Delete pending targets when a command fails

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-03-07 10:14:16 +00:00
parent 427e8582c0
commit 3db4514d3a
5 changed files with 78 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -134,6 +134,26 @@ module Mini_shexp = struct
let t = Ast.t string Path.t
let sexp_of_t = Ast.sexp_of_t Sexp.To_sexp.string Path.sexp_of_t
let updated_files =
let rec loop acc t =
match t with
| Update_file (fn, _) -> Path.Set.add fn acc
| Chdir (_, t)
| Setenv (_, _, t)
| With_stdout_to (_, t) -> loop acc t
| Progn l -> List.fold_left l ~init:acc ~f:loop
| Run _ -> acc
| Echo _
| Cat _
| Create_file _
| Copy _
| Symlink _
| Copy_and_add_line_directive _
| System _
| Bash _ -> acc
fun t -> loop Path.Set.empty t
module Unexpanded = struct
type t = (String_with_vars.t, String_with_vars.t) Ast.t
let sexp_of_t = Ast.sexp_of_t String_with_vars.sexp_of_t String_with_vars.sexp_of_t

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@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ module Mini_shexp : sig
val t : t Sexp.Of_sexp.t
val sexp_of_t : t Sexp.To_sexp.t
(** Return the list of files under an [Update_file] *)
val updated_files : t -> Path.Set.t
module Unexpanded : sig
type desc = t
type t = (String_with_vars.t, String_with_vars.t) Ast.t

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@ -266,6 +266,16 @@ let wait_for_deps t deps ~targeting =
(Pset.fold deps ~init:[] ~f:(fun fn acc -> wait_for_file t fn ~targeting :: acc))
(* This contains the targets of the actions that are being executed. On exit, we need to
delete them as they might contain garbage *)
let pending_targets = ref Pset.empty
let () =
Future.Scheduler.at_exit_after_waiting_for_commands (fun () ->
let fns = !pending_targets in
pending_targets := Pset.empty;
Pset.iter fns ~f:Path.unlink_no_err)
let compile_rule t ~all_targets_by_dir ?(allow_override=false) pre_rule =
let { Pre_rule. build; targets = target_specs } = pre_rule in
let deps = Build_interpret.deps build ~all_targets_by_dir in
@ -308,14 +318,14 @@ let compile_rule t ~all_targets_by_dir ?(allow_override=false) pre_rule =
if !Clflags.debug_actions then
Format.eprintf "@{<debug>Action@}: %s@."
(Sexp.to_string (Action.sexp_of_t action));
let all_deps = Pset.elements all_deps in
let targets = Pset.elements targets in
let all_deps_as_list = Pset.elements all_deps in
let targets_as_list = Pset.elements targets in
let hash =
let trace = (all_deps, targets, Action.for_hash action) in
let trace = (all_deps_as_list, targets_as_list, Action.for_hash action) in
Digest.string (Marshal.to_string trace [])
let rule_changed =
List.fold_left targets ~init:false ~f:(fun acc fn ->
List.fold_left targets_as_list ~init:false ~f:(fun acc fn ->
match Hashtbl.find t.trace fn with
| None ->
Hashtbl.add t.trace ~key:fn ~data:hash;
@ -324,19 +334,20 @@ let compile_rule t ~all_targets_by_dir ?(allow_override=false) pre_rule =
Hashtbl.replace t.trace ~key:fn ~data:hash;
acc || prev_hash <> hash)
if rule_changed || min_timestamp t targets < max_timestamp t all_deps then begin
(* CR-someday jdimino: we should remove the targets to be sure
the action re-generate them, however it breaks incrementality
regarding [Write_file ...] actions, since they end up
systematically re-creating the file:
List.iter targets ~f:Path.unlink_no_err;
if rule_changed ||
min_timestamp t targets_as_list < max_timestamp t all_deps_as_list then (
(* Do not remove files that are just updated, otherwise this would break incremental
compilation *)
let targets_to_remove =
Pset.diff targets (Action.Mini_shexp.updated_files action.action)
Pset.iter targets_to_remove ~f:Path.unlink_no_err;
pending_targets := Pset.union targets_to_remove !pending_targets;
Action.exec action >>| fun () ->
refresh_targets_timestamps_after_rule_execution t targets
end else
(* All went well, these targets are no longer pending *)
pending_targets := Pset.diff !pending_targets targets_to_remove;
refresh_targets_timestamps_after_rule_execution t targets_as_list
) else
return ()
) in
let rule =

View File

@ -418,22 +418,33 @@ module Scheduler = struct
List.iter finished ~f:(fun (job, status) ->
process_done job status)
let at_exit_handlers = Queue.create ()
let at_exit_after_waiting_for_commands f = Queue.push f at_exit_handlers
let exec_at_exit_handlers () =
while not (Queue.is_empty at_exit_handlers) do
Queue.pop at_exit_handlers ()
let wait_for_unfinished_jobs () =
let jobs =
Hashtbl.fold running ~init:[] ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:job acc -> job :: acc)
match jobs with
| [] -> ()
| first :: others ->
Format.eprintf "\nWaiting for the following jobs to finish: %t@."
(fun ppf ->
Format.fprintf ppf "[@{<id>%d@}]";
List.iter others ~f:(fun job ->
Format.fprintf ppf ", [@{<id>%d@}]";
List.iter jobs ~f:(fun job ->
let _, status = Unix.waitpid [] in
process_done job status ~exiting:true)
let () =
at_exit (fun () ->
let jobs =
Hashtbl.fold running ~init:[] ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:job acc -> job :: acc)
match jobs with
| [] -> ()
| first :: others ->
Format.eprintf "\nWaiting for the following jobs to finish: %t@."
(fun ppf ->
Format.fprintf ppf "[@{<id>%d@}]";
List.iter others ~f:(fun job ->
Format.fprintf ppf ", [@{<id>%d@}]";
List.iter jobs ~f:(fun job ->
let _, status = Unix.waitpid [] in
process_done job status ~exiting:true))
wait_for_unfinished_jobs ();
exec_at_exit_handlers ())
let rec go_rec cwd log t =
match (repr t).state with

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@ -75,4 +75,7 @@ val run_capture_lines
module Scheduler : sig
val go : ?log:out_channel -> 'a t -> 'a
(** Executes [f] before exiting, after all pending commands have finished *)
val at_exit_after_waiting_for_commands : (unit -> unit) -> unit