Extract #define's using @whitequark's hack

This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2018-04-07 00:12:44 +08:00
parent e0d7570752
commit 1d33f81298
5 changed files with 109 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(** Read and extract the strings between a pair of BEGIN-\d+- and -END
delimiters. This is used to extract the copmile time values from .obj
files *)
val extract : (int * string) list -> Lexing.lexbuf -> (int * string) list

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
rule extract acc = parse
| "BEGIN-" (['0' - '9']+ as i) "-"
{ read acc (int_of_string i) (Buffer.create 8) lexbuf }
| _ { extract acc lexbuf }
| eof { List.rev acc }
and read acc i b = parse
| "-END" { extract ((i, Buffer.contents b) :: acc) lexbuf }
| _ as c { Buffer.add_char b c; read acc i b lexbuf }
| eof { failwith "Unterminated BEGIN-" }

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
(ocamllex (extract_obj))
((name configurator)
(public_name jbuilder.configurator)

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
open Stdune
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
let eprintf = Printf.eprintf
@ -7,6 +8,7 @@ let ( ^/ ) = Filename.concat
exception Fatal_error of string
module String_map = Stdune.Map.Make(Stdune.String)
module Int_map = Stdune.Map.Make(Stdune.Int)
let die fmt =
Printf.ksprintf (fun s ->
@ -231,7 +233,7 @@ let need_to_compile_and_link_separately t =
| "msvc" -> true
| _ -> false
let compile_c_prog t ?(c_flags=[]) ?(link_flags=[]) code =
let compile_and_link_c_prog t ?(c_flags=[]) ?(link_flags=[]) code =
let dir = t.dest_dir ^/ sprintf "c-test-%d" (gen_id t) in
Unix.mkdir dir 0o777;
let base = dir ^/ "test" in
@ -248,53 +250,47 @@ let compile_c_prog t ?(c_flags=[]) ?(link_flags=[]) code =
let ok =
if need_to_compile_and_link_separately t then
run_ok (c_flags @ ["-I"; t.stdlib_dir; "-c"; c_fname]) &&
run_ok ("-o" :: exe_fname :: obj_fname :: link_flags)
run_ok (c_flags @ ["-I"; t.stdlib_dir; "-c"; c_fname])
&& run_ok ("-o" :: exe_fname :: obj_fname :: link_flags)
[ c_flags
; [ "-I"; t.stdlib_dir
; "-o"; exe_fname
; [ "-I" ; t.stdlib_dir
; "-o" ; exe_fname
; c_fname
; link_flags
if ok then Ok exe_fname else Error ()
if ok then Ok () else Error ()
let pp_c_prog t ?(c_flags=[]) code =
let c_flags = "-E" :: c_flags in
let compile_c_prog t ?(c_flags=[]) code =
let dir = t.dest_dir ^/ sprintf "c-test-%d" (gen_id t) in
Unix.mkdir dir 0o777;
let base = dir ^/ "test" in
let c_fname = base ^ ".c" in
let obj_fname = base ^ t.ext_obj in
Io.write_file c_fname code;
logf t "preprocessing c program:";
logf t "compiling c program:";
List.iter (String.split_lines code) ~f:(logf t " | %s");
let run_ok args =
Ok (
run_capture_exn t ~dir
(String.concat ~sep:" "
(t.c_compiler :: List.map args ~f:Filename.quote))
with e ->
Error e
run_ok t ~dir
(String.concat ~sep:" "
(t.c_compiler :: List.map args ~f:Filename.quote))
if need_to_compile_and_link_separately t then
run_ok (c_flags @ ["-I"; t.stdlib_dir; "-c"; c_fname])
[ c_flags
; [ "-I"; t.stdlib_dir
; c_fname
let ok =
run_ok (List.concat
[ c_flags
; [ "-I" ; t.stdlib_dir
; "-o" ; obj_fname
; "-c" ; c_fname
if ok then Ok obj_fname else Error ()
let c_test t ?c_flags ?link_flags code =
match compile_c_prog t ?c_flags ?link_flags code with
match compile_and_link_c_prog t ?c_flags ?link_flags code with
| Ok _ -> true
| Error _ -> false
@ -313,58 +309,80 @@ module C_define = struct
| String of string
let import t ?prelude ?c_flags ?link_flags ~includes vars =
Option.iter link_flags ~f:(fun link_flags ->
"Configurator.C_define.import: link_flags argument is always ignored@.\
~pp_sep:(fun fmt () -> Format.fprintf fmt " ;@,")
(fun fmt s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%S" s)) link_flags
let extract_program ?prelude includes vars =
let has_type t = List.exists vars ~f:(fun (_, t') -> t = t') in
let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
let pr fmt = Printf.bprintf buf (fmt ^^ "\n") in
let prefix = "--- configurator " in
let pr_cfg fmt =
Buffer.add_string buf prefix;
Printf.bprintf buf (fmt ^^ "\n") in
let includes = "stdio.h" :: includes in
List.iter includes ~f:(pr "#include <%s>");
pr "";
Option.iter prelude ~f:(pr "%s");
List.iter vars ~f:(fun (name, (kind : Type.t)) ->
match kind with
| Switch ->
pr {|#if defined(%s)|} name;
pr_cfg "%S=b:true" name;
pr {|#else|};
pr_cfg "%S=b:false" name;
pr {|#endif|}
| Int ->
pr_cfg "%S=i:%s" name name;
if has_type Type.Int then (
pr {|
#define D0(x) ('0'+(x/1 )%%10)
#define D1(x) ('0'+(x/10 )%%10), D0(x)
#define D2(x) ('0'+(x/100 )%%10), D1(x)
#define D3(x) ('0'+(x/1000 )%%10), D2(x)
#define D4(x) ('0'+(x/10000 )%%10), D3(x)
#define D5(x) ('0'+(x/100000 )%%10), D4(x)
#define D6(x) ('0'+(x/1000000 )%%10), D5(x)
#define D7(x) ('0'+(x/10000000 )%%10), D6(x)
#define D8(x) ('0'+(x/100000000 )%%10), D7(x)
#define D9(x) ('0'+(x/1000000000)%%10), D8(x)
List.iteri vars ~f:(fun i (name, t) ->
match t with
| Type.Int ->
let c_arr_i =
let b = Buffer.create 8 in
let is = string_of_int i in
for i=0 to String.length is - 1 do
Printf.bprintf b "'%c', " is.[i]
Buffer.contents b
pr {|
const char s%i[] = {
'B', 'E', 'G', 'I', 'N', '-', %s'-',
'-', 'E', 'N', 'D'
|} i c_arr_i name
| String ->
pr_cfg "%S=s:%s" name name);
let code = Buffer.contents buf in
match pp_c_prog t ?c_flags code with
pr {|const char *s%i = "BEGIN-%i-" %s "-END";|} i i name;
| Switch ->
pr {|
#ifdef %s
const char *s%i = "BEGIN-%i-true-END";
const char *s%i = "BEGIN-%i-false-END";
|} name i i i i
Buffer.contents buf
let extract_values obj_file vars =
let values =
Io.with_lexbuf_from_file obj_file ~f:(Extract_obj.extract [])
|> Int_map.of_list_exn
List.mapi vars ~f:(fun i (name, t) ->
let value =
let raw_val =
match Int_map.find values i with
| None -> die "Unable to get value for %s" name
| Some v -> v in
match t with
| Type.Switch -> Value.Switch (bool_of_string raw_val)
| Int -> Int (int_of_string raw_val)
| String -> String raw_val in
(name, value))
let import t ?prelude ?c_flags ~includes vars =
let program = extract_program ?prelude ("stdio.h" :: includes) vars in
match compile_c_prog t ?c_flags program with
| Error _ -> die "failed to compile program"
| Ok pped_lines ->
String.split_lines pped_lines
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun l ->
Scanf.sscanf l "--- configurator %S=%[ibs]:%s" (fun name typ v ->
Some (
( name
, match typ with
| "b" -> Value.Switch (bool_of_string v)
| "i" -> Int (int_of_string v)
| "s" -> String v
| _ -> assert false)
| End_of_file
| Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> None
| Ok obj -> extract_values obj vars
let gen_header_file t ~fname ?protection_var vars =
let protection_var =
@ -402,7 +420,6 @@ module C_define = struct
Sys.rename tmp_fname fname
let find_in_path t prog =
logf t "find_in_path: %s" prog;
let x = Find_in_path.find prog in

View File

@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ module C_define : sig
(** Define extra code be used with extracting values below. Note that the
compiled code is never executed. *)
-> ?c_flags: string list
-> ?link_flags:string list (** @deprecated, this argument is ignored *)
-> includes: string list
-> (string * Type.t ) list
-> (string * Value.t) list