (_pos, msg) -> (String_with_vars.loc def.glob) "invalid glob: %s" msg
(* add rules *)
let src_in_build = Path.append (SC.context sctx).build_dir src_in_src in
let files = SC.eval_glob sctx ~dir:src_in_build re in files ~f:(fun basename ->
let file_src = Path.relative src_in_build basename in
let file_dst = Path.relative dir basename in
SC.add_rule sctx
((if def.add_line_directive
then Build.copy_and_add_line_directive
else Build.copy)
let add_alias sctx ~dir ~name ~stamp ?(locks=[]) build =
let alias = Build_system.Alias.make name ~dir in
SC.add_alias_action sctx alias ~locks ~stamp build
let alias sctx ~dir ~scope (alias_conf : Alias_conf.t) =
let stamp =
let module S = Sexp.To_sexp in
[ Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "user-alias"
; Jbuild.Bindings.sexp_of_t Jbuild.Dep_conf.sexp_of_t alias_conf.deps
; S.option Action.Unexpanded.sexp_of_t
( alias_conf.action ~f:snd)
add_alias sctx
~locks:(interpret_locks sctx ~dir ~scope alias_conf.locks)
(SC.Deps.interpret_named sctx ~scope ~dir alias_conf.deps
match alias_conf.action with
| None -> Build.progn []
| Some (loc, action) ->
~bindings:(Pform.Map.of_bindings alias_conf.deps)

src/simple_rules.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
(** Simple rules: user, copy_files, alias *)
open Import
open Jbuild
(** Interpret a [(rule ...)] stanza and return the targets it produces. *)
val user_rule
: Super_context.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> Rule.t
-> Path.t list
(** Interpret a [(copy_files ...)] stanza and return the targets it produces. *)
val copy_files
: Super_context.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> src_dir:Path.t
-> Copy_files.t
-> Path.t list
(** Interpret an [(alias ...)] stanza. *)
val alias
: Super_context.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> Alias_conf.t
-> unit

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ type t =
; public_libs : Lib.DB.t
; installed_libs : Lib.DB.t
; stanzas : Dir_with_jbuild.t list
; stanzas_per_dir : Dir_with_jbuild.t Path.Map.t
; packages : Package.t Package.Name.Map.t
; file_tree : File_tree.t
; artifacts : Artifacts.t
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ type t =
let context t = t.context
let stanzas t = t.stanzas
let stanzas_in t ~dir = Path.Map.find t.stanzas_per_dir dir
let packages t = t.packages
let libs_by_package t = t.libs_by_package
let artifacts t = t.artifacts
@ -248,6 +250,11 @@ let create
; kind
let stanzas_per_dir = stanzas ~f:(fun stanzas ->
(stanzas.Dir_with_jbuild.ctx_dir, stanzas))
|> Path.Map.of_list_exn
let stanzas_to_consider_for_install =
if not external_lib_deps_mode then
List.concat_map stanzas ~f:(fun { ctx_dir; stanzas; scope; kind; _ } ->
@ -305,6 +312,7 @@ let create
; public_libs
; installed_libs
; stanzas
; stanzas_per_dir
; packages
; file_tree
; stanzas_to_consider_for_install

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ val create
val context : t -> Context.t
val stanzas : t -> Dir_with_jbuild.t list
val stanzas_in : t -> dir:Path.t -> Dir_with_jbuild.t option
val packages : t -> Package.t Package.Name.Map.t
val libs_by_package : t -> (Package.t * Lib.Set.t) Package.Name.Map.t
val file_tree : t -> File_tree.t