Change return values of SW expansions

The nested either types obscure the meaning of the return values

Signed-off-by: Rudi Grinberg <>
This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-06-01 13:35:28 +07:00
parent 576ff5293e
commit 52d0f3f552
3 changed files with 57 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -374,8 +374,8 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
| Left x -> map x
| Right template ->
match To_VE.expand dir template ~f with
| Left e -> special dir e
| Right s -> generic dir s
| Expansion e -> special dir e
| String s -> generic dir s
[@@inlined always]
let string ~dir ~f x =
@ -465,9 +465,9 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
module E = struct
let expand ~generic ~special ~dir ~f template =
match To_VE.partial_expand dir template ~f with
| Left (Left e) -> Left (special dir e)
| Left (Right s) -> Left (generic dir s)
| Right _ as x -> x
| Expansion e -> Left (special dir e)
| String s -> Left (generic dir s)
| Unexpanded x -> Right x
let string ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x

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@ -116,6 +116,20 @@ let concat_rev = function
| [s] -> s
| l -> String.concat (List.rev l) ~sep:""
module Expand = struct
module Full = struct
type nonrec 'a t =
| Expansion of 'a
| String of string
module Partial = struct
type nonrec 'a t =
| Expansion of 'a
| String of string
| Unexpanded of t
module Expand_to(V: EXPANSION) = struct
let expand ctx t ~f =
@ -123,10 +137,10 @@ module Expand_to(V: EXPANSION) = struct
| [Var (syntax, v)] when not t.quoted ->
(* Unquoted single var *)
(match f t.loc v with
| Some e -> Left e
| None -> Right (string_of_var syntax v))
| Some e -> Expand.Full.Expansion e
| None -> Expand.Full.String (string_of_var syntax v))
| _ ->
Right ( t.items ~f:(function
Expand.Full.String ( t.items ~f:(function
| Text s -> s
| Var (syntax, v) ->
match f t.loc v with
@ -137,7 +151,7 @@ module Expand_to(V: EXPANSION) = struct
(string_of_var syntax v)
else V.to_string ctx x
| None -> string_of_var syntax v)
|> String.concat ~sep:"")
|> String.concat ~sep:"")
let partial_expand ctx t ~f =
let commit_text acc_text acc =
@ -148,8 +162,8 @@ module Expand_to(V: EXPANSION) = struct
match items with
| [] -> begin
match acc with
| [] -> Left (Right (concat_rev acc_text))
| _ -> Right { t with items = List.rev (commit_text acc_text acc) }
| [] -> Expand.Partial.String (concat_rev acc_text)
| _ -> Unexpanded { t with items = List.rev (commit_text acc_text acc) }
| Text s :: items -> loop (s :: acc_text) acc items
| Var (syntax, v) as it :: items ->
@ -165,8 +179,8 @@ module Expand_to(V: EXPANSION) = struct
| [Var (_, v)] when not t.quoted ->
(* Unquoted single var *)
(match f t.loc v with
| Some e -> Left (Left e)
| None -> Right t)
| Some e -> Expand.Partial.Expansion e
| None -> Expand.Partial.Unexpanded t)
| _ -> loop [] [] t.items
@ -180,12 +194,15 @@ end
module S = Expand_to(String_expansion)
let expand t ~f =
match S.expand () t ~f with Left s | Right s -> s
match S.expand () t ~f with
| Expand.Full.String s
| Expansion s -> s
let partial_expand t ~f =
match S.partial_expand () t ~f with
| Left (Left s | Right s) -> Left s
| Right _ as x -> x
| Expand.Partial.Expansion s -> Left s
| String s -> Left s
| Unexpanded s -> Right s
let to_string t =
match t.items with

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@ -63,17 +63,36 @@ module type EXPANSION = sig
using [to_string]. *)
module Expand : sig
module Full : sig
type nonrec 'a t =
| Expansion of 'a
| String of string
module Partial : sig
type nonrec 'a t =
| Expansion of 'a
| String of string
| Unexpanded of t
module Expand_to(V : EXPANSION) : sig
val expand : V.context -> t -> f:(Loc.t -> string -> V.t option) ->
(V.t, string) Either.t
val expand
: V.context
-> t
-> f:(Loc.t -> string -> V.t option)
-> V.t Expand.Full.t
(** [expand t ~f] return [t] where all variables have been expanded
using [f]. If [f loc var] return [Some x], the variable [var] is
replaced by [x]; otherwise, the variable is inserted using the syntax
it was originally defined with: ${..} or $(..) *)
val partial_expand :
V.context -> t -> f:(Loc.t -> string -> V.t option) ->
((V.t, string) either, t) Either.t
val partial_expand
: V.context
-> t
-> f:(Loc.t -> string -> V.t option)
-> V.t Expand.Partial.t
(** [partial_expand t ~f] is like [expand_generic] where all
variables that could be expanded (i.e., those for which [f]
returns [Some _]) are. If all the variables of [t] were