Add support for multi directory libraries and executables (#1034)

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>
This commit is contained in:
Jérémie Dimino 2018-08-01 15:23:26 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 13d0ec5269
commit 282c0b3c41
No known key found for this signature in database
41 changed files with 506 additions and 78 deletions

View File

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ next
- Interpret `X` in `--libdir X` as relative to `PREFIX` when `X` is relative
(#1072, fix #1070, @diml)
- Add support for multi directory libraries by writing
`(include_subdirs qualified)` (#1034, @diml)
1.0.1 (19/07/2018)

View File

@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ allowed to write an explicit ``Foo`` module, in which case this will
be the interface of the library and you are free to expose only the
modules you want.
Note that by default libraries and other things that consume
OCaml/Reason modules only consume modules from the directory where the
stanza appear. In order to declare a multi-directory library, you need
to use the :ref:`include_subdirs` stanza.
``<optional-fields>`` are:
- ``(public_name <name>)`` this is the name under which the library can be
@ -787,6 +792,43 @@ A directory that is ignored will not be eagerly scanned by Dune. Any
will be treated as raw data. It is however possible to depend on files
inside ignored sub-directories.
.. _include_subdirs:
The ``include_subdirs`` stanza is used to control how dune considers
sub-directories of the current directory. The syntax is as follow:
.. code:: scheme
(include_subdirs <mode>)
Where ``<mode>`` maybe be one of:
- ``no``, the default
- ``unqualified``
When the ``include_subdirs`` stanza is not present or ``<mode>`` is
``no``, dune considers sub-directories as independent. When ``<mode>``
is ``unqualified``, dune will assume that the sub-directories of the
current directory are part of the same group of directories. In
particular, dune will scan all these directories at once when looking
for OCaml/Reason files. This allows you to split a library between
several directories. ``unqualified`` means that modules in
sub-directories are seen as if they were all in the same directory. In
particular, you cannot have two modules with the same name in two
different directories. It is planned to add a ``qualified`` mode in
the future.
Note that sub-directories are included recursively, however the
recursion will stop when encountering a sub-directory that:
- is part of a different project (for instance when vendoring projects)
- contains ``(include_subdirs unqualified)``
- contains one of the following stanza that consume modules:
``library``, ``executable(s)`` or ``test(s)``.
Common items

View File

@ -1534,6 +1534,7 @@ let get_collector t ~dir =
"Build_system.get_collector called on closed directory")
[ "dir", Path.sexp_of_t dir
; "load_dir_stack", Sexp.To_sexp.list Path.sexp_of_t t.load_dir_stack
let add_rule t (rule : Build_interpret.Rule.t) =

View File

@ -180,12 +180,34 @@ type modules =
rev_map : Buildable.t Module.Name.Map.t
let empty_modules =
{ libraries = String.Map.empty
; executables = String.Map.empty
; rev_map = Module.Name.Map.empty
type t =
{ text_files : String.Set.t
{ kind : kind
; dir : Path.t
; text_files : String.Set.t
; modules : modules Lazy.t
; mlds : (Jbuild.Documentation.t * Path.t list) list Lazy.t
and kind =
| Standalone
| Group_root of t list Lazy.t
| Group_part of t
let kind t = t.kind
let dir t = t.dir
let dirs t =
match t.kind with
| Standalone -> [t]
| Group_root (lazy l)
| Group_part { kind = Group_root (lazy l); _ } -> t :: l
| Group_part { kind = _; _ } -> assert false
let text_files t = t.text_files
let modules_of_library t ~name =
@ -226,7 +248,7 @@ let mlds t (doc : Documentation.t) =
(* As a side-effect, setup user rules and copy_files rules. *)
let load_text_files sctx d =
let load_text_files sctx ft_dir d =
let { Super_context.Dir_with_jbuild.
ctx_dir = dir
; src_dir
@ -258,8 +280,7 @@ let load_text_files sctx d =
| _ -> [])
|> String.Set.of_list
String.Set.union generated_files
(Super_context.source_files sctx ~src_path:src_dir)
String.Set.union generated_files (File_tree.Dir.files ft_dir)
let modules_of_files ~dir ~files =
let make_module syntax base fn =
@ -296,8 +317,7 @@ let modules_of_files ~dir ~files =
Module.Name.Map.merge impls intfs ~f:(fun name impl intf ->
Some (Module.make name ?impl ?intf))
let build_modules_map (d : Super_context.Dir_with_jbuild.t) ~files =
let modules = modules_of_files ~dir:d.ctx_dir ~files in
let build_modules_map (d : Super_context.Dir_with_jbuild.t) ~modules =
let libs, exes =
List.filter_partition_map d.stanzas ~f:(fun stanza ->
match (stanza : Stanza.t) with
@ -427,23 +447,201 @@ let build_mlds_map (d : Super_context.Dir_with_jbuild.t) ~files =
Some (doc, (String.Map.values mlds) ~f:(Path.relative dir))
| _ -> None)
let get =
let cache = Hashtbl.create 32 in
fun sctx ~dir ->
Hashtbl.find_or_add cache dir ~f:(fun dir ->
match Super_context.stanzas_in sctx ~dir with
| None ->
{ text_files = String.Set.empty
; modules = lazy
{ libraries = String.Map.empty
; executables = String.Map.empty
; rev_map = Module.Name.Map.empty
module Dir_status = struct
type t =
| Empty_standalone of File_tree.Dir.t option
(* Directory with no libraries or executables that is not part of
a multi-directory group *)
| Is_component_of_a_group_but_not_the_root of
Super_context.Dir_with_jbuild.t option
(* Sub-directory of a directory with [(include_subdirs x)] where
[x] is not [no] *)
| Standalone of File_tree.Dir.t
* Super_context.Dir_with_jbuild.t
(* Directory with at least one library or executable *)
| Group_root of File_tree.Dir.t
* Super_context.Dir_with_jbuild.t
(* Directory with [(include_subdirs x)] where [x] is not [no] *)
let is_standalone = function
| Standalone _ | Empty_standalone _ -> true
| _ -> false
let cache = Hashtbl.create 32
let analyze_stanzas stanzas =
let is_group_root, has_modules_consumers =
List.fold_left stanzas ~init:(None, false) ~f:(fun acc stanza ->
let is_group_root, has_modules_consumers = acc in
match stanza with
| Include_subdirs (loc, x) ->
if Option.is_some is_group_root then loc "The 'include_subdirs' stanza cannot appear \
more than once";
(Some x, has_modules_consumers)
| Library _ | Executables _ | Tests _ ->
(is_group_root, true)
| _ -> acc)
(Option.value is_group_root ~default:No, has_modules_consumers)
let rec get sctx ~dir =
match Hashtbl.find cache dir with
| Some t -> t
| None ->
let t =
Option.bind (Path.drop_build_context dir)
~f:(File_tree.find_dir (Super_context.file_tree sctx))
| None -> Empty_standalone None
| Some ft_dir ->
let project_root = Path.of_local (File_tree.Dir.project ft_dir).root in
match Super_context.stanzas_in sctx ~dir with
| None ->
if dir = project_root ||
is_standalone (get sctx ~dir:(Path.parent_exn dir)) then
Empty_standalone (Some ft_dir)
Is_component_of_a_group_but_not_the_root None
| Some d ->
let is_group_root, has_modules_consumers =
analyze_stanzas d.stanzas
if is_group_root <> No then
Group_root (ft_dir, d)
else if not has_modules_consumers &&
dir <> project_root &&
not (is_standalone (get sctx ~dir:(Path.parent_exn dir)))
Is_component_of_a_group_but_not_the_root (Some d)
Standalone (ft_dir, d)
Hashtbl.add cache dir t;
let get_assuming_parent_is_part_of_group sctx ~dir ft_dir =
match Hashtbl.find cache (File_tree.Dir.path ft_dir) with
| Some t -> t
| None ->
let t =
match Super_context.stanzas_in sctx ~dir with
| None -> Is_component_of_a_group_but_not_the_root None
| Some d ->
let is_group_root, has_modules_consumers =
analyze_stanzas d.stanzas
if is_group_root <> No then
Group_root (ft_dir, d)
else if has_modules_consumers then
Standalone (ft_dir, d)
Is_component_of_a_group_but_not_the_root (Some d)
Hashtbl.add cache dir t;
let cache = Hashtbl.create 32
let rec get sctx ~dir =
match Hashtbl.find cache dir with
| Some t -> t
| None ->
match Dir_status.get sctx ~dir with
| Empty_standalone ft_dir ->
let t =
{ kind = Standalone
; dir
; text_files =
(match ft_dir with
| None -> String.Set.empty
| Some x -> File_tree.Dir.files x)
; modules = lazy empty_modules
; mlds = lazy []
| Some d ->
let files = load_text_files sctx d in
{ text_files = files
; modules = lazy (build_modules_map d ~files)
Hashtbl.add cache dir t;
| Is_component_of_a_group_but_not_the_root _ ->
(* Filled while scanning the group root *)
Option.value_exn (Hashtbl.find cache dir)
| Standalone (ft_dir, d) ->
let files = load_text_files sctx ft_dir d in
let t =
{ kind = Standalone
; dir
; text_files = files
; modules = lazy (build_modules_map d
~modules:(modules_of_files ~dir:d.ctx_dir ~files))
; mlds = lazy (build_mlds_map d ~files)
Hashtbl.add cache dir t;
| Group_root (ft_dir, d) ->
let rec walk ft_dir ~dir acc =
Dir_status.get_assuming_parent_is_part_of_group sctx ft_dir ~dir
| Is_component_of_a_group_but_not_the_root d ->
let files =
match d with
| None -> File_tree.Dir.files ft_dir
| Some d -> load_text_files sctx ft_dir d
walk_children ft_dir ~dir ((dir, files) :: acc)
| _ -> acc
and walk_children ft_dir ~dir acc =
String.Map.foldi (File_tree.Dir.sub_dirs ft_dir) ~init:acc
~f:(fun name ft_dir acc ->
let dir = Path.relative dir name in
walk ft_dir ~dir acc)
let files = load_text_files sctx ft_dir d in
let subdirs = walk_children ft_dir ~dir [] in
let modules = lazy (
let modules =
List.fold_left ((dir, files) :: subdirs) ~init:Module.Name.Map.empty
~f:(fun acc (dir, files) ->
let modules = modules_of_files ~dir ~files in
Module.Name.Map.union acc modules ~f:(fun name x y -> (Loc.in_file
(match File_tree.Dir.dune_file ft_dir with
| None ->
Path.relative (File_tree.Dir.path ft_dir)
| Some d -> File_tree.Dune_file.path d)))
"Module %a appears in several directories:\
@\n- %a\
@\n- %a"
Module.Name.pp_quote name
Path.pp (Module.dir x)
Path.pp (Module.dir y)))
build_modules_map d ~modules)
let t =
{ kind = Group_root
(lazy ( subdirs ~f:(fun (dir, _) -> get sctx ~dir)))
; dir
; text_files = files
; modules
; mlds = lazy (build_mlds_map d ~files)
Hashtbl.add cache dir t;
List.iter subdirs ~f:(fun (dir, files) ->
Hashtbl.add cache dir
{ kind = Group_part t
; dir
; text_files = files
; modules
; mlds = lazy (build_mlds_map d ~files)

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ open Import
type t
val dir : t -> Path.t
(** Files in this directory. At the moment, this doesn't include all
generated files, just the ones generated by [rule], [ocamllex],
[ocamlyacc], [menhir] stanzas. *)
@ -38,3 +40,14 @@ val lookup_module : t -> Module.Name.t -> Jbuild.Buildable.t option
val mlds : t -> Jbuild.Documentation.t -> Path.t list
val get : Super_context.t -> dir:Path.t -> t
type kind =
| Standalone
| Group_root of t list Lazy.t (** Sub-directories part of the group *)
| Group_part of t
val kind : t -> kind
(** All directories in this group, or just [t] if this directory is
not part of a group. *)
val dirs : t -> t list

View File

@ -97,9 +97,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
| Native -> [Library.archive lib ~dir ~ext:ctx.ext_lib])
let build_c_file (lib : Library.t) ~scope ~dir ~includes c_name =
let src = Path.relative dir (c_name ^ ".c") in
let dst = Path.relative dir (c_name ^ ctx.ext_obj) in
let build_c_file (lib : Library.t) ~scope ~dir ~includes (src, dst) =
SC.add_rule sctx
(SC.expand_and_eval_set sctx ~scope ~dir lib.c_flags
~standard:(Build.return (Context.cc_g ctx))
@ -107,7 +105,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct ~context:ctx
(* We have to execute the rule in the library directory as
the .o is produced in the current directory *)
~dir:(Path.parent_exn src)
(Ok ctx.ocamlc)
[ As (Utils.g ())
; includes
@ -117,9 +115,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
let build_cxx_file (lib : Library.t) ~scope ~dir ~includes c_name =
let src = Path.relative dir (c_name ^ ".cpp") in
let dst = Path.relative dir (c_name ^ ctx.ext_obj) in
let build_cxx_file (lib : Library.t) ~scope ~dir ~includes (src, dst) =
let open Arg_spec in
let output_param =
if ctx.ccomp_type = "msvc" then
@ -134,7 +130,7 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct ~context:ctx
(* We have to execute the rule in the library directory as
the .o is produced in the current directory *)
~dir:(Path.parent_exn src)
(SC.resolve_program sctx ctx.c_compiler)
([ S [A "-I"; Path ctx.stdlib_dir]
; As (SC.cxx_flags sctx)
@ -240,13 +236,28 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
~dep_graphs:(Ocamldep.Dep_graphs.dummy m));
if Library.has_stubs lib then begin
let all_dirs = Dir_contents.dirs dir_contents in
let h_files =
String.Set.to_list (Dir_contents.text_files dir_contents)
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun fn ->
if String.is_suffix fn ~suffix:".h" then
Some (Path.relative dir fn)
List.fold_left all_dirs ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc dc ->
String.Set.fold (Dir_contents.text_files dc) ~init:acc
~f:(fun fn acc ->
if String.is_suffix fn ~suffix:".h" then
Path.relative (Dir_contents.dir dc) fn :: acc
let all_dirs = Path.Set.of_list ( all_dirs ~f:Dir_contents.dir) in
let resolve_name ~ext (loc, fn) =
let p = Path.relative dir (fn ^ ext) in
if not (match Path.parent p with
| None -> false
| Some p -> Path.Set.mem all_dirs p) then loc
"File %a is not part of the current directory group. \
This is not allowed."
Path.pp (Path.drop_optional_build_context p)
(p, Path.relative dir (fn ^ ctx.ext_obj))
let o_files =
let includes =
@ -258,10 +269,10 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
in lib.c_names ~f:(
build_c_file lib ~scope ~dir ~includes
) @ lib.cxx_names ~f:(
build_cxx_file lib ~scope ~dir ~includes lib.c_names ~f:(fun name ->
build_c_file lib ~scope ~dir ~includes (resolve_name name ~ext:".c")
) @ lib.cxx_names ~f:(fun name ->
build_cxx_file lib ~scope ~dir ~includes (resolve_name name ~ext:".cpp")
match lib.self_build_stubs_archive with
@ -610,9 +621,8 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
| Stanza |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let gen_rules { SC.Dir_with_jbuild. src_dir; ctx_dir; stanzas; scope; kind } =
(* This interprets "rule" and "copy_files" stanzas. *)
let dir_contents = Dir_contents.get sctx ~dir:ctx_dir in
let gen_rules dir_contents
{ SC.Dir_with_jbuild. src_dir; ctx_dir; stanzas; scope; kind } =
let merlins, cctxs =
let rec loop stanzas merlins cctxs =
let dir = ctx_dir in
@ -696,6 +706,11 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
| _ -> ())
let gen_rules dir_contents ~dir =
match SC.stanzas_in sctx ~dir with
| None -> ()
| Some d -> gen_rules dir_contents d
let gen_rules ~dir components : Build_system.extra_sub_directories_to_keep =
(match components with
| ".js" :: rest -> Js_of_ocaml_rules.setup_separate_compilation_rules
@ -703,14 +718,26 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
| "_doc" :: rest -> Odoc.gen_rules rest ~dir
| ".ppx" :: rest -> Preprocessing.gen_rules sctx rest
| _ ->
match SC.stanzas_in sctx ~dir with
| Some x -> gen_rules x
File_tree.find_dir (SC.file_tree sctx)
(Path.drop_build_context_exn dir)
| None ->
if components <> [] &&
(File_tree.find_dir (SC.file_tree sctx)
(Path.drop_build_context_exn dir)) then
SC.load_dir sctx ~dir:(Path.parent_exn dir));
(* We get here when [dir] is a generated directory, such as
[.utop] or [.foo.objs]. *)
if components <> [] then SC.load_dir sctx ~dir:(Path.parent_exn dir)
| Some _ ->
(* This interprets "rule" and "copy_files" stanzas. *)
let dir_contents = Dir_contents.get sctx ~dir in
match Dir_contents.kind dir_contents with
| Standalone ->
gen_rules dir_contents ~dir
| Group_part root ->
SC.load_dir sctx ~dir:(Dir_contents.dir root)
| Group_root (lazy subs) ->
gen_rules dir_contents ~dir;
List.iter subs ~f:(fun dc ->
gen_rules dir_contents ~dir:(Dir_contents.dir dc)));
match components with
| [] -> These (String.Set.of_list [".js"; "_doc"; ".ppx"])
| [(".js"|"_doc"|".ppx")] -> All

View File

@ -83,14 +83,12 @@ let c_name, cxx_name =
plain_string (fun ~loc s ->
if match s with
| "" | "." | ".." -> true
| _ -> Filename.basename s <> s then
| _ -> false then
of_sexp_errorf loc
"%S is not a valid %s name.\n\
Hint: To use %s files from another directory, use a \
(copy_files <dir>/*.%s) stanza instead."
"%S is not a valid %s name."
s what what ext
(loc, s))
(make "C" "c",
make "C++" "cpp")
@ -836,9 +834,9 @@ module Library = struct
; modes : Mode_conf.Set.t
; kind : Kind.t
; c_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; c_names : string list
; c_names : (Loc.t * string) list
; cxx_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; cxx_names : string list
; cxx_names : (Loc.t * string) list
; library_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; c_library_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; self_build_stubs_archive : string option
@ -1644,15 +1642,26 @@ module Documentation = struct
module Include_subdirs = struct
type t = No | Unqualified
let t =
[ "no", No
; "unqualified", Unqualified
type Stanza.t +=
| Library of Library.t
| Executables of Executables.t
| Rule of Rule.t
| Install of Install_conf.t
| Alias of Alias_conf.t
| Copy_files of Copy_files.t
| Documentation of Documentation.t
| Tests of Tests.t
| Library of Library.t
| Executables of Executables.t
| Rule of Rule.t
| Install of Install_conf.t
| Alias of Alias_conf.t
| Copy_files of Copy_files.t
| Documentation of Documentation.t
| Tests of Tests.t
| Include_subdirs of Loc.t * Include_subdirs.t
module Stanzas = struct
type t = Stanza.t list
@ -1722,6 +1731,11 @@ module Stanzas = struct
; "env",
(let%map x = Dune_env.Stanza.t in
[Dune_env.T x])
; "include_subdirs",
(let%map () = Syntax.since Stanza.syntax (1, 1)
and t = Include_subdirs.t
and loc = loc in
[Include_subdirs (loc, t)])
let jbuild_parser =

View File

@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ module Library : sig
; modes : Mode_conf.Set.t
; kind : Kind.t
; c_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; c_names : string list
; c_names : (Loc.t * string) list
; cxx_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; cxx_names : string list
; cxx_names : (Loc.t * string) list
; library_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; c_library_flags : Ordered_set_lang.Unexpanded.t
; self_build_stubs_archive : string option
@ -365,15 +365,20 @@ module Tests : sig
module Include_subdirs : sig
type t = No | Unqualified
type Stanza.t +=
| Library of Library.t
| Executables of Executables.t
| Rule of Rule.t
| Install of Install_conf.t
| Alias of Alias_conf.t
| Copy_files of Copy_files.t
| Documentation of Documentation.t
| Tests of Tests.t
| Library of Library.t
| Executables of Executables.t
| Rule of Rule.t
| Install of Install_conf.t
| Alias of Alias_conf.t
| Copy_files of Copy_files.t
| Documentation of Documentation.t
| Tests of Tests.t
| Include_subdirs of Loc.t * Include_subdirs.t
module Stanzas : sig
type t = Stanza.t list

View File

@ -118,3 +118,11 @@ let map_files t ~f =
impl = t.impl ~f:(f Ml_kind.Impl)
; intf = t.intf ~f:(f Ml_kind.Intf)
let dir t =
let file =
match t.intf with
| Some x -> x
| None -> Option.value_exn t.impl
Path.parent_exn file.path

View File

@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ val cmt_file : t -> obj_dir:Path.t -> Ml_kind.t -> Path.t option
val obj_file : t -> obj_dir:Path.t -> ext:string -> Path.t
val dir : t -> Path.t
(** Same as [cm_file] but doesn't raise if [cm_kind] is [Cmo] or [Cmx]
and the module has no implementation. *)
val cm_file_unsafe : t -> obj_dir:Path.t -> Cm_kind.t -> Path.t

View File

@ -448,6 +448,14 @@
(progn (run %{exe:cram.exe} -test run.t) (diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))
(name multi-dir)
(deps (package dune) (source_tree test-cases/multi-dir))
(progn (run %{exe:cram.exe} -test run.t) (diff? run.t run.t.corrected)))))
(name multiple-private-libs)
(deps (package dune) (source_tree test-cases/multiple-private-libs))
@ -781,6 +789,7 @@
(alias merlin-tests)
(alias meta-gen)
(alias misc)
(alias multi-dir)
(alias multiple-private-libs)
(alias no-installable-mode)
(alias no-name-field)
@ -869,6 +878,7 @@
(alias merlin-tests)
(alias meta-gen)
(alias misc)
(alias multi-dir)
(alias no-installable-mode)
(alias no-name-field)
(alias null-dep)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
$ jbuilder build @foo
File "src/dune", line 4, characters 10-17:
Error: "stubs/x" is not a valid C name.
Hint: To use C files from another directory, use a (copy_files <dir>/*.c) stanza instead.
Error: File src/stubs/x.c is not part of the current directory group. This is not allowed.

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
let x = 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
let x = 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(library (name foo))
(include_subdirs unqualified)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(lang dune 1.1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(include_subdirs unqualified)
(include_subdirs unqualified)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(lang dune 1.1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Simple test with a multi dir exe
$ dune build --root test1
Entering directory 'test1'
foo alias default
Hello, world!
Test that executables stop the recursion
$ dune build --root test2
Entering directory 'test2'
main alias default
Hello, world!
Test with C stubs in sub-directories
$ dune runtest --root test3
Entering directory 'test3'
main alias runtest
Hello, world!
Test some error cases
$ dune build --root error1
Entering directory 'error1'
File "dune", line 1, characters 0-0:
Error: Module "X" appears in several directories:
- _build/default/b
- _build/default/a
$ dune build --root error2
Entering directory 'error2'
File "dune", line 2, characters 0-29:
Error: The 'include_subdirs' stanza cannot appear more than once

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(name default)
(action (run src/foo.exe)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(lang dune 1.1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
let x = "Hello, "

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
let x = "world!"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(executable (name foo))
(include_subdirs unqualified)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
let () = prerr_endline X.x

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
let x = Y.x ^ Z.x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
(name main)
(libraries foo))
(name default)
(action (run ./main.exe)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(lang dune 1.1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
let () = print_endline Foo.x

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
let x = "world!"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(library (name foo))
(rule (with-stdout-to (run gen/gen.exe)))
(include_subdirs unqualified)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
let x = Generated.x ^ Blah.x

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(executable (name gen))

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
let x = print_endline {|let x = "Hello, "|}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
(name main)
(libraries foo)
(modules main))
(name foo)
(modules foo)
(c_names stub1 sub/stub2))
(include_subdirs unqualified)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
(lang dune 1.1)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
external x : unit -> string = "dune_test_x"
external y : unit -> string = "dune_test_y"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
#include <caml/alloc.h>

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
let () = print_endline (Foo.x () ^ Foo.y ())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include "include/dune_test.h"
CAMLprim value dune_test_x()
return caml_copy_string("Hello,");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include "../include/dune_test.h"
CAMLprim value dune_test_y()
return caml_copy_string(" world!");