Restrict the scope of internal names

Otherwise building several packages at once doesn't always work
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-03-02 16:57:28 +00:00
parent 2628eba306
commit 51ce0c2daf
8 changed files with 192 additions and 112 deletions

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@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ let set_common c =
module Main = struct
include Jbuilder.Main
let setup ?only_package common =
setup ?workspace_file:common.workspace_file ?only_package ()
let setup ?only_package ?filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps common =
setup ?workspace_file:common.workspace_file ?only_package
?filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps ()
let do_build (setup : Main.setup) targets =
@ -357,7 +358,8 @@ let external_lib_deps =
let go common only_missing targets =
set_common common;
Future.Scheduler.go ~log:(create_log ())
(Main.setup common >>= fun setup ->
(Main.setup common ~filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps:false
>>= fun setup ->
let targets = resolve_targets common setup targets in
let failure =
String_map.fold ~init:false

View File

@ -293,13 +293,8 @@ the library and you are free to expose only the modules you want.
=Foo=: =(modules (:standard \ foo))=
- =(libraries (<library-dependencies>))= is used to specify the
dependencies of the library. In here you should put library
names. For library that are present in the workspace, you can use
either the real name or the public name. For libraries that are part
of the installed world, you need to use the public name. For
instance: =(libraries (base re))=. In addition to direct
dependencies you can specify alternative dependencies. This is
described in the [[Alternative dependencies][alternative dependencies section]]
dependencies of the library. See the [[Library dependencies][section about library
dependencies]] for more details
- =(wrapped <boolean>)= specifies whether the modules of the library
should be available only through of the toplevel library module, or
@ -411,8 +406,9 @@ can always rely on =<name>.exe= being available.
=<optional-fields>= are:
- =(libraries (<library-dependencies>))= is the same as the
=(libraries ...)= field of [[library][libraries]]
- =(libraries (<library-dependencies>))= specifies the library
dependencies. See the [[Library dependencies][section about library dependencies]] for more
- =(modules <modules>)= specifies which modules in the current
directory Jbuilder should consider when building
@ -632,7 +628,42 @@ In addition, =(action ...)= fields support the following special variables:
The =${<kind>:...}= forms are what allows you to write custom rules
that work transparently whether things are installed or not.
***** Alternative dependencies
***** Library dependencies
Dependencies on libraries are specified using =(libraries ...)= fields
in =library= and =executables= stanzas.
For library that are present in the workspace, you can use either the
real name (with some restrictions, see below) or the public name. For
libraries that are part of the installed world, you need to use the
public name. For instance: =(libraries (base re))=.
When resolving libraries, libraries that are part of the workspace are
always prefered to ones that are part of the installed world.
****** Scope of internal library names
The scope of internal library names is not the whole workspace. It is
restricted to the sub-tree starting from the closest parent containing
a =<package>.opam= file. Moreover, a sub-tree containing
=<package>.opam= doesn' t inherit the internal names available in its
parent scope.
The idea behing this rule is that public library names must be
universally unique, but internal ones don't need to. In particular you
might have private libraries that are only used for tests or building
an executable.
As a result, when you create a workspace including several projects
there might be a name clash between internal library names.
This scoping rule ensure that this won't be a problem.
****** Alternative dependencies
In addition to direct dependencies you can specify alternative
dependencies. This is described in the [[Alternative dependencies][alternative dependencies
It is sometimes the case that one wants to not depend on a specific
library, but instead on whatever is already installed. For instance to

View File

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ let get_file : type a. t -> Path.t -> a File_kind.t -> a File_spec.t = fun t fn
let save_vfile (type a) (module K : Vfile_kind.S with type t = a) fn x = x ~filename:(Path.to_string fn) fn x
module Build_exec = struct
open Build.Repr

View File

@ -96,10 +96,11 @@ let obj_name_of_basename fn =
module type Params = sig
val context : Context.t
val file_tree : File_tree.t
val stanzas : (Path.t * Jbuild_types.Stanza.t list) list
val stanzas : (Path.t * Stanza.t list) list
val packages : Package.t String_map.t
val filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps : bool
val alias_store : Alias.Store.t
val dirs_with_dot_opam_files : Path.Set.t
module Gen(P : Params) = struct
@ -119,6 +120,16 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
; ctx_dir = Path.append context.build_dir dir
; stanzas
let internal_libraries =
List.concat_map stanzas ~f:(fun { ctx_dir; stanzas; _ } ->
List.filter_map stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
| Library lib -> Some (ctx_dir, lib)
| _ -> None))
let dirs_with_dot_opam_files = dirs_with_dot_opam_files ~f:(Path.append context.build_dir)
let ctx = P.context
@ -151,20 +162,23 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
module Lib_db = struct
open Lib_db
let t = create findlib ( P.stanzas ~f:(fun d -> (d.ctx_dir, d.stanzas)))
let t =
create findlib P.internal_libraries
let find name = Build.arr (fun () -> find t name)
let find ~from name = Build.arr (fun () -> find t ~from name)
module Libs_vfile =
(struct type t = Lib.t list end)
open Sexp.To_sexp
let t l = list string ( l ~f:Lib.best_name)
let t _dir l = list string ( l ~f:Lib.best_name)
open Sexp.Of_sexp
let t sexp = (list string sexp) ~f:(Lib_db.find t)
let t dir sexp = (list string sexp) ~f:(Lib_db.find t ~from:dir)
let vrequires ~dir ~item =
@ -222,7 +236,7 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
internal_libs_without_non_installable_optional_ones t
let select_rules ~dir lib_deps = (Lib_db.resolve_selects t lib_deps) ~f:(fun { dst_fn; src_fn } -> (Lib_db.resolve_selects t ~from:dir lib_deps) ~f:(fun { dst_fn; src_fn } ->
let src = Path.relative dir src_fn in
let dst = Path.relative dir dst_fn in
Build.path src
@ -560,7 +574,7 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
(Lib_db.closure ~dir ~dep_kind (Direct "ppx_driver" :: pp_names
(Lib_db.find runner)
(Lib_db.find runner ~from:dir)
>>^ (fun (libs, runner) ->
let runner_name = Lib.best_name runner in
List.filter libs ~f:(fun lib ->
@ -579,7 +593,7 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
let get_ppx_driver pps ~dep_kind =
let get_ppx_driver pps ~dir ~dep_kind =
let names =
Pp_set.elements pps
|> ~f:Pp.to_string
@ -588,10 +602,9 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
match Hashtbl.find ppx_drivers key with
| Some x -> x
| None ->
let ppx_dir = Path.relative ctx.build_dir (sprintf ".ppx/%s" key) in
let exe = Path.relative ppx_dir "ppx.exe" in
let exe = Path.relative ctx.build_dir (sprintf ".ppx/%s/ppx.exe" key) in
let libs =
build_ppx_driver names ~dir:ppx_dir ~dep_kind ~target:exe
build_ppx_driver names ~dir ~dep_kind ~target:exe
Hashtbl.add ppx_drivers ~key ~data:(exe, libs);
@ -646,7 +659,7 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
(sprintf "%s %s" (expand_vars ~dir cmd)
(Filename.quote (Path.reach src ~from:dir)))))
| Pps { pps; flags } ->
let ppx_exe, libs = get_ppx_driver pps ~dep_kind in
let ppx_exe, libs = get_ppx_driver pps ~dir ~dep_kind in
pped_module m ~dir ~f:(fun kind src dst ->
@ -1794,7 +1807,17 @@ let gen ~contexts ?(filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps=true)
?only_package conf =
let open Future in
let { Jbuild_load. file_tree; tree; jbuilds; packages } = conf in
let alias_store = Alias.Store.create () in
let module Common = struct
let alias_store = Alias.Store.create ()
let dirs_with_dot_opam_files =
String_map.fold packages ~init:Path.Set.empty
~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:{ Package. path; _ } acc ->
Path.Set.add path acc)
let file_tree = file_tree
let packages = packages
let filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps =
end in contexts ~f:(fun context ->
Jbuild_load.Jbuilds.eval ~context jbuilds >>| fun stanzas ->
let stanzas =
@ -1813,19 +1836,15 @@ let gen ~contexts ?(filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps=true)
let module M =
let context = context
let file_tree = file_tree
let stanzas = stanzas
let packages = packages
let filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps =
let alias_store = alias_store
include Common
(!M.all_rules, (, stanzas)))
|> Future.all
>>| fun l ->
let rules, context_names_and_stanzas = List.split l in
(Alias.rules alias_store
(Alias.rules Common.alias_store
~prefixes:(Path.root :: contexts ~f:(fun c -> c.Context.build_dir)) ~tree
@ List.concat rules,
String_map.of_alist_exn context_names_and_stanzas)

View File

@ -3,87 +3,106 @@ open Jbuild_types
type t =
{ findlib : Findlib.t
; libs : (string, Lib.t) Hashtbl.t
; instalable_internal_libs : Lib.Internal.t String_map.t
; (* This include both libraries from the current workspace and external ones *)
by_public_name : (string, Lib.t) Hashtbl.t
; (* This is to implement the scoping described in the manual *)
by_internal_name : (Path.t, Lib.Internal.t String_map.t ref) Hashtbl.t
; (* This is to filter out libraries that are not installable because of missing
dependencies *)
instalable_internal_libs : Lib.Internal.t String_map.t
let find t name =
match Hashtbl.find t.libs name with
| Some x -> x
let rec internal_name_scope t ~dir =
match Hashtbl.find t.by_internal_name dir with
| Some scope -> scope
| None ->
let pkg = Findlib.find_exn t.findlib name in
Hashtbl.add t.libs ~key:name ~data:(External pkg);
External pkg
let scope = internal_name_scope t ~dir:(Path.parent dir) in
Hashtbl.add t.by_internal_name ~key:dir ~data:scope;
let find_internal t name =
match Hashtbl.find t.libs name with
| Some (Internal (dir, lib)) -> Some (dir, lib)
let find_by_internal_name t ~from name =
let scope = internal_name_scope t ~dir:from in
String_map.find name !scope
let find t ~from name =
match find_by_internal_name t ~from name with
| Some x -> Lib.Internal x
| None ->
Hashtbl.find_or_add t.by_public_name name
~f:(fun name ->
External (Findlib.find_exn t.findlib name))
let find_internal t ~from name =
match find_by_internal_name t ~from name with
| Some _ as some -> some
| None ->
match Hashtbl.find t.by_public_name name with
| Some (Internal x) -> Some x
| _ -> None
module Local_closure = Top_closure.Make(String)(struct
type graph = t
type t = Lib.Internal.t
let key ((_, lib) : t) =
let deps ((_, lib) : Lib.Internal.t) graph =
let deps ((dir, lib) : Lib.Internal.t) graph =
List.concat_map lib.buildable.libraries ~f:(fun dep ->
List.filter_map (Lib_dep.to_lib_names dep) ~f:(find_internal graph))
List.filter_map (Lib_dep.to_lib_names dep) ~f:(find_internal ~from:dir graph))
let top_sort_internals t =
let internals =
Hashtbl.fold t.libs ~init:[] ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data acc ->
match data with
| Lib.Internal lib -> lib :: acc
| Lib.External _ -> acc)
match Local_closure.top_closure t internals with
let top_sort_internals t ~internal_libraries =
match Local_closure.top_closure t internal_libraries with
| Ok l -> l
| Error cycle ->
die "dependency cycle between libraries:\n %s"
( cycle ~f:(fun lib -> Lib.describe (Internal lib))
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n-> ")
let lib_is_installable t name =
match find_internal t name with
let lib_is_installable t ~from name =
match find_internal t ~from name with
| Some (_, lib) -> String_map.mem t.instalable_internal_libs
| None -> Findlib.available t.findlib name
let choice_is_possible t { Lib_dep. lits; _ } =
let choice_is_possible t ~from { Lib_dep. lits; _ } =
List.for_all lits ~f:(function
| Lib_dep.Pos name -> lib_is_installable t name
| Lib_dep.Neg name -> not (lib_is_installable t name))
| Lib_dep.Pos name -> lib_is_installable t ~from name
| Lib_dep.Neg name -> not (lib_is_installable t ~from name))
let dep_is_installable t dep =
let dep_is_installable t ~from dep =
match (dep : Lib_dep.t) with
| Direct s -> lib_is_installable t s
| Select { choices; _ } -> List.exists choices ~f:(choice_is_possible t)
| Direct s -> lib_is_installable t ~from s
| Select { choices; _ } -> List.exists choices ~f:(choice_is_possible t ~from)
let compute_instalable_internal_libs t =
List.fold_left (top_sort_internals t) ~init:t
let compute_instalable_internal_libs t ~internal_libraries =
List.fold_left (top_sort_internals t ~internal_libraries) ~init:t
~f:(fun t (dir, lib) ->
if not lib.Library.optional ||
List.for_all (Library.all_lib_deps lib) ~f:(dep_is_installable t) then
{ t
with instalable_internal_libs =
List.for_all (Library.all_lib_deps lib) ~f:(dep_is_installable t ~from:dir) then
{ t with
instalable_internal_libs =
String_map.add t.instalable_internal_libs ~data:(dir, lib)
let create findlib stanzas =
let libs : (string, Lib.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 1024 in
List.iter stanzas ~f:(fun (dir, stanzas) ->
List.iter stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
| Library lib ->
let data = Lib.Internal (dir, lib) in
Hashtbl.add libs ~data;
let create findlib ~dirs_with_dot_opam_files internal_libraries =
let t =
{ findlib
; by_public_name = Hashtbl.create 1024
; by_internal_name = Hashtbl.create 1024
; instalable_internal_libs = String_map.empty
(* Initializes the scopes *)
Path.Set.iter dirs_with_dot_opam_files ~f:(fun dir ->
Hashtbl.add t.by_internal_name ~key:dir
~data:(ref String_map.empty));
List.iter internal_libraries ~f:(fun ((dir, lib) as internal) ->
let scope = internal_name_scope t ~dir in
scope := String_map.add !scope ~data:internal;
Option.iter lib.public ~f:(fun { name; _ } ->
Hashtbl.add libs ~key:name ~data)
| _ -> ()));
let t = { findlib; libs; instalable_internal_libs = String_map.empty } in
compute_instalable_internal_libs t
Hashtbl.add t.by_public_name ~key:name ~data:(Internal internal)));
compute_instalable_internal_libs t ~internal_libraries
let internal_libs_without_non_installable_optional_ones t =
String_map.values t.instalable_internal_libs
@ -92,20 +111,20 @@ let interpret_lib_deps t ~dir lib_deps =
let libs, failures =
List.partition_map lib_deps ~f:(function
| Lib_dep.Direct name -> begin
match find t name with
match find t ~from:dir name with
| x -> Inl [x]
| exception e ->
(* Call [find] again to get a proper backtrace *)
Inr { fail = fun () -> ignore (find t name : Lib.t); raise e }
Inr { fail = fun () -> ignore (find t ~from:dir name : Lib.t); raise e }
| Select { result_fn; choices } ->
List.find_map choices ~f:(fun { lits; _ } ->
List.filter_map lits ~f:(function
| Pos s -> Some (find t s)
| Pos s -> Some (find t ~from:dir s)
| Neg s ->
if lib_is_installable t s then
if lib_is_installable t ~from:dir s then
raise Exit
@ -142,12 +161,12 @@ type resolved_select =
; dst_fn : string
let resolve_selects t lib_deps =
let resolve_selects t ~from lib_deps =
List.filter_map lib_deps ~f:(function
| Lib_dep.Direct _ -> None
| Select { result_fn; choices } ->
let src_fn =
match List.find choices ~f:(choice_is_possible t) with
match List.find choices ~f:(choice_is_possible t ~from) with
| Some c -> c.file
| None -> "no solution found"

View File

@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ open Import
type t
val create : Findlib.t -> (Path.t * Jbuild_types.Stanza.t list) list -> t
val create
: Findlib.t
-> dirs_with_dot_opam_files:Path.Set.t
-> (Path.t * Jbuild_types.Library.t) list
-> t
val find : t -> string -> Lib.t
val find_internal : t -> string -> Lib.Internal.t option
val find : t -> from:Path.t -> string -> Lib.t
val internal_libs_without_non_installable_optional_ones : t -> Lib.Internal.t list
@ -25,5 +27,6 @@ type resolved_select =
val resolve_selects
: t
-> from:Path.t
-> Jbuild_types.Lib_dep.t list
-> resolved_select list

View File

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ module type S = sig
val id : t Id.t
val load : filename:string -> t
val save : filename:string -> t -> unit
val load : Path.t -> t
val save : Path.t -> t -> unit
type 'a t = (module S with type t = 'a)
@ -44,22 +44,22 @@ let eq (type a) (type b)
module Make_full
(T : sig type t end)
(To_sexp : sig val t : T.t -> Sexp.t end)
(Of_sexp : sig val t : Sexp.Ast.t -> T.t end)
(To_sexp : sig val t : Path.t -> T.t -> Sexp.t end)
(Of_sexp : sig val t : Path.t -> Sexp.Ast.t -> T.t end)
: S with type t = T.t =
type t = T.t
let id = Id.create ()
let save ~filename x =
let s = To_sexp.t x |> Sexp.to_string in
let oc = open_out filename in
let save path x =
let s = To_sexp.t path x |> Sexp.to_string in
let oc = open_out (Path.to_string path) in
output_string oc s;
close_out oc
let load ~filename =
Of_sexp.t (Sexp_load.single filename)
let load path =
Of_sexp.t path (Sexp_load.single (Path.to_string path))
@ -68,8 +68,14 @@ module Make
(F : functor (C : Sexp.Combinators) -> sig val t : T.t C.t end)
: S with type t = T.t =
module Of_sexp = F(Sexp.Of_sexp)
module To_sexp = F(Sexp.To_sexp)
module Of_sexp = struct
include F(Sexp.Of_sexp)
let t _ sexp = t sexp
module To_sexp = struct
include F(Sexp.To_sexp)
let t _ x = t x
include Make_full(T)(To_sexp)(Of_sexp)

View File

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ module type S = sig
val id : t Id.t
val load : filename:string -> t
val save : filename:string -> t -> unit
val load : Path.t -> t
val save : Path.t -> t -> unit
type 'a t = (module S with type t = 'a)
@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ module Make
module Make_full
(T : sig type t end)
(To_sexp : sig val t : T.t -> Sexp.t end)
(Of_sexp : sig val t : Sexp.Ast.t -> T.t end)
(To_sexp : sig val t : Path.t -> T.t -> Sexp.t end)
(Of_sexp : sig val t : Path.t -> Sexp.Ast.t -> T.t end)
: S with type t = T.t