Change std_output_to and opened_file to use Path.t

This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-04-25 16:33:25 +07:00
parent b02c61f63c
commit 63af8747a7
3 changed files with 17 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -612,7 +612,10 @@ open Fiber.O
let get_std_output : _ -> Process.std_output_to = function
| None -> Terminal
| Some (fn, oc) -> Opened_file { filename = fn; tail = false; desc = Channel oc }
| Some (fn, oc) ->
Opened_file { filename = (Path.of_string fn)
; tail = false
; desc = Channel oc }
module Promotion = struct
module File = struct
@ -766,7 +769,7 @@ let rec exec t ~ectx ~dir ~env ~stdout_to ~stderr_to =
Io.write_file fn s;
Fiber.return ()
| Redirect (outputs, fn, Run (Ok prog, args)) ->
let out = Process.File (Path.to_string fn) in
let out = Process.File fn in
let stdout_to, stderr_to =
match outputs with
| Stdout -> (out, get_std_output stderr_to)

View File

@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ let map_result
type std_output_to =
| Terminal
| File of string
| File of Path.t
| Opened_file of opened_file
and opened_file =
{ filename : string
{ filename : Path.t
; desc : opened_file_desc
; tail : bool
@ -126,16 +126,18 @@ module Fancy = struct
match stdout_to, stderr_to with
| (File fn1 | Opened_file { filename = fn1; _ }),
(File fn2 | Opened_file { filename = fn2; _ }) when fn1 = fn2 ->
sprintf "%s &> %s" s fn1
sprintf "%s &> %s" s (Path.to_string fn1)
| _ ->
let s =
match stdout_to with
| Terminal -> s
| File fn | Opened_file { filename = fn; _ } -> sprintf "%s > %s" s fn
| File fn | Opened_file { filename = fn; _ } ->
sprintf "%s > %s" s (Path.to_string fn)
match stderr_to with
| Terminal -> s
| File fn | Opened_file { filename = fn; _ } -> sprintf "%s 2> %s" s fn
| File fn | Opened_file { filename = fn; _ } ->
sprintf "%s 2> %s" s (Path.to_string fn)
let pp_purpose ppf = function
| Internal_job ->
@ -190,7 +192,8 @@ end
let get_std_output ~default = function
| Terminal -> (default, None)
| File fn ->
let fd = Unix.openfile fn [O_WRONLY; O_CREAT; O_TRUNC; O_SHARE_DELETE] 0o666 in
let fd = Unix.openfile (Path.to_string fn)
(fd, Some (Fd fd))
| Opened_file { desc; tail; _ } ->
let fd =
@ -328,7 +331,7 @@ let run ?dir ?stdout_to ?stderr_to ~env ?(purpose=Internal_job) fail_mode
let run_capture_gen ?dir ~env ?(purpose=Internal_job) fail_mode prog args ~f =
let fn = Temp.create "jbuild" ".output" in
map_result fail_mode
(run_internal ?dir ~stdout_to:(File (Path.to_string fn))
(run_internal ?dir ~stdout_to:(File fn)
~env ~purpose fail_mode prog args)
~f:(fun () ->
let x = f fn in

View File

@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ type ('a, 'b) failure_mode =
(** Where to redirect standard output *)
type std_output_to =
| Terminal
| File of string
| File of Path.t
| Opened_file of opened_file
and opened_file =
{ filename : string
{ filename : Path.t
; desc : opened_file_desc
; tail : bool
(** If [true], the descriptor is closed after starting the command *)