Better rules for finding the root

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-03-10 10:41:34 +00:00
parent 5faf444db3
commit 4aec06ee46
2 changed files with 44 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -70,10 +70,8 @@ let find_root () =
if String_set.mem "jbuild-workspace" files then
cont counter ~candidates:((0, dir, to_cwd) :: candidates) dir ~to_cwd
else if String_set.exists files ~f:(fun fn ->
String.is_suffix fn ~suffix:".opam" && fn <> ".opam") then
String.is_prefix fn ~prefix:"jbuild-workspace") then
cont counter ~candidates:((1, dir, to_cwd) :: candidates) dir ~to_cwd
else if String_set.mem ".git" files || String_set.mem ".hg" files then
cont counter ~candidates:((2, dir, to_cwd) :: candidates) dir ~to_cwd
cont counter ~candidates dir ~to_cwd
and cont counter ~candidates ~to_cwd dir =

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@ -963,8 +963,10 @@ This section describe usage of Jbuilder from the shell.
** Finding the root
The root of the current workspace is determined by looking up specific
files/directories in the current directory and parent
*** jbuild-workspace
The root of the current workspace is determined by looking up a
=jbuild-workspace= file in the current directory and parent
directories. =jbuilder= prints out the root when starting:
#+begin_src sh
@ -973,28 +975,49 @@ Workspace root: /usr/local/home/jdimino/workspaces/public-jane/+share+
More precisely, consider the current directory and all its
ancestors. For instance if you are in =/home/me/code/myproject/src=,
then this is this set:
More precisely, it will choose the outermost ancestor directory
containing a =jbuild-workspace= file as root. For instance if you are
in =/home/me/code/myproject/src=, then jbuilder will look for all
these files in order:
- =/home/me/code/myproject/src=
- =/home/me/code/myproject=
- =/home/me/code=
- =/home/me=
- =/home=
- =/=
- =/jbuild-workspace=
- =/home/jbuild-workspace=
- =/home/me/jbuild-workspace=
- =/home/me/code/jbuild-workspace=
- =/home/me/code/myproject/jbuild-workspace=
- =/home/me/code/myproject/src/jbuild-workspace=
Jbuilder looks for the following entries in all these directories, in
order of precedences:
The first entry to match in this list will determine the root. In
practice this means that if you nest your workspaces, Jbuilder will
always use the outermost one.
1. =jbuild-workspace=
2. any file ending with =.opam=, except =.opam= itself
3. =.git= or =.hg=
In addition to determining the root, =jbuilder= will read this file as
to setup the configuration of the workspace unless the =--workspace=
command line option is used. See the [[Workspace configuration][section about workspace
configuration]] for the syntax of this file.
The first entry to match in this list will determine the root. If this
entry is present in several of the looked up directories, the one with
the smallest name will be used. In practice this means that if you
nest your workspaces, Jbuilder will always use the toplevel one.
*** jbuild-workspace*
In addition to the previous rule, if no =jbuild-workspace= file is
found, =jbuilder= will look for any file whose name starts with
=jbuild-workspace= in ancestor directories. For instance If such a file is found, it will mark the root
of the workspace. =jbuilder= will however not read its contents.
The rationale for this rule is that it is good practice to have a file at the root of your project.
For quick experiments, simply do this to mark the root:
#+begin_src sh
$ touch
*** Current directory
If none of the two previous rules appies, i.e. no ancestor directories
have a file whose name starts with =jbuild-workspace=, then the
current directory will be used as root.
*** Forcing the root (for scripts)