Make sure the build of jbuilder doesn't call ocamlfind or opam

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-03-22 08:19:26 +00:00
parent acd041f72e
commit 48970caca3
3 changed files with 33 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ let extend_env ~vars ~env =
|> Array.of_list
let create ~(kind : Kind.t) ~path ~base_env ~env_extra ~name ~merlin =
let create ~(kind : Kind.t) ~path ~base_env ~env_extra ~name ~merlin ~use_findlib =
let env = extend_env ~env:base_env ~vars:env_extra in
let opam_var_cache = Hashtbl.create 128 in
(match kind with
@ -193,22 +193,25 @@ let create ~(kind : Kind.t) ~path ~base_env ~env_extra ~name ~merlin =
let ocamlc_config_cmd = sprintf "%s -config" (Path.to_string ocamlc) in
let findlib_path =
(* If ocamlfind is present, it has precedence over everything else. *)
match which "ocamlfind" with
| Some fn ->
(Future.run_capture_lines ~env Strict
(Path.to_string fn) ["printconf"; "path"]
>>| ~f:Path.absolute)
| None ->
(* If there no ocamlfind in the PATH, check if we have opam and assume a standard
opam setup *)
opam_config_var ~env ~cache:opam_var_cache "lib"
>>| function
| Some s -> [Path.absolute s]
if use_findlib then
(* If ocamlfind is present, it has precedence over everything else. *)
match which "ocamlfind" with
| Some fn ->
(Future.run_capture_lines ~env Strict
(Path.to_string fn) ["printconf"; "path"]
>>| ~f:Path.absolute)
| None ->
(* If neither opam neither ocamlfind are present, assume that libraries are in
[dir ^ "/../lib"] *)
[Path.relative (Path.parent dir) "lib"]
(* If there no ocamlfind in the PATH, check if we have opam and assume a standard
opam setup *)
opam_config_var ~env ~cache:opam_var_cache "lib"
>>| function
| Some s -> [Path.absolute s]
| None ->
(* If neither opam neither ocamlfind are present, assume that libraries are in
[dir ^ "/../lib"] *)
[Path.relative (Path.parent dir) "lib"]
return []
@ -317,7 +320,7 @@ let initial_env = lazy (
Lazy.force Ansi_color.setup_env_for_ocaml_colors;
Unix.environment ())
let default ?(merlin=true) () =
let default ?(merlin=true) ?(use_findlib=true) () =
let env = Lazy.force initial_env in
let rec find_path i =
if i = Array.length env then
@ -330,7 +333,7 @@ let default ?(merlin=true) () =
let path = find_path 0 in
create ~kind:Default ~path ~base_env:env ~env_extra:String_map.empty
~name:"default" ~merlin
~name:"default" ~merlin ~use_findlib
let create_for_opam ?root ~switch ~name ?(merlin=false) () =
match Bin.opam with
@ -355,7 +358,7 @@ let create_for_opam ?root ~switch ~name ?(merlin=false) () =
let env = Lazy.force initial_env in
create ~kind:(Opam { root; switch }) ~path ~base_env:env ~env_extra:vars
~name ~merlin
~name ~merlin ~use_findlib:true
let which t s = which ~cache:t.which_cache ~path:t.path s

View File

@ -126,7 +126,10 @@ val create_for_opam
-> unit
-> t Future.t
val default : ?merlin:bool -> unit -> t Future.t
(** If [use_findlib] is [false], don't try to guess the library search path with opam or
ocamlfind. This is only for building jbuilder itself, so that its build is completely
independent of the user setup. *)
val default : ?merlin:bool -> ?use_findlib:bool -> unit -> t Future.t
val which : t -> string -> Path.t option

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ let package_install_file { packages; _ } pkg =
let setup ?(log=Log.no_log) ?filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps
?workspace ?(workspace_file="jbuild-workspace")
?only_packages () =
let conf = Jbuild_load.load () in
Option.iter only_packages ~f:(fun set ->
@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ let setup ?(log=Log.no_log) ?filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps
( workspace.contexts ~f:(function
| Workspace.Context.Default ->
Context.default ~merlin:(workspace.merlin_context = Some "default") ()
Context.default ~merlin:(workspace.merlin_context = Some "default")
~use_findlib ()
| Opam { name; switch; root; merlin } ->
Context.create_for_opam ~name ~switch ?root ~merlin ()))
>>= fun contexts ->
@ -143,7 +145,8 @@ let bootstrap () =
anon "Usage: boot.exe [-j JOBS] [--dev]\nOptions are:";
let log = Log.create () in
Future.Scheduler.go ~log
(setup ~log ~workspace:{ merlin_context = Some "default"; contexts = [Default] } ()
(setup ~log ~workspace:{ merlin_context = Some "default"; contexts = [Default] }
~use_findlib:false ()
>>= fun { build_system = bs; _ } ->
Build_system.do_build_exn bs [Path.(relative root) (pkg ^ ".install")])
@ -152,3 +155,5 @@ let bootstrap () =
with exn ->
Format.eprintf "%a@?" (report_error ?map_fname:None) exn;
exit 1
let setup = setup ~use_findlib:true