Detect when a module is used by several stanzas (#532)

- print a warning
- don't generate several rules for the .d files
- Added tests for multiple rules for .ml.d
This commit is contained in:
Jérémie Dimino 2018-02-20 16:44:25 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 19f1c6f6b3
commit 2a531c5d24
No known key found for this signature in database
14 changed files with 173 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ let build_and_link_many
~loc ~dir ~programs ~modules
@ -141,10 +142,17 @@ let build_and_link_many
let already_used =
match modules_partitioner with
| None -> String_set.empty
| Some mp ->
Modules_partitioner.acknowledge mp
~loc ~modules
let dep_graphs =
Ocamldep.rules sctx ~dir ~modules ~alias_module:None
Ocamldep.rules sctx ~dir ~modules ~already_used
~alias_module:None ~lib_interface_module:None
let requires, real_requires =

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ val build_and_link
-> modules:Module.t String_map.t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> linkages:Linkage.t list
-> ?modules_partitioner:Modules_partitioner.t
-> ?libraries:Jbuild.Lib_deps.t
-> ?flags:Ocaml_flags.t
-> ?link_flags:(unit, string list) Build.t
@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ val build_and_link_many
-> modules:Module.t String_map.t
-> scope:Scope.t
-> linkages:Linkage.t list
-> ?modules_partitioner:Modules_partitioner.t
-> ?libraries:Jbuild.Lib_deps.t
-> ?flags:Ocaml_flags.t
-> ?link_flags:(unit, string list) Build.t

View File

@ -493,12 +493,17 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
it references are built after. *)
let alias_module_build_sandbox = ctx.version < (4, 03, 0)
let library_rules (lib : Library.t) ~dir ~files ~scope =
let library_rules (lib : Library.t) ~modules_partitioner ~dir ~files ~scope =
let obj_dir = Utils.library_object_directory ~dir in
let dep_kind = if lib.optional then Build.Optional else Required in
let flags = Ocaml_flags.make lib.buildable sctx ~scope ~dir in
let { modules; main_module_name; alias_module } = modules_by_lib ~dir lib in
(* Preprocess before adding the alias module as it doesn't need preprocessing *)
let already_used =
Modules_partitioner.acknowledge modules_partitioner
~loc:lib.buildable.loc ~modules
(* Preprocess before adding the alias module as it doesn't need
preprocessing *)
let modules =
SC.PP.pp_and_lint_modules sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~modules ~scope
@ -516,7 +521,7 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
let dep_graphs =
Ocamldep.rules sctx ~dir ~modules ~alias_module
Ocamldep.rules sctx ~dir ~modules ~already_used ~alias_module
~lib_interface_module:(if lib.wrapped then
String_map.find main_module_name modules
@ -719,7 +724,8 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
| Executables stuff |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let executables_rules (exes : Executables.t) ~dir ~all_modules ~scope =
let executables_rules ~dir ~all_modules
?modules_partitioner ~scope (exes : Executables.t) =
let modules =
parse_modules ~all_modules ~buildable:exes.buildable
@ -764,6 +770,7 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
@ -828,13 +835,17 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
(* This interprets "rule" and "copy_files" stanzas. *)
let files = text_files ~dir:ctx_dir in
let all_modules = modules_by_dir ~dir:ctx_dir in
let modules_partitioner =
Modules_partitioner.create ~dir:src_dir ~all_modules
List.filter_map stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
let dir = ctx_dir in
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
| Library lib ->
Some (library_rules lib ~dir ~files ~scope)
Some (library_rules lib ~dir ~files ~scope ~modules_partitioner)
| Executables exes ->
Some (executables_rules exes ~dir ~all_modules ~scope)
Some (executables_rules exes ~dir ~all_modules ~scope
| Alias alias ->
alias_rules alias ~dir ~scope;
@ -861,9 +872,12 @@ module Gen(P : Params) = struct
|> Option.iter ~f:(Merlin.add_rules sctx ~dir:ctx_dir ~scope);
Option.iter (Utop.exe_stanzas stanzas) ~f:(fun (exe, all_modules) ->
let dir = Utop.utop_exe_dir ~dir:ctx_dir in
let merlin = executables_rules exe ~dir ~all_modules ~scope in
let merlin =
executables_rules exe ~dir ~all_modules ~scope
Utop.add_module_rules sctx ~dir merlin.requires;
Modules_partitioner.emit_warnings modules_partitioner
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| META |

View File

@ -595,6 +595,18 @@ module No_io = struct
module Fmt = struct
(* CR-someday diml: we should define a GADT for this:
type 'a t =
| Int : int t
| Box : ...
| Colored : ...
This way we could separate the creation of messages from the
actual rendering.
type 'a t = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
let kstrf f fmt =
@ -603,6 +615,11 @@ module Fmt = struct
Format.kfprintf f (Format.formatter_of_buffer buf) fmt
let failwith fmt = kstrf failwith fmt
let list = Format.pp_print_list
let string s ppf = Format.pp_print_string ppf s
let prefix f g ppf x = f ppf; g ppf x
(* This is ugly *)

View File

@ -64,3 +64,6 @@ let warn t fmt =
let to_file_colon_line t =
sprintf "%s:%d" t.start.pos_fname t.start.pos_lnum
let pp_file_colon_line ppf t =
Format.pp_print_string ppf (to_file_colon_line t)

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ val of_pos : (string * int * int * int) -> t
val none : t
val to_file_colon_line : t -> string
val pp_file_colon_line : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Prints "File ..., line ..., characters ...:\n" *)
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
open Import
type t =
{ dir : Path.t
; all_modules : Module.t String_map.t
; mutable used : Loc.t list String_map.t
let create ~dir ~all_modules =
{ dir
; all_modules
; used = String_map.empty
let acknowledge t ~loc ~modules =
let already_used =
String_map.merge modules t.used ~f:(fun _name x l ->
Option.some_if (Option.is_some x && Option.is_some l) ())
|> String_map.keys
|> String_set.of_list
t.used <-
String_map.merge modules t.used ~f:(fun _name x l ->
match x with
| None -> l
| Some _ -> Some (loc :: Option.value l ~default:[]));
let emit_warnings t =
let loc =
Utils.jbuild_file_in ~dir:t.dir
|> Path.to_string
|> Loc.in_file
String_map.iter t.used ~f:(fun ~key:name ~data:locs ->
if List.length locs > 1 then
Loc.warn loc
"Module %S is used in several stanzas:@\n\
This will become an error in the future."
(Fmt.list (Fmt.prefix (Fmt.string "- ") Loc.pp_file_colon_line))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
(** Checks modules partitioning inside a directory *)
open Import
type t
val create
: dir:Path.t
-> all_modules:Module.t String_map.t
-> t
(** [acknowledge t ~loc ~modules] registers the fact that [modules]
are associated with [loc].
Returns the set of modules that are already used at another
val acknowledge
: t
-> loc:Loc.t
-> modules:Module.t String_map.t
-> String_set.t
(** To be called after processing a directory. Emit warnings about
detected problems *)
val emit_warnings : t -> unit

View File

@ -101,8 +101,10 @@ let parse_deps ~dir ~file ~(unit : Module.t)
die "Module %s in directory %s depends on %s.\n\
This doesn't make sense to me.\n\
%s is the main module of the library and is the only module exposed \n\
outside of the library. Consequently, it should be the one depending \n\
%s is the main module of the library and is \
the only module exposed \n\
outside of the library. Consequently, it should \
be the one depending \n\
on all the other modules in the library." (Path.to_string dir);
let deps =
@ -112,7 +114,8 @@ let parse_deps ~dir ~file ~(unit : Module.t)
let rules sctx ~(ml_kind:Ml_kind.t) ~dir ~modules ~alias_module ~lib_interface_module =
let rules sctx ~(ml_kind:Ml_kind.t) ~dir ~modules ~already_used
~alias_module ~lib_interface_module =
let per_module = modules ~f:(fun unit ->
match Module.file ~dir unit ml_kind with
@ -120,13 +123,15 @@ let rules sctx ~(ml_kind:Ml_kind.t) ~dir ~modules ~alias_module ~lib_interface_m
| Some file ->
let ocamldep_output = Path.extend_basename file ~suffix:".d" in
let context = SC.context sctx in
SC.add_rule sctx
( ~context (Ok context.ocamldep)
[A "-modules"; Ml_kind.flag ml_kind; Dep file]
if not (String_set.mem already_used) then
SC.add_rule sctx
( ~context (Ok context.ocamldep)
[A "-modules"; Ml_kind.flag ml_kind; Dep file]
Build.memoize (Path.to_string ocamldep_output)
(Build.lines_of ocamldep_output
>>^ parse_deps ~dir ~file ~unit ~modules ~alias_module ~lib_interface_module))
>>^ parse_deps ~dir ~file ~unit ~modules ~alias_module
let per_module =
match alias_module with
@ -138,5 +143,6 @@ let rules sctx ~(ml_kind:Ml_kind.t) ~dir ~modules ~alias_module ~lib_interface_m
; per_module
let rules sctx ~dir ~modules ~alias_module ~lib_interface_module =
Ml_kind.Dict.of_func (rules sctx ~dir ~modules ~alias_module ~lib_interface_module)
let rules sctx ~dir ~modules ~already_used ~alias_module ~lib_interface_module =
Ml_kind.Dict.of_func (rules sctx ~dir ~modules ~already_used ~alias_module

View File

@ -22,17 +22,23 @@ module Dep_graphs : sig
val dummy : Module.t -> t
(** Generate ocamldep rules for the given modules. [item] is either the internal name of a
library of the first name of a list of executables.
(** Generate ocamldep rules for the given modules. [item] is either
the internal name of a library of the first name of a list of
For wrapped libraries, [lib_interface_module] is the main module of the library.
For wrapped libraries, [lib_interface_module] is the main module
of the library.
Return arrows that evaluate to the dependency graphs.
[already_used] represents the modules that are used by another
stanzas in the same directory. No [.d] rule will be generated for
such modules.
Return arrows that evaluate to the dependency graphs. *)
val rules
: Super_context.t
-> dir:Path.t
-> modules:Module.t String_map.t
-> already_used:String_set.t
-> alias_module:Module.t option
-> lib_interface_module:Module.t option
-> Dep_graphs.t

View File

@ -1,5 +1,21 @@
$ $JBUILDER exec ./test.exe -j1 --debug-dep --display short --root .
File "jbuild", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Module "Lib" is used in several stanzas:
- jbuild:8
- jbuild:4
This will become an error in the future.
Multiple rules generated for _build/default/lib.o:
- <internal location>
- <internal location>
$ $JBUILDER build src/a.cma -j1 --debug-dep --display short --root .
File "src/jbuild", line 1, characters 0-0:
Warning: Module "X" is used in several stanzas:
- src/jbuild:4
- src/jbuild:3
This will become an error in the future.
ocamldep src/
ocamlc src/.a.objs/a.{cmi,cmo,cmt}
ocamlc src/.a.objs/a__X.{cmi,cmo,cmt}
ocamlc src/a.cma

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(jbuild_version 1)
(library ((name a)))
(library ((name b)))

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
let x = 42

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Duplicate mld's in the same scope
odoc _doc/root.lib2/Root_lib2/.jbuilder-keep,_doc/root.lib2/Root_lib2/index.html
Duplicate mld's in different scope
$ rm -rf diff-scope/_build
$ $JBUILDER build @doc -j1 --display short --root ./diff-scope 2>&1 | grep -v Entering
odoc _doc/odoc.css
odoc _doc/scope1/page-foo.odoc