All aliases on the command line are recursive

Calling 'jbuilder build @path/x' always request the alias `x` in
`path` and all its descendant.

To implement that, change the build system interface to take an
arbitrary request as argument.
This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-09-29 16:06:29 +01:00 committed by Rudi Grinberg
parent 3e13492b7a
commit 30a914278e
9 changed files with 156 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -70,8 +70,23 @@ module Main = struct
?filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps ()
type target =
| File of Path.t
| Alias_rec of Alias.t
let request_of_targets (setup : Main.setup) targets =
let open Build.O in
List.fold_left targets ~init:(Build.return ()) ~f:(fun acc target ->
acc >>>
match target with
| File path -> Build.path path
| Alias_rec alias ->
Alias.dep_rec ~loc:(Loc.in_file "<command-line>")
~file_tree:setup.file_tree alias)
let do_build (setup : Main.setup) targets =
Build_system.do_build_exn setup.build_system targets
Build_system.do_build_exn setup.build_system
~request:(request_of_targets setup targets)
let find_root () =
let cwd = Sys.getcwd () in
@ -338,10 +353,6 @@ let resolve_package_install setup pkg =
| Error () ->
die "Unknown package %s!%s" pkg (hint pkg (String_map.keys setup.packages))
type target =
| File of Path.t
| Alias of Path.t * Alias.t
let target_hint (setup : Main.setup) path =
assert (Path.is_local path);
let sub_dir = Path.parent path in
@ -381,7 +392,7 @@ let resolve_targets ~log common (setup : Main.setup) user_targets =
let dir = Path.parent path in
let name = Path.basename path in
[Alias (path, Alias.make ~dir name)]
[Alias_rec (Alias.make ~dir name)]
let path = Path.relative Path.root (prefix_target common s) in
let can't_build path =
@ -420,13 +431,13 @@ let resolve_targets ~log common (setup : Main.setup) user_targets =
List.iter targets ~f:(function
| File path -> log @@ "- " ^ (Path.to_string path)
| Alias (path, _) -> log @@ "- alias " ^ (Path.to_string path));
| Alias_rec alias ->
let path = Alias.fully_qualified_name alias in log @@ "- recursive alias " ^
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path));
flush stdout;
end; targets ~f:(function
| File path -> path
| Alias (_, alias) -> Alias.file alias)
let build_targets =
let doc = "Build the given targets, or all installable targets if none are given." in
@ -471,7 +482,7 @@ let runtest =
let targets = dirs ~f:(fun dir ->
let dir = Path.(relative root) (prefix_target common dir) in
Alias.file (Alias.runtest ~dir))
Alias_rec (Alias.runtest ~dir))
do_build setup targets) in
( Term.(const go
@ -522,9 +533,10 @@ let external_lib_deps =
(Main.setup ~log common ~filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps:false
>>= fun setup ->
let targets = resolve_targets ~log common setup targets in
let request = request_of_targets setup targets in
let failure =
String_map.fold ~init:false
(Build_system.all_lib_deps_by_context setup.build_system targets)
(Build_system.all_lib_deps_by_context setup.build_system ~request)
~f:(fun ~key:context_name ~data:lib_deps acc ->
let internals =
@ -623,12 +635,12 @@ let rules =
Future.Scheduler.go ~log
(Main.setup ~log common ~filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps:false
>>= fun setup ->
let targets =
let request =
match targets with
| [] -> Build_system.all_targets setup.build_system
| _ -> resolve_targets ~log common setup targets
| [] -> Build.paths (Build_system.all_targets setup.build_system)
| _ -> resolve_targets ~log common setup targets |> request_of_targets setup
Build_system.build_rules setup.build_system targets ~recursive >>= fun rules ->
Build_system.build_rules setup.build_system ~request ~recursive >>= fun rules ->
let print oc =
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
Sexp.prepare_formatter ppf;
@ -918,10 +930,10 @@ let utop =
let target =
match resolve_targets ~log common setup [utop_target] with
| [] -> die "no libraries defined in %s" dir
| [target] -> target
| _::_::_ -> assert false
| [File target] -> target
| [Alias_rec _] | _::_::_ -> assert false
do_build setup [target] >>| fun () ->
do_build setup [File target] >>| fun () ->
(setup.build_system, context, Path.to_string target)
) |> Future.Scheduler.go ~log in
Build_system.dump_trace build_system;

View File

@ -32,12 +32,40 @@ let of_path path =
let name t = Path.basename (Fq_name.path
let dir t = Path.parent (Fq_name.path
let fully_qualified_name t = Fq_name.path
let make name ~dir =
assert (not (String.contains name '/'));
of_path (Path.relative dir name)
let dep t = Build.path t.file
let dep_rec ~loc ~file_tree t =
let path = Path.parent (Fq_name.path |> Path.drop_build_context in
let name = Path.basename (Fq_name.path in
match File_tree.find_dir file_tree path with
| None -> { fail = fun () -> loc "Don't know about directory %s!" (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path) }
| Some dir ->
let open Build.O in
File_tree.Dir.fold dir ~traverse_ignored_dirs:false ~init:(Build.return true)
~f:(fun dir acc ->
let path = File_tree.Dir.path dir in
let t = of_path (Path.relative path name) in
Build.if_file_exists t.file
~then_:(Build.path t.file
fun _ -> false)
~else_:(Build.arr (fun x -> x)))
>>^ function
| false -> ()
| true -> loc "This recursive alias is empty.\n\
Alias %S is not defined in %s or any of its descendants."
name (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path)
let file t = t.file
let file_with_digest_suffix t ~digest =

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ val make : string -> dir:Path.t -> t
val name : t -> string
val dir : t -> Path.t
val fully_qualified_name : t -> Path.t
val default : dir:Path.t -> t
val runtest : dir:Path.t -> t
val install : dir:Path.t -> t
@ -18,6 +20,10 @@ val doc : dir:Path.t -> t
val dep : t -> ('a, 'a) Build.t
(** Implements [(alias_rec ...)] in dependency specification and
[@alias] on the command line. *)
val dep_rec : loc:Loc.t -> file_tree:File_tree.t -> t -> (unit, unit) Build.t
(** File that represent the alias in the filesystem. It is a file under
[_build/.aliases]. *)
val file : t -> Path.t

View File

@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ type t =
[(deps (filename + contents), targets (filename only), action)] *)
trace : (Path.t, Digest.t) Hashtbl.t
; mutable local_mkdirs : Path.Local.Set.t
; all_targets_by_dir : Pset.t Pmap.t Lazy.t
let all_targets t = Hashtbl.fold t.files ~init:[] ~f:(fun ~key ~data:_ acc -> key :: acc)
@ -304,6 +305,9 @@ module Build_exec = struct
let dyn_deps = ref Pset.empty in
let action = exec dyn_deps (Build.repr t) x in
(action, !dyn_deps)
let exec_nop bs t x =
snd (exec bs (Build.O.(>>^) t (fun () -> Action.Progn [])) x)
(* This variable is filled during the creation of the build system. Once the build system
@ -638,6 +642,7 @@ let create ~contexts ~file_tree ~rules =
; files = Hashtbl.create 1024
; trace = Trace.load ()
; local_mkdirs = Path.Local.Set.empty
; all_targets_by_dir
} in
List.iter rules ~f:(compile_rule t ~all_targets_by_dir ~copy_source:false);
setup_copy_rules t ~all_targets_by_dir
@ -717,13 +722,34 @@ let remove_old_artifacts t =
walk (Config.local_install_dir;
let do_build_exn t targets =
remove_old_artifacts t;
all_unit ( targets ~f:(fun fn -> wait_for_file t fn ~targeting:fn))
let eval_request t ~request ~process_target =
let { Build_interpret.Static_deps.
; action_deps = static_deps
} = Build_interpret.static_deps request ~all_targets_by_dir:t.all_targets_by_dir
let do_build t targets =
let process_targets ts =
Future.all_unit ( (Pset.elements ts) ~f:process_target)
(process_targets static_deps)
(Future.all_unit ( (Pset.elements rule_deps) ~f:(fun fn ->
wait_for_file t fn ~targeting:fn))
>>= fun () ->
let dyn_deps = Build_exec.exec_nop t request () in
process_targets (Pset.diff dyn_deps static_deps))
>>| fun ((), ()) -> ()
let do_build_exn t ~request =
remove_old_artifacts t;
eval_request t ~request ~process_target:(fun fn ->
wait_for_file t fn ~targeting:fn)
let do_build t ~request =
Ok (do_build_exn t targets)
Ok (do_build_exn t ~request)
with Build_error.E e ->
Error e
@ -760,7 +786,16 @@ let rules_for_targets t targets =
Path.to_string (Pset.choose rule.Internal_rule.targets))
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n-> ")
let all_lib_deps t targets =
let static_deps_of_request t request =
let { Build_interpret.Static_deps.
; action_deps
} = Build_interpret.static_deps request ~all_targets_by_dir:t.all_targets_by_dir
Pset.elements (Pset.union rule_deps action_deps)
let all_lib_deps t ~request =
let targets = static_deps_of_request t request in
List.fold_left (rules_for_targets t targets) ~init:Pmap.empty
~f:(fun acc rule ->
let lib_deps = Build_interpret.lib_deps in
@ -771,7 +806,8 @@ let all_lib_deps t targets =
| None, Some b -> Some b
| Some a, Some b -> Some (Build.merge_lib_deps a b)))
let all_lib_deps_by_context t targets =
let all_lib_deps_by_context t ~request =
let targets = static_deps_of_request t request in
List.fold_left (rules_for_targets t targets) ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc rule ->
let lib_deps = Build_interpret.lib_deps in
Path.Map.fold lib_deps ~init:acc ~f:(fun ~key:path ~data:lib_deps acc ->
@ -817,7 +853,7 @@ module Rule_closure =
rules_for_files graph (Pset.elements t.deps)
let build_rules t ?(recursive=false) targets =
let build_rules ?(recursive=false) t ~request =
let rules_seen = ref Id_set.empty in
let rules = ref [] in
let rec loop fn =
@ -863,7 +899,10 @@ let build_rules t ?(recursive=false) targets =
return ()
Future.all_unit ( targets ~f:loop)
let targets = ref Pset.empty in
eval_request t ~request ~process_target:(fun fn ->
targets := Pset.add fn !targets;
loop fn)
>>= fun () ->
Future.all !rules
>>| fun rules ->
@ -872,7 +911,10 @@ let build_rules t ?(recursive=false) targets =
Pset.fold r.targets ~init:acc ~f:(fun fn acc ->
Pmap.add acc ~key:fn ~data:r))
match Rule_closure.top_closure rules (rules_for_files rules targets) with
Rule_closure.top_closure rules
(rules_for_files rules (Pset.elements !targets))
| Ok l -> l
| Error cycle ->
die "dependency cycle detected:\n %s"

View File

@ -23,16 +23,28 @@ module Build_error : sig
(** Do the actual build *)
val do_build : t -> Path.t list -> (unit Future.t, Build_error.t) result
val do_build_exn : t -> Path.t list -> unit Future.t
val do_build
: t
-> request:(unit, unit) Build.t
-> (unit Future.t, Build_error.t) result
val do_build_exn
: t
-> request:(unit, unit) Build.t
-> unit Future.t
(** Return all the library dependencies (as written by the user) needed to build these
targets *)
val all_lib_deps : t -> Path.t list -> Build.lib_deps Path.Map.t
(** Return all the library dependencies (as written by the user)
needed to build this request *)
val all_lib_deps
: t
-> request:(unit, unit) Build.t
-> Build.lib_deps Path.Map.t
(** Return all the library dependencies required to build these targets, by context
name *)
val all_lib_deps_by_context : t -> Path.t list -> Build.lib_deps String_map.t
(** Return all the library dependencies required to build this
request, by context name *)
val all_lib_deps_by_context
: t
-> request:(unit, unit) Build.t
-> Build.lib_deps String_map.t
(** List of all buildable targets *)
val all_targets : t -> Path.t list
@ -58,9 +70,9 @@ end
[recursive] is [true], return all the rules needed to build the
given targets and their transitive dependencies. *)
val build_rules
: t
-> ?recursive:bool (* default false *)
-> Path.t list
: ?recursive:bool (* default false *)
-> t
-> request:(unit, unit) Build.t
-> Rule.t list Future.t
val all_targets_ever_built

View File

@ -10,6 +10,13 @@ module Dir : sig
(** Whether this directory is ignored by a [jbuild-ignore] file in
one of its ancestor directories. *)
val ignored : t -> bool
val fold
: t
-> traverse_ignored_dirs:bool
-> init:'a
-> f:(t -> 'a -> 'a)
-> 'a
type t

View File

@ -1151,6 +1151,6 @@ let gen ~contexts ?(filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps=true)
>>| fun l ->
let rules, context_names_and_stanzas = List.split l in
(Alias.rules aliases
~prefixes:(Path.root :: contexts ~f:(fun c -> c.Context.build_dir)) ~file_tree
~prefixes:(Path.root :: contexts ~f:(fun c -> c.Context.build_dir)) ~file_tree
@ List.concat rules,
String_map.of_alist_exn context_names_and_stanzas)

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ type setup =
; stanzas : (Path.t * Jbuild.Scope.t * Jbuild.Stanzas.t) list String_map.t
; contexts : Context.t list
; packages : Package.t String_map.t
; file_tree : File_tree.t
let package_install_file { packages; _ } pkg =
@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ let setup ?(log=Log.no_log) ?filter_out_optional_stanzas_with_missing_deps
; stanzas
; contexts
; packages = conf.packages
; file_tree = conf.file_tree
let external_lib_deps ?log ~packages () =
@ -71,7 +73,8 @@ let external_lib_deps ?log ~packages () =
| Some stanzas ->
let internals = Jbuild.Stanzas.lib_names stanzas in
(Build_system.all_lib_deps setup.build_system install_files)
(Build_system.all_lib_deps setup.build_system
~request:(Build.paths install_files))
~f:(String_map.filter ~f:(fun name _ ->
not (String_set.mem name internals))))
@ -211,7 +214,8 @@ let bootstrap () =
>>= fun { build_system = bs; _ } ->
Build_system.do_build_exn bs [Path.(relative root) (pkg ^ ".install")])
Build_system.do_build_exn bs
~request:(Build.path (Path.(relative root) (pkg ^ ".install"))))
main ()

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ type setup =
stanzas : (Path.t * Scope.t * Stanzas.t) list String_map.t
; contexts : Context.t list
; packages : Package.t String_map.t
; file_tree : File_tree.t
(* Returns [Error ()] if [pkg] is unknown *)