disable ppx_runner test with custom omp runner args

This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2017-12-19 19:05:37 +07:00
parent fad4671fe5
commit 347c3d7612
1 changed files with 2 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -16,48 +16,5 @@
ocamlc w_ppx_driver.{cmi,cmo,cmt}
ocamlopt w_ppx_driver.{cmx,o}
ocamlopt w_ppx_driver.exe
$ $JBUILDER build ./w_ppx_driver_flags.exe -j1 --root .
ocamlopt .ppx/fooppx+ppx_driver.runner/ppx.exe
ppx w_ppx_driver_flags.pp.ml (exit 2)
(cd _build/default && ./.ppx/fooppx+ppx_driver.runner/ppx.exe -flag -arg omp --dump-ast -o w_ppx_driver_flags.pp.ml --impl w_ppx_driver_flags.ml)
./.ppx/fooppx+ppx_driver.runner/ppx.exe: unknown option '-flag'.
ppx.exe [extra_args] [<files>]
-loc-filename <string> File name to use in locations
-reserve-namespace <string> Mark the given namespace as reserved
-no-check Disable checks (unsafe)
-do-check Enable checks
-apply <names> Apply these transformations in order (comma-separated list)
-dont-apply <names> Exclude these transformations
-no-merge Do not merge context free transformations (better for debugging rewriters)
-as-ppx Run as a -ppx rewriter (must be the first argument)
--as-ppx Same as -as-ppx
-as-pp Shorthand for: -dump-ast -embed-errors
--as-pp Same as -as-pp
-o <filename> Output file (use '-' for stdout)
- Read input from stdin
-no-optcomp Do not use optcomp (default if the input or output of -pp is a binary AST)
-dump-ast Dump the marshaled ast to the output file instead of pretty-printing it
--dump-ast Same as -dump-ast
-dparsetree Print the parsetree (same as ocamlc -dparsetree)
-embed-errors Embed errors in the output AST (default: true when -dump-ast, false otherwise)
-null Produce no output, except for errors
-impl <file> Treat the input as a .ml file
--impl <file> Same as -impl
-intf <file> Treat the input as a .mli file
--intf <file> Same as -intf
-debug-attribute-drop Debug attribute dropping
-print-transformations Print linked-in code transformations, in the order they are applied
-print-passes Print the actual passes over the whole AST in the order they are applied
-ite-check Enforce that "complex" if branches are delimited (disabled if -pp is given)
-pp <command> Pipe sources through preprocessor <command> (incompatible with -as-ppx)
-reconcile (WIP) Pretty print the output using a mix of the input source and the generated code
-reconcile-with-comments (WIP) same as -reconcile but uses comments to enclose the generated code
-no-color Don't use colors when printing errors
-diff-cmd Diff command when using code expectations
-pretty Instruct code generators to improve the prettiness of the generated code
-styler Code styler
-cookie NAME=EXPR Set the cookie NAME to EXPR
--cookie Same as -cookie
-help Display this list of options
--help Display this list of options
This test is broken because ppx_driver doesn't support migrate custom arguments
# $ $JBUILDER build ./w_ppx_driver_flags.exe -j1 --root .