String_with_vars: Use a functor to create generic expansion fun

This required to remove the labeled ~dir arguments in Action because
one would have had to use the same label for the expansion context in
String_with_vars, which would have been odd for generic expansion
This commit is contained in:
Christophe Troestler 2018-02-02 19:19:17 +01:00
parent a91cf637ae
commit 453ce1eb56
5 changed files with 138 additions and 119 deletions

View File

@ -276,35 +276,32 @@ module Var_expansion = struct
| Paths (_, Split) | Strings (_, Split) -> true
| Paths (_, Concat) | Strings (_, Concat) -> false
type context = Path.t (* For String_with_vars.Expand_to *)
let concat = function
| [s] -> s
| l -> String.concat ~sep:" " l
let to_string = function
| Strings (l, _) -> concat l
| Paths (l, _) -> concat ( l ~f:Path.to_string)
(* Relative to [dir]. *)
let string_of_path ~dir p = Path.reach ~from:dir p
let path_of_string ~dir s = Path.relative dir s
let path_of_string dir s = Path.relative dir s
let to_strings_rel ~dir = function
let to_strings dir = function
| Strings (l, Split ) -> l
| Strings (l, Concat) -> [concat l]
| Paths (l, Split ) -> l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir)
| Paths (l, Concat) -> [concat ( l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir))]
let to_string_rel ~dir = function
let to_string (dir: context) = function
| Strings (l, _) -> concat l
| Paths (l, _) -> concat ( l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir))
let to_path ~dir = function
| Strings (l, _) -> path_of_string ~dir (concat l)
let to_path dir = function
| Strings (l, _) -> path_of_string dir (concat l)
| Paths ([p], _) -> p
| Paths (l, _) ->
path_of_string ~dir (concat ( l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir)))
path_of_string dir (concat ( l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir)))
let to_prog_and_args ~dir exp : Unresolved.Program.t * string list =
let to_prog_and_args dir exp : Unresolved.Program.t * string list =
let module P = Unresolved.Program in
match exp with
| Paths ([p], _) -> (This p, [])
@ -312,7 +309,7 @@ module Var_expansion = struct
| Paths ([], _) | Strings ([], _) -> (Search "", [])
| Paths (l, Concat) ->
(path_of_string ~dir
(path_of_string dir
(concat ( l ~f:(string_of_path ~dir)))),
| Strings (l, Concat) ->
@ -324,6 +321,7 @@ module Var_expansion = struct
module VE = Var_expansion
module To_VE = String_with_vars.Expand_to(VE)
module SW = String_with_vars
module Unexpanded = struct
@ -364,24 +362,21 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
let expand ~generic ~special ~map ~dir ~f = function
| Inl x -> map x
| Inr template ->
match SW.expand_generic template ~f
~to_string:(VE.to_string_rel ~dir)
| Inl e -> special ~dir e
| Inr s -> generic ~dir s
match To_VE.expand dir template ~f with
| Inl e -> special dir e
| Inr s -> generic dir s
[@@inlined always]
let string ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
~generic:(fun ~dir:_ x -> x)
~generic:(fun _dir x -> x)
~map:(fun x -> x)
let strings ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
~generic:(fun ~dir:_ x -> [x])
~generic:(fun _dir x -> [x])
~map:(fun x -> [x])
let path ~dir ~f x =
@ -392,7 +387,7 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
let prog_and_args ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
~generic:(fun ~dir:_ s -> (Program.of_string ~dir s, []))
~generic:(fun _dir s -> (Program.of_string ~dir s, []))
~map:(fun x -> (x, []))
@ -453,22 +448,20 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
module E = struct
let expand ~generic ~special ~dir ~f template =
match SW.partial_expand_generic template ~f
~to_string:(VE.to_string_rel ~dir) with
| Inl (Inl e) -> Inl(special ~dir e)
| Inl (Inr s) -> Inl(generic ~dir s)
match To_VE.partial_expand dir template ~f with
| Inl (Inl e) -> Inl(special dir e)
| Inl (Inr s) -> Inl(generic dir s)
| Inr _ as x -> x
let string ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
~generic:(fun ~dir:_ x -> x)
~generic:(fun _dir x -> x)
let strings ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
~generic:(fun ~dir:_ x -> [x])
~generic:(fun _dir x -> [x])
let path ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
@ -477,7 +470,7 @@ module Unexpanded = struct
let prog_and_args ~dir ~f x =
expand ~dir ~f x
~generic:(fun ~dir s -> (Unresolved.Program.of_string ~dir s, []))
~generic:(fun dir s -> (Unresolved.Program.of_string ~dir s, []))

View File

@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ module Var_expansion : sig
| Paths of Path.t list * Concat_or_split.t
| Strings of string list * Concat_or_split.t
val to_string : t -> string
val to_string : Path.t -> t -> string
(** [to_string dir v] convert the variable expansion to a string.
If it is a path, the corresponding string will be relative to
[dir]. *)
module Outputs : module type of struct include Action_intf.Outputs end

View File

@ -103,7 +103,21 @@ let string_of_var syntax v =
| Parens -> sprintf "$(%s)" v
| Braces -> sprintf "${%s}" v
let expand_generic t ~f ~is_multivalued ~to_string =
module type EXPANSION = sig
type t
val is_multivalued : t -> bool
type context
val to_string : context -> t -> string
let concat_rev = function
| [] -> ""
| [s] -> s
| l -> String.concat (List.rev l) ~sep:""
module Expand_to(V: EXPANSION) = struct
let expand ctx t ~f =
match t.items with
| [Var (syntax, v)] when not t.quoted ->
(* Unquoted single var *)
@ -116,28 +130,15 @@ let expand_generic t ~f ~is_multivalued ~to_string =
| Var (syntax, v) ->
match f t.loc v with
| Some x ->
if not t.quoted && is_multivalued x then
if not t.quoted && V.is_multivalued x then t.loc "please quote the string \
containing the list variable %s"
(string_of_var syntax v)
else to_string x
else V.to_string ctx x
| None -> string_of_var syntax v)
|> String.concat ~sep:"")
let always_false _ = false
let identity_string (s: string) = s
let expand t ~f =
match expand_generic t ~f ~is_multivalued:always_false
~to_string:identity_string with
| Inl s | Inr s -> s
let concat_rev = function
| [] -> ""
| [s] -> s
| l -> String.concat (List.rev l) ~sep:""
let partial_expand_generic t ~f ~is_multivalued ~to_string =
let partial_expand ctx t ~f =
let commit_text acc_text acc =
let s = concat_rev acc_text in
if s = "" then acc else Text s :: acc
@ -154,10 +155,10 @@ let partial_expand_generic t ~f ~is_multivalued ~to_string =
match f t.loc v with
| None -> loop [] (it :: commit_text acc_text acc) items
| Some x ->
if not t.quoted && is_multivalued x then
if not t.quoted && V.is_multivalued x then t.loc "please quote the string containing the \
list variable %s" (string_of_var syntax v)
else loop (to_string x :: acc_text) acc items
else loop (V.to_string ctx x :: acc_text) acc items
match t.items with
| [Var (_, v)] when not t.quoted ->
@ -166,10 +167,22 @@ let partial_expand_generic t ~f ~is_multivalued ~to_string =
| Some e -> Inl (Inl e)
| None -> Inr t)
| _ -> loop [] [] t.items
module String_expansion = struct
type t = string
let is_multivalued _ = false
type context = unit
let to_string () (s: string) = s
module S = Expand_to(String_expansion)
let expand t ~f =
match S.expand () t ~f with Inl s | Inr s -> s
let partial_expand t ~f =
match partial_expand_generic t ~f ~is_multivalued:always_false
~to_string:identity_string with
match S.partial_expand () t ~f with
| Inl(Inl s | Inr s) -> Inl s
| Inr _ as x -> x

View File

@ -39,38 +39,48 @@ val iter : t -> f:(Loc.t -> string -> unit) -> unit
(** [iter t ~f] iterates [f] over all variables of [t], the text
portions being ignored. *)
val expand_generic :
t -> f:(Loc.t -> string -> 'a option) -> is_multivalued:('a -> bool) ->
to_string:('a -> string) -> ('a, string) either
(** [expand_generic t ~f] return [t] where all variables have been expanded
using [f]. If [f loc var] return [Some x], the variable [var] is
replaced by [x]; otherwise, the variable is inserted as [${var}] or
[$(var)] depending on the original concrete syntax used.
module type EXPANSION = sig
type t
(** The value to which variables are expanded. *)
- [is_multivalued]: says whether the variables is a multivalued
one (such as for example ${@}) which much be in quoted strings to
be concatenated to text or other variables.
- [to_string]: For single unquoted variables, the outcome of [f] is
directly returned. For variables containing text portions or which
are quoted, the value returned by [f] is converted to a string
val is_multivalued : t -> bool
(** Report whether the value is a multivalued one (such as for
example ${@}) which much be in quoted strings to be concatenated
to text or other variables. *)
type context
(** Context needed to expand values of type [t] to strings. *)
val to_string : context -> t -> string
(** When needing to expand with text portions or if the
string-with-vars is quoted, the value is converted to a string
using [to_string]. *)
module Expand_to(V : EXPANSION) : sig
val expand : V.context -> t -> f:(Loc.t -> string -> V.t option) ->
(V.t, string) either
(** [expand t ~f] return [t] where all variables have been expanded
using [f]. If [f loc var] return [Some x], the variable [var] is
replaced by [x]; otherwise, the variable is inserted as [${var}]
or [$(var)] depending on the original concrete syntax used. *)
val partial_expand :
V.context -> t -> f:(Loc.t -> string -> V.t option) ->
((V.t, string) either, t) either
(** [partial_expand t ~f] is like [expand_generic] where all
variables that could be expanded (i.e., those for which [f]
returns [Some _]) are. If all the variables of [t] were
expanded, a string is returned. If [f] returns [None] on at
least a variable of [t], it returns a string-with-vars. *)
val expand :
t -> f:(Loc.t -> string -> string option) -> string
(** Specialized version [expand_generic] that returns a string (so
(** Specialized version [Expand_to.expand] that returns a string (so
variables are assumed to expand to a single value). *)
val partial_expand_generic :
t -> f:(Loc.t -> string -> 'a option) -> is_multivalued:('a -> bool) ->
to_string:('a -> string) -> (('a, string) either, t) either
(** [partial_expand_generic t ~f] is like [expand_generic] where all
variables that could be expanded (i.e., those for which [f] returns
[Some _]) are. If all the variables of [t] were expanded, a string
is returned. If [f] returns [None] on at least a variable of [t],
it returns a string-with-vars. *)
val partial_expand :
t -> f:(Loc.t -> string -> string option) -> (string, t) either
(** [partial_expand] is a specialized version of
[partial_expand_generic] that returns a string. *)
[Expand_to.partial_expand] that returns a string. *)

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ let expand_vars t ~(scope : Lib_db.Scope.t) ~dir s =
Some (Path.reach ~from:dir (Lib_db.Scope.root scope))
| var ->
expand_var_no_root t var
|> ~f:(fun e -> Action.Var_expansion.to_string e))
|> ~f:(fun e -> Action.Var_expansion.to_string dir e))
let resolve_program t ?hint bin =
Artifacts.binary ?hint t.artifacts bin