Move Super_context.Var into own module

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-07-08 15:54:26 +07:00
parent 1b918ecc74
commit 647f68dfe9
3 changed files with 235 additions and 237 deletions

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@ -33,243 +33,6 @@ module Env_node = struct
module Var : sig
module Kind : sig
type t =
| Values of Value.t list
| Project_root
| First_dep
| Deps
| Targets
val to_value_no_deps_or_targets : t -> scope:Scope.t -> Value.t list option
module Form : sig
type t =
| Exe
| Dep
| Bin
| Lib
| Libexec
| Lib_available
| Version
| Read
| Read_strings
| Read_lines
| Path_no_dep
type 'a t =
| No_info of 'a
| Since of 'a * Syntax.Version.t
| Deleted_in of 'a * Syntax.Version.t
| Renamed_in of Syntax.Version.t * string
module Map : sig
type 'a var
type 'a t
val create_vars : context:Context.t -> cxx_flags:string list -> Kind.t t
val forms : Form.t t
val static_vars : Kind.t t
val expand
: 'a t
-> syntax_version:Syntax.Version.t
-> var:String_with_vars.Var.t
-> 'a option
end with type 'a var := 'a t
end = struct
module Kind = struct
type t =
| Values of Value.t list
| Project_root
| First_dep
| Deps
| Targets
let to_value_no_deps_or_targets t ~scope =
match t with
| Values v -> Some v
| Project_root -> Some [Value.Dir (Scope.root scope)]
| First_dep
| Deps
| Targets -> None
module Form = struct
type t =
| Exe
| Dep
| Bin
| Lib
| Libexec
| Lib_available
| Version
| Read
| Read_strings
| Read_lines
| Path_no_dep
type 'a t =
| No_info of 'a
| Since of 'a * Syntax.Version.t
| Deleted_in of 'a * Syntax.Version.t
| Renamed_in of Syntax.Version.t * string
module Map = struct
type nonrec 'a t = 'a t String.Map.t
let values v = No_info (Kind.Values v)
let renamed_in ~new_name ~version = Renamed_in (version, new_name)
let deleted_in ~version kind = Deleted_in (kind, version)
let since ~version v = Since (v, version)
let static_vars =
[ "first-dep", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.First_dep
; "targets", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.Targets
; "deps", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.Deps
; "project_root", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.Project_root
; "<", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"first-dep"
; "@", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"targets"
; "^", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"deps"
; "SCOPE_ROOT", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"project_root"
let forms =
let form kind = No_info kind in
let open Form in
[ "exe", form Exe
; "bin", form Bin
; "lib", form Lib
; "libexec", form Libexec
; "lib-available", form Lib_available
; "version", form Version
; "read", form Read
; "read-lines", form Read_lines
; "read-strings", form Read_strings
; "dep", since ~version:(1, 0) Dep
; "path", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"dep"
; "findlib", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"lib"
; "path-no-dep", deleted_in ~version:(1, 0) Path_no_dep
|> String.Map.of_list_exn
let create_vars ~(context : Context.t) ~cxx_flags =
let ocamlopt =
match context.ocamlopt with
| None -> Path.relative context.ocaml_bin "ocamlopt"
| Some p -> p
let string s = values [Value.String s] in
let path p = values [Value.Path p] in
let make =
match Bin.make with
| None -> string "make"
| Some p -> path p
let cflags = context.ocamlc_cflags in
let strings s = values (Value.L.strings s) in
let lowercased =
[ "cpp" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags @ ["-E"])
; "cc" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags)
; "cxx" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cxx_flags)
; "ocaml" , path context.ocaml
; "ocamlc" , path context.ocamlc
; "ocamlopt" , path ocamlopt
; "arch_sixtyfour" , string (string_of_bool context.arch_sixtyfour)
; "make" , make
; "root" , values [Value.Dir context.build_dir]
] in
let uppercased = lowercased ~f:(fun (k, _) ->
(String.uppercase k, renamed_in ~new_name:k ~version:(1, 0))) in
let vars =
[ "-verbose" , values []
; "pa_cpp" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags
@ ["-undef"; "-traditional";
"-x"; "c"; "-E"])
; "ocaml_bin" , path context.ocaml_bin
; "ocaml_version" , string context.version_string
; "ocaml_where" , string (Path.to_string context.stdlib_dir)
; "null" , string (Path.to_string Config.dev_null)
; "ext_obj" , string context.ext_obj
; "ext_asm" , string context.ext_asm
; "ext_lib" , string context.ext_lib
; "ext_dll" , string context.ext_dll
; "ext_exe" , string context.ext_exe
; "profile" , string context.profile
let ocaml_config = (Ocaml_config.to_list context.ocaml_config) ~f:(fun (k, v) ->
("ocaml-config:" ^ k,
match (v : Ocaml_config.Value.t) with
| Bool x -> string (string_of_bool x)
| Int x -> string (string_of_int x)
| String x -> string x
| Words x -> strings x
| Prog_and_args x -> strings (x.prog :: x.args)))
[ ocaml_config
; static_vars
; lowercased
; uppercased
; vars
|> List.concat
|> String.Map.of_list_exn
let static_vars = String.Map.of_list_exn static_vars
let rec expand t ~syntax_version ~var =
let name = var in
Option.bind (String.Map.find t name) ~f:(fun v ->
let what var =
sprintf "Variable %s" (String_with_vars.Var.to_string var) in
match v with
| No_info v -> Some v
| Since (v, min_version) ->
if syntax_version >= min_version then
Some v
Syntax.Error.since (String_with_vars.Var.loc var)
Stanza.syntax syntax_version
~what:(what var)
| Renamed_in (in_version, new_name) -> begin
if syntax_version >= in_version then
let var =
if String_with_vars.Var.is_form var then
String_with_vars.Var.with_payload var ~payload:(Some "..")
Syntax.Error.renamed_in (String_with_vars.Var.loc var)
Stanza.syntax syntax_version
~what:(what var)
~to_:(let open String_with_vars.Var in
to_string (with_name var ~name:new_name))
expand t ~syntax_version:in_version
~var:(String_with_vars.Var.with_name var ~name:new_name)
| Deleted_in (v, in_version) ->
if syntax_version < in_version then
Some v
Syntax.Error.deleted_in (String_with_vars.Var.loc var)
Stanza.syntax syntax_version ~what:(what var))
type t =
{ context : Context.t
; build_system : Build_system.t

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
open Import
module Kind = struct
type t =
| Values of Value.t list
| Project_root
| First_dep
| Deps
| Targets
let to_value_no_deps_or_targets t ~scope =
match t with
| Values v -> Some v
| Project_root -> Some [Value.Dir (Scope.root scope)]
| First_dep
| Deps
| Targets -> None
module Form = struct
type t =
| Exe
| Dep
| Bin
| Lib
| Libexec
| Lib_available
| Version
| Read
| Read_strings
| Read_lines
| Path_no_dep
type 'a t =
| No_info of 'a
| Since of 'a * Syntax.Version.t
| Deleted_in of 'a * Syntax.Version.t
| Renamed_in of Syntax.Version.t * string
module Map = struct
type nonrec 'a t = 'a t String.Map.t
let values v = No_info (Kind.Values v)
let renamed_in ~new_name ~version = Renamed_in (version, new_name)
let deleted_in ~version kind = Deleted_in (kind, version)
let since ~version v = Since (v, version)
let static_vars =
[ "first-dep", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.First_dep
; "targets", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.Targets
; "deps", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.Deps
; "project_root", since ~version:(1, 0) Kind.Project_root
; "<", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"first-dep"
; "@", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"targets"
; "^", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"deps"
; "SCOPE_ROOT", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"project_root"
let forms =
let form kind = No_info kind in
let open Form in
[ "exe", form Exe
; "bin", form Bin
; "lib", form Lib
; "libexec", form Libexec
; "lib-available", form Lib_available
; "version", form Version
; "read", form Read
; "read-lines", form Read_lines
; "read-strings", form Read_strings
; "dep", since ~version:(1, 0) Dep
; "path", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"dep"
; "findlib", renamed_in ~version:(1, 0) ~new_name:"lib"
; "path-no-dep", deleted_in ~version:(1, 0) Path_no_dep
|> String.Map.of_list_exn
let create_vars ~(context : Context.t) ~cxx_flags =
let ocamlopt =
match context.ocamlopt with
| None -> Path.relative context.ocaml_bin "ocamlopt"
| Some p -> p
let string s = values [Value.String s] in
let path p = values [Value.Path p] in
let make =
match Bin.make with
| None -> string "make"
| Some p -> path p
let cflags = context.ocamlc_cflags in
let strings s = values (Value.L.strings s) in
let lowercased =
[ "cpp" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags @ ["-E"])
; "cc" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags)
; "cxx" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cxx_flags)
; "ocaml" , path context.ocaml
; "ocamlc" , path context.ocamlc
; "ocamlopt" , path ocamlopt
; "arch_sixtyfour" , string (string_of_bool context.arch_sixtyfour)
; "make" , make
; "root" , values [Value.Dir context.build_dir]
] in
let uppercased = lowercased ~f:(fun (k, _) ->
(String.uppercase k, renamed_in ~new_name:k ~version:(1, 0))) in
let vars =
[ "-verbose" , values []
; "pa_cpp" , strings (context.c_compiler :: cflags
@ ["-undef"; "-traditional";
"-x"; "c"; "-E"])
; "ocaml_bin" , path context.ocaml_bin
; "ocaml_version" , string context.version_string
; "ocaml_where" , string (Path.to_string context.stdlib_dir)
; "null" , string (Path.to_string Config.dev_null)
; "ext_obj" , string context.ext_obj
; "ext_asm" , string context.ext_asm
; "ext_lib" , string context.ext_lib
; "ext_dll" , string context.ext_dll
; "ext_exe" , string context.ext_exe
; "profile" , string context.profile
let ocaml_config = (Ocaml_config.to_list context.ocaml_config) ~f:(fun (k, v) ->
("ocaml-config:" ^ k,
match (v : Ocaml_config.Value.t) with
| Bool x -> string (string_of_bool x)
| Int x -> string (string_of_int x)
| String x -> string x
| Words x -> strings x
| Prog_and_args x -> strings (x.prog :: x.args)))
[ ocaml_config
; static_vars
; lowercased
; uppercased
; vars
|> List.concat
|> String.Map.of_list_exn
let static_vars = String.Map.of_list_exn static_vars
let rec expand t ~syntax_version ~var =
let name = var in
Option.bind (String.Map.find t name) ~f:(fun v ->
let what var =
sprintf "Variable %s" (String_with_vars.Var.to_string var) in
match v with
| No_info v -> Some v
| Since (v, min_version) ->
if syntax_version >= min_version then
Some v
Syntax.Error.since (String_with_vars.Var.loc var)
Stanza.syntax syntax_version
~what:(what var)
| Renamed_in (in_version, new_name) -> begin
if syntax_version >= in_version then
let var =
if String_with_vars.Var.is_form var then
String_with_vars.Var.with_payload var ~payload:(Some "..")
Syntax.Error.renamed_in (String_with_vars.Var.loc var)
Stanza.syntax syntax_version
~what:(what var)
~to_:(let open String_with_vars.Var in
to_string (with_name var ~name:new_name))
expand t ~syntax_version:in_version
~var:(String_with_vars.Var.with_name var ~name:new_name)
| Deleted_in (v, in_version) ->
if syntax_version < in_version then
Some v
Syntax.Error.deleted_in (String_with_vars.Var.loc var)
Stanza.syntax syntax_version ~what:(what var))

src/var.mli Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
module Kind : sig
type t =
| Values of Value.t list
| Project_root
| First_dep
| Deps
| Targets
val to_value_no_deps_or_targets : t -> scope:Scope.t -> Value.t list option
module Form : sig
type t =
| Exe
| Dep
| Bin
| Lib
| Libexec
| Lib_available
| Version
| Read
| Read_strings
| Read_lines
| Path_no_dep
type 'a t =
| No_info of 'a
| Since of 'a * Syntax.Version.t
| Deleted_in of 'a * Syntax.Version.t
| Renamed_in of Syntax.Version.t * string
module Map : sig
type 'a var
type 'a t
val create_vars : context:Context.t -> cxx_flags:string list -> Kind.t t
val forms : Form.t t
val static_vars : Kind.t t
val expand
: 'a t
-> syntax_version:Syntax.Version.t
-> var:String_with_vars.Var.t
-> 'a option
end with type 'a var := 'a t