Make Merlin.t abstract

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2018-03-01 23:26:14 +00:00
parent 39ac04a535
commit 1b279f30bf
3 changed files with 46 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -721,14 +721,12 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
; compile_info
{ Merlin.
requires = real_requires
; flags
; preprocess = Buildable.single_preprocess lib.buildable
; libname = Some
; source_dirs = Path.Set.empty
; objs_dirs = Path.Set.singleton obj_dir
Merlin.make ()
~preprocess:(Buildable.single_preprocess lib.buildable)
~objs_dirs:(Path.Set.singleton obj_dir)
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Executables stuff |
@ -819,14 +817,11 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
{ Merlin.
requires = real_requires
; flags = Ocaml_flags.common flags
; preprocess = Buildable.single_preprocess exes.buildable
; libname = None
; source_dirs = Path.Set.empty
; objs_dirs = Path.Set.singleton obj_dir
Merlin.make ()
~flags:(Ocaml_flags.common flags)
~preprocess:(Buildable.single_preprocess exes.buildable)
~objs_dirs:(Path.Set.singleton obj_dir)
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Aliases |
@ -892,19 +887,11 @@ module Gen(P : Install_rules.Params) = struct
Path.parent (Path.relative src_dir src_glob ~error_loc:loc)
{ Merlin.requires = Build.return []
; flags = Build.return []
; preprocess = Jbuild.Preprocess.No_preprocessing
; libname = None
; source_dirs = Path.Set.singleton src_dir
; objs_dirs = Path.Set.empty
(Merlin.make ()
~source_dirs:(Path.Set.singleton src_dir))
| _ -> None)
|> Merlin.merge_all
|> ~f:(fun (m : Merlin.t) ->
{ m with source_dirs =
Path.Set.add m.source_dirs (Path.relative src_dir ".")
|> ~f:(fun m -> Merlin.add_source_dir m src_dir)
|> Option.iter ~f:(Merlin.add_rules sctx ~dir:ctx_dir ~scope);
Utop.setup sctx ~dir:ctx_dir ~libs:(
List.filter_map stanzas ~f:(function

View File

@ -13,6 +13,25 @@ type t =
; objs_dirs : Path.Set.t
let make
?(requires=Build.return [])
?(flags=Build.return [])
() =
{ requires
; flags
; preprocess
; libname
; source_dirs
; objs_dirs
let add_source_dir t dir =
{ t with source_dirs = Path.Set.add t.source_dirs dir }
let ppx_flags sctx ~dir:_ ~scope ~src_dir:_ { preprocess; libname; _ } =
match preprocess with
| Pps { pps; flags } ->

View File

@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
(** Merlin rules *)
type t =
{ requires : (unit, Lib.t list) Build.t
; flags : (unit, string list) Build.t
; preprocess : Jbuild.Preprocess.t
; libname : string option
; source_dirs: Path.Set.t
; objs_dirs : Path.Set.t
type t
val make
: ?requires:(unit, Lib.t list) Build.t
-> ?flags:(unit, string list) Build.t
-> ?preprocess:Jbuild.Preprocess.t
-> ?libname:string
-> ?source_dirs: Path.Set.t
-> ?objs_dirs:Path.Set.t
-> unit
-> t
val add_source_dir : t -> Path.t -> t
val merge_all : t list -> t option