Detect conflicts between internal and external libraries

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-04-26 15:04:32 +01:00
parent 30ef4012e4
commit 2c124a0221
7 changed files with 94 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -431,14 +431,41 @@ let available t ~required_by name =
| (_ : package) -> true
| exception (Package_not_found _) -> false
let closure pkgs =
module External_dep_conflicts_with_local_lib = struct
type t =
{ package : string
; required_by : string
; required_locally_in : Path.t
; defined_locally_in : Path.t
exception External_dep_conflicts_with_local_lib of External_dep_conflicts_with_local_lib.t
let check_deps_consistency ~required_by ~local_public_libs pkg requires =
List.iter requires ~f:(fun pkg' ->
match String_map.find pkg'.name local_public_libs with
| None -> ()
| Some path ->
raise (External_dep_conflicts_with_local_lib
{ package = pkg'.name
; required_by =
; required_locally_in = required_by
; defined_locally_in = path
let closure ~required_by ~local_public_libs pkgs =
(List.concat_map pkgs ~f:(fun pkg -> pkg.requires)
(List.concat_map pkgs ~f:(fun pkg ->
check_deps_consistency ~required_by ~local_public_libs pkg pkg.requires;
@ pkgs)
let closed_ppx_runtime_deps_of pkgs =
let closed_ppx_runtime_deps_of ~required_by ~local_public_libs pkgs =
(List.concat_map pkgs ~f:(fun pkg -> pkg.ppx_runtime_deps))
(List.concat_map pkgs ~f:(fun pkg ->
check_deps_consistency ~required_by ~local_public_libs pkg pkg.ppx_runtime_deps;
let root_packages t =
let pkgs =

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
(** Findlib database *)
open Import
module Package_not_found : sig
type t =
{ package : string
@ -9,6 +11,17 @@ end
exception Package_not_found of Package_not_found.t
module External_dep_conflicts_with_local_lib : sig
type t =
{ package : string
; required_by : string
; required_locally_in : Path.t
; defined_locally_in : Path.t
exception External_dep_conflicts_with_local_lib of External_dep_conflicts_with_local_lib.t
(** Findlib database *)
type t
@ -38,8 +51,18 @@ val available : t -> required_by:string list -> string -> bool
val root_package_name : string -> string
val closure : package list -> package list
val closed_ppx_runtime_deps_of : package list -> package list
(** [local_public_libs] is a map from public library names to where they are defined in
the workspace. These must not appear as dependency of a findlib package *)
val closure
: required_by:Path.t
-> local_public_libs:Path.t String_map.t
-> package list
-> package list
val closed_ppx_runtime_deps_of
: required_by:Path.t
-> local_public_libs:Path.t String_map.t
-> package list
-> package list
val root_packages : t -> string list
val all_packages : t -> package list

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@ -204,6 +204,8 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
| None -> build
| Some f -> f >>> build
let local_public_libs = Lib_db.local_public_libs t
let closure ~dir ~dep_kind lib_deps =
let internals, externals, fail = Lib_db.interpret_lib_deps t ~dir lib_deps in
with_fail ~fail
@ -214,8 +216,10 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
load_requires ~dir
>>^ (fun internal_deps ->
let externals = (Findlib.closure externals) ~f:(fun pkg ->
Lib.External pkg)
Findlib.closure externals
|> ~f:(fun pkg -> Lib.External pkg)
(List.concat (externals :: internal_deps) @
@ -231,8 +235,10 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
load_runtime_deps ~dir
>>^ (fun libs ->
let externals = (Findlib.closed_ppx_runtime_deps_of externals)
~f:(fun pkg -> Lib.External pkg)
Findlib.closed_ppx_runtime_deps_of externals
|> ~f:(fun pkg -> Lib.External pkg)
Lib.remove_dups_preserve_order (List.concat (externals :: libs))))

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@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ end
let pkgs = requires ~f:(Findlib.find_exn context.findlib
~required_by:[Utils.jbuild_name_in ~dir:dir])
|> Findlib.closure
|> Findlib.closure ~required_by:dir ~local_public_libs:String_map.empty
let includes =
List.fold_left pkgs ~init:Path.Set.empty ~f:(fun acc pkg ->

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@ -10,8 +10,11 @@ type t =
; (* This is to filter out libraries that are not installable because of missing
dependencies *)
instalable_internal_libs : Lib.Internal.t String_map.t
; local_public_libs : Path.t String_map.t
let local_public_libs t = t.local_public_libs
let rec internal_name_scope t ~dir =
match Hashtbl.find t.by_internal_name dir with
| Some scope -> scope
@ -97,11 +100,18 @@ let compute_instalable_internal_libs t ~internal_libraries =
let create findlib ~dirs_with_dot_opam_files internal_libraries =
let local_public_libs =
List.fold_left internal_libraries ~init:String_map.empty ~f:(fun acc (dir, lib) ->
match lib.Library.public with
| None -> acc
| Some { name; _ } -> String_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:dir)
let t =
{ findlib
; by_public_name = Hashtbl.create 1024
; by_internal_name = Hashtbl.create 1024
; instalable_internal_libs = String_map.empty
; local_public_libs
(* Initializes the scopes, including [Path.root] so that when there are no <pkg>.opam

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@ -33,3 +33,6 @@ val resolve_selects
-> resolved_select list
val lib_is_available : t -> from:Path.t -> string -> bool
(** For [Findlib.closure] *)
val local_public_libs : t -> Path.t String_map.t

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@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ let report_error ?(map_fname=fun x->x) ppf exn ~backtrace =
Format.fprintf ppf "%s\n" (String.capitalize_ascii msg)
| Findlib.Package_not_found { package; required_by } ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@{<error>Error@}: Findlib package %S not found.\n" package;
"@{<error>Error@}: External library %S not found.\n" package;
List.iter required_by ~f:(Format.fprintf ppf "-> required by %S\n");
let cmdline_suggestion =
(* CR-someday jdimino: this is ugly *)
@ -102,6 +102,19 @@ let report_error ?(map_fname=fun x->x) ppf exn ~backtrace =
Format.fprintf ppf
"Hint: try: %s\n"
( cmdline_suggestion ~f:quote_for_shell |> String.concat ~sep:" ")
| Findlib.External_dep_conflicts_with_local_lib
{ package; required_by; required_locally_in; defined_locally_in } ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@{<error>Error@}: Conflict between internal and external version of library %S:\n\
- it is defined locally in %s\n\
- it is required by external library %S\n\
- external library %S is required in %s\n\
This cannot work.\n"
(Path.to_string defined_locally_in)
(Utils.jbuild_name_in ~dir:required_locally_in)
| Code_error msg ->
let bt = Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string backtrace in
Format.fprintf ppf "@{<error>Internal error, please report upstream \