Rewrite lexing of installed dune files

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-07-03 09:22:57 +01:00
parent 04ee6b0b2d
commit 6589464f21
1 changed files with 33 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -38,52 +38,50 @@ let of_sexp =
let open Sexp.Of_sexp in
let version =
plain_string (fun ~loc -> function
| "1" | "2" -> ()
| "1" -> (0, 0)
| "2" -> (1, 0)
| v ->
of_sexp_errorf loc
"Unsupported version %S, only version 1 is supported" v)
[ "dune",
(version >>= fun () ->
get_all >>= fun parsing_context ->
list raw >>|
parse_sub_systems ~parsing_context)
(version >>= fun version ->
set (Syntax.key Stanza.syntax) version
(get_all >>= fun parsing_context ->
list raw >>|
parse_sub_systems ~parsing_context))
let load fname =
Io.with_lexbuf_from_file fname ~f:(fun lexbuf ->
let (tokens, version_loc, version) =
let rec loop = function
| [_; _; _] as a -> List.rev a
| acc ->
begin match (Sexp.Lexer.token lexbuf : Sexp.Lexer.Token.t) with
| Eof -> List.rev acc
| t -> loop (t :: acc)
let loc = Sexp.Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf in
match loop [] with
| [Lparen; Atom (A "dune"); Atom s] as tokens ->
(tokens, loc, Sexp.Atom.to_string s)
| _ -> loc "Unable to read (dune x.y ..) line file"
(* Installed dune files are versioned but they don't use the
[(lang ...)] line which was introduced after. Installed dune
files in version 1 are using the jbuild syntax and version 2
are using the dune syntax, so we start by lexing the first
tokens with the dune lexer until we reach the file version, at
which point we can decide what lexer to use for the reset of
the file. *)
let state = ref 0 in
let lexer = ref Sexp.Lexer.token in
let lexer lb =
let token : Sexp.Lexer.Token.t = !lexer lb in
(match !state, token with
| 0, Lparen -> state := 1
| 1, Atom (A "dune") -> state := 2
| 2, Atom (A "1") -> state := 3; lexer := Sexp.Lexer.jbuild_token
| 2, Atom (A "2") -> state := 3; lexer := Sexp.Lexer.token
| 2, Atom (A version) -> (Sexp.Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf) "Unsupported version %S" version
| 3, _ -> ()
| _ -> (Sexp.Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf)
"This <lib>.dune file looks invalid, it should \
contain a S-expression of the form (dune x.y ..)"
let (lexer, syntax) =
match version with
| "1" -> (Sexp.Lexer.jbuild_token, (0, 0))
| "2" -> (Sexp.Lexer.token, (1, 0))
| _ -> version_loc "unknown version %S" version
(* push back the tokens that we already read *)
let lexer =
let pending_tokens = ref tokens in
fun lb ->
match !pending_tokens with
| [] -> lexer lb
| x :: xs -> pending_tokens := xs; x
Sexp.Of_sexp.parse of_sexp
(Univ_map.singleton (Syntax.key Stanza.syntax) syntax)
Sexp.Of_sexp.parse of_sexp Univ_map.empty
(Sexp.Parser.parse ~lexer ~mode:Single lexbuf))
let gen ~(dune_version : Syntax.Version.t) confs =