Support @@alias to build an alias non-recursively

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-06-28 12:39:00 +01:00 committed by Jérémie Dimino
parent 79f3506922
commit 30db63ef71
5 changed files with 81 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -114,8 +114,21 @@ end
type target =
| File of Path.t
| Alias of Path.t
| Alias_rec of Path.t
let parse_alias path ~contexts =
let dir = Path.parent_exn path in
let name = Path.basename path in
match Path.extract_build_context dir with
| None -> (contexts, dir, name)
| Some ("install", _) ->
die "Invalid alias: %s.\n\
There are no aliases in %s."
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted Path.(relative build_dir "install"))
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path)
| Some (ctx, dir) -> ([ctx], dir, name)
let request_of_targets (setup : Main.setup) targets =
let open Build.O in
let contexts = setup.contexts ~f:(fun c -> in
@ -123,19 +136,12 @@ let request_of_targets (setup : Main.setup) targets =
acc >>>
match target with
| File path -> Build.path path
| Alias path ->
let contexts, dir, name = parse_alias path ~contexts in
Build_system.Alias.dep_multi_contexts ~dir ~name
~file_tree:setup.file_tree ~contexts
| Alias_rec path ->
let dir = Path.parent_exn path in
let name = Path.basename path in
let contexts, dir =
match Path.extract_build_context dir with
| None -> (contexts, dir)
| Some ("install", _) ->
die "Invalid alias: %s.\n\
There are no aliases in %s."
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted Path.(relative build_dir "install"))
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path)
| Some (ctx, dir) -> ([ctx], dir)
let contexts, dir, name = parse_alias path ~contexts in
Build_system.Alias.dep_rec_multi_contexts ~dir ~name
~file_tree:setup.file_tree ~contexts)
@ -680,7 +686,13 @@ let resolve_targets ~log common (setup : Main.setup) user_targets =
let targets = user_targets ~f:(fun s ->
if String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"@" then begin
let s = String.sub s ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length s - 1) in
let pos, is_rec =
if String.length s >= 2 && s.[1] = '@' then
(2, false)
(1, true)
let s = String.sub s ~pos ~len:(String.length s - pos) in
let path = Path.relative Path.root (prefix_target common s) in
check_path path;
if Path.is_root path then
@ -688,7 +700,7 @@ let resolve_targets ~log common (setup : Main.setup) user_targets =
else if not (Path.is_managed path) then
die "@@ on the command line must be followed by a relative path"
Ok [Alias_rec path]
Ok [if is_rec then Alias_rec path else Alias path]
end else begin
let path = Path.relative Path.root (prefix_target common s) in
check_path path;
@ -725,6 +737,9 @@ let resolve_targets ~log common (setup : Main.setup) user_targets =
List.iter targets ~f:(function
| File path -> log @@ "- " ^ (Path.to_string path)
| Alias path -> log @@ "- alias " ^
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path)
| Alias_rec path -> log @@ "- recursive alias " ^
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path));
@ -1316,7 +1331,7 @@ let utop =
match resolve_targets_exn ~log common setup [utop_target] with
| [] -> die "no libraries defined in %s" dir
| [File target] -> target
| [Alias_rec _] | _::_::_ -> assert false
| _ -> assert false
do_build setup [File target] >>| fun () ->
(setup.build_system, context, Path.to_string target)

View File

@ -121,6 +121,13 @@ So for instance:
the ``foo`` build context
- ``jbuilder build @runtest`` will run the tests for all build contexts
You can also build an alias non-recursively by using ``@@`` instead of
``@``. For instance to run tests only from the current directory:
.. code::
dune build @@runtest
Finding external libraries

View File

@ -250,10 +250,26 @@ module Alias0 = struct
let fully_qualified_name t = Path.relative t.dir
let stamp_file t =
Path.relative (Path.insert_after_build_dir_exn t.dir ".aliases") ( ^ suffix)
Path.relative (Path.insert_after_build_dir_exn t.dir ".aliases")
( ^ suffix)
let dep t = Build.path (stamp_file t)
let find_dir_specified_on_command_line ~dir ~file_tree =
match File_tree.find_dir file_tree dir with
| None ->
die "From the command line:\n\
@{<error>Error@}: Don't know about directory %s!"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dir)
| Some dir -> dir
let dep_multi_contexts ~dir ~name ~file_tree ~contexts =
(find_dir_specified_on_command_line ~dir ~file_tree : File_tree.Dir.t);
Build.paths ( contexts ~f:(fun ctx ->
let dir = Path.append (Path.(relative build_dir) ctx) dir in
stamp_file (make ~dir name)))
let is_standard = function
| "runtest" | "install" | "doc" | "doc-private" | "lint" -> true
| _ -> false
@ -272,10 +288,14 @@ module Alias0 = struct
~else_:(Build.arr (fun x -> x)))
let dep_rec t ~loc ~file_tree =
let ctx_dir, src_dir = Path.extract_build_context_dir t.dir |> Option.value_exn in
let ctx_dir, src_dir =
Path.extract_build_context_dir t.dir |> Option.value_exn
match File_tree.find_dir file_tree src_dir with
| None -> { fail = fun () -> loc "Don't know about directory %s!" (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src_dir) }
| None -> { fail = fun () -> loc "Don't know about directory %s!"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src_dir) }
| Some dir ->
dep_rec_internal ~dir ~ctx_dir
>>^ fun is_empty ->
@ -285,22 +305,18 @@ module Alias0 = struct (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src_dir)
let dep_rec_multi_contexts ~dir:src_dir ~name ~file_tree ~contexts =
match File_tree.find_dir file_tree src_dir with
| None ->
let open Build.O in
let dir = find_dir_specified_on_command_line ~dir:src_dir ~file_tree in
Build.all ( contexts ~f:(fun ctx ->
let ctx_dir = Path.(relative build_dir) ctx in
dep_rec_internal ~name ~dir ~ctx_dir))
>>^ fun is_empty_list ->
let is_empty = List.for_all is_empty_list ~f:(fun x -> x) in
if is_empty && not (is_standard name) then
die "From the command line:\n\
@{<error>Error@}: Don't know about directory %s!" (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src_dir)
| Some dir ->
let open Build.O in
Build.all ( contexts ~f:(fun ctx ->
let ctx_dir = Path.(relative build_dir) ctx in
dep_rec_internal ~name ~dir ~ctx_dir))
>>^ fun is_empty_list ->
let is_empty = List.for_all is_empty_list ~f:(fun x -> x) in
if is_empty && not (is_standard name) then
die "From the command line:\n\
@{<error>Error@}: Alias %s is empty.\n\
It is not defined in %s or any of its descendants."
name (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src_dir)
@{<error>Error@}: Alias %S is empty.\n\
It is not defined in %s or any of its descendants."
name (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src_dir)
let default = make "DEFAULT"
let runtest = make "runtest"

View File

@ -129,6 +129,14 @@ module Alias : sig
(** [dep t = Build.path (stamp_file t)] *)
val dep : t -> ('a, 'a) Build.t
(** Implements [@@alias] on the command line *)
val dep_multi_contexts
: dir:Path.t
-> name:string
-> file_tree:File_tree.t
-> contexts:string list
-> (unit, unit) Build.t
(** Implements [(alias_rec ...)] in dependency specification *)
val dep_rec
: t

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
running in src
$ dune build --display short @plop
From the command line:
Error: Alias plop is empty.
Error: Alias "plop" is empty.
It is not defined in . or any of its descendants.
$ dune build --display short @truc/x