Make -j default to the number of CPUs (#726)

This commit is contained in:
Jérémie Dimino 2018-04-26 16:10:14 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent c406a51bb3
commit 53202d0a09
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 135 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ next
- Fix a bug causing `jbuilder external-lib-deps` to crash (#723,
- `-j` now defaults to the number of processing units available rather
4 (#726, @diml)
1.0+beta20 (10/04/2018)

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@ -95,6 +95,11 @@ module Scheduler = struct
include Jbuilder.Scheduler
let go ?log ~common fiber =
let fiber =
Main.set_concurrency ?log common.config
>>= fun () ->
Scheduler.go ?log ~config:common.config fiber
@ -274,8 +279,16 @@ let common =
let docs = copts_sect in
let concurrency =
let arg =
((fun s ->
Result.map_error (Config.Concurrency.of_string s)
~f:(fun s -> `Msg s)),
fun pp x ->
Format.pp_print_string pp (Config.Concurrency.to_string x))
& opt (some int) None
& opt (some arg) None
& info ["j"] ~docs ~docv:"JOBS"
~doc:{|Run no more than $(i,JOBS) commands simultaneously.|}

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@ -41,12 +41,41 @@ module Display = struct
let t = enum all
module Concurrency = struct
type t =
| Fixed of int
| Auto
let error =
Error "invalid concurrency value, must be 'auto' or a positive number"
let of_string = function
| "auto" -> Ok Auto
| s ->
match int_of_string s with
| exception _ -> error
| n ->
if n >= 1 then
Ok (Fixed n)
let t sexp =
match of_string (string sexp) with
| Ok t -> t
| Error msg -> of_sexp_error sexp msg
let to_string = function
| Auto -> "auto"
| Fixed n -> string_of_int n
module type S = sig
type 'a field
type t =
{ display : Display.t field
; concurrency : int field
{ display : Display.t field
; concurrency : Concurrency.t field
@ -64,15 +93,15 @@ let merge t (partial : Partial.t) =
let default =
{ display = if inside_dune then Quiet else Progress
; concurrency = if inside_dune then 1 else 4
{ display = if inside_dune then Quiet else Progress
; concurrency = if inside_dune then Fixed 1 else Auto
let t =
(field "display" Display.t ~default:default.display
>>= fun display ->
field "jobs" int ~default:default.concurrency
field "jobs" Concurrency.t ~default:default.concurrency
>>= fun concurrency ->
return { display
; concurrency

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@ -34,12 +34,21 @@ module Display : sig
val all : (string * t) list
module Concurrency : sig
type t =
| Fixed of int
| Auto
val of_string : string -> (t, string) result
val to_string : t -> string
module type S = sig
type 'a field
type t =
{ display : Display.t field
; concurrency : int field
{ display : Display.t field
; concurrency : Concurrency.t field

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@ -137,6 +137,56 @@ let ignored_during_bootstrap =
; "example"
let auto_concurrency =
let v = ref None in
fun ?(log=Log.no_log) () ->
match !v with
| Some n -> Fiber.return n
| None ->
(if Sys.win32 then
match Env.get Env.initial "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS" with
| None -> Fiber.return 1
| Some s ->
match int_of_string s with
| exception _ -> Fiber.return 1
| n -> Fiber.return n
let commands =
[ "nproc", []
; "getconf", ["_NPROCESSORS_ONLN"]
; "getconf", ["NPROCESSORS_ONLN"]
let rec loop = function
| [] -> Fiber.return 1
| (prog, args) :: rest ->
match Bin.which prog with
| None -> loop rest
| Some prog ->
Process.run_capture (Accept All) prog args ~env:Env.initial
>>= function
| Error _ -> loop rest
| Ok s ->
match int_of_string (String.trim s) with
| n -> Fiber.return n
| exception _ -> loop rest
loop commands)
>>| fun n ->
Log.infof log "Auto-detected concurrency: %d" n;
v := Some n;
let set_concurrency ?log (config : Config.t) =
(match config.concurrency with
| Fixed n -> Fiber.return n
| Auto -> auto_concurrency ?log ())
>>= fun n ->
if n >= 1 then
Scheduler.set_concurrency n
Fiber.return ()
(* Called by the script generated by ../ *)
let bootstrap () =
Colors.setup_err_formatter_colors ();
@ -154,12 +204,16 @@ let bootstrap () =
display := Some (List.assoc s Config.Display.all))
let concurrency = ref None in
let set r x = r := Some x in
let concurrency_arg x =
match Config.Concurrency.of_string x with
| Error msg -> raise (Arg.Bad msg)
| Ok c -> concurrency := Some c
[ "-j" , Int (set concurrency), "JOBS concurrency"
; "--dev" , Set Clflags.dev_mode , " set development mode"
; "--display" , display_mode , " set the display mode"
; "--subst" , Unit subst ,
[ "-j" , String concurrency_arg, "JOBS concurrency"
; "--dev" , Set Clflags.dev_mode , " set development mode"
; "--display" , display_mode , " set the display mode"
; "--subst" , Unit subst ,
" substitute watermarks in source files"
; "--debug-backtraces",
Set Clflags.debug_backtraces,
@ -186,7 +240,9 @@ let bootstrap () =
let log = Log.create ~display:config.display () in
Scheduler.go ~log ~config
(setup ~log ~workspace:{ merlin_context = Some "default"
(set_concurrency config
>>= fun () ->
setup ~log ~workspace:{ merlin_context = Some "default"
; contexts = [Default [Native]] }

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@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ val find_context_exn : setup -> name:string -> Context.t
(** Setup the environment *)
val setup_env : capture_outputs:bool -> Env.t
(** Set the concurrency level according to the user configuration *)
val set_concurrency : ?log:Log.t -> Config.t -> unit Fiber.t
(* This is used to bootstrap jbuilder itself. It is not part of the

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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ type t =
{ log : Log.t
; original_cwd : string
; display : Config.Display.t
; concurrency : int
; mutable concurrency : int
; waiting_for_available_job : t Fiber.Ivar.t Queue.t
; mutable status_line : string
; mutable gen_status_line : unit -> string option
@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ let set_status_line_generator f =
Fiber.Var.get_exn t_var >>| fun t ->
t.gen_status_line <- f
let set_concurrency n =
Fiber.Var.get_exn t_var >>| fun t ->
t.concurrency <- n
let wait_for_available_job () =
Fiber.Var.get_exn t_var >>= fun t ->
if Running_jobs.count () < t.concurrency then
@ -162,7 +166,7 @@ let go ?(log=Log.no_log) ?(config=Config.default)
; gen_status_line
; original_cwd = cwd
; display = config.display
; concurrency = config.concurrency
; concurrency = (match config.concurrency with Auto -> 1 | Fixed n -> n)
; status_line = ""
; waiting_for_available_job = Queue.create ()

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ val wait_for_process : int -> Unix.process_status Fiber.t
(** Set the status line generator for the current scheduler *)
val set_status_line_generator : (unit -> string option) -> unit Fiber.t
val set_concurrency : int -> unit Fiber.t
(** Scheduler informations *)
type t