Much better for findlib packages not found

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-05-17 13:52:40 +01:00
parent f57c084f4b
commit 1814fc4299
3 changed files with 163 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -131,21 +131,62 @@ type package =
; has_headers : bool
module Package_not_found = struct
module Package_not_available = struct
type t =
{ package : string
; required_by : string list
; reason : reason
and reason =
| Not_found
| Hidden
| Dependencies_unavailable of t list
module Closure =
type graph = unit
type nonrec t = t
let key t = t.package
let deps t () =
match t.reason with
| Not_found | Hidden -> []
| Dependencies_unavailable l -> l
let all_names ts =
let rec loop acc ts =
List.fold_left ts ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc t ->
if String_set.mem t.package acc then
let acc = String_set.add t.package acc in
match t.reason with
| Not_found | Hidden -> acc
| Dependencies_unavailable ts -> loop acc ts)
loop String_set.empty ts |> String_set.elements
let top_closure ts =
match Closure.top_closure () ts with
| Ok ts -> ts
| Error _ ->
code_errorf "Findlib.Package_not_available.top_sort got a cycle:\n%s"
(all_names ts
|> ~f:(sprintf "- %s")
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n")
type present_or_absent =
type present_or_not_available =
| Present of package
| Absent of Package_not_found.t
| Not_available of Package_not_available.t
type t =
{ stdlib_dir : Path.t
; path : Path.t list
; packages : (string, present_or_absent) Hashtbl.t
; packages : (string, present_or_not_available) Hashtbl.t
; has_headers : (Path.t, bool ) Hashtbl.t
@ -273,8 +314,9 @@ let rec load_meta_rec t ~fq_name ~packages ~required_by =
fq_name :: required_by
Hashtbl.add t.packages ~key:root_name
~data:(Absent { package = root_name
~data:(Not_available { package = root_name
; required_by
; reason = Not_found
@ -337,17 +379,32 @@ let load_meta t ~fq_name ~required_by =
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n-> ")
| Ok ordering ->
List.iter ordering ~f:(fun (pkg : Pkg_step1.t) ->
let status =
if not pkg.exists then begin
if !Clflags.debug_findlib then
Printf.eprintf "findlib: package %S is hidden\n";
{ package =
; required_by = pkg.required_by
; reason = Hidden
end else begin
let resolve_deps deps missing_deps_acc =
let deps, missing_deps =
List.partition_map deps ~f:(fun name ->
match Hashtbl.find t.packages name with
| Some (Present pkg) -> Inl pkg
| None | Some (Absent _) -> Inr name)
| Some (Not_available na) -> Inr na
| None ->
let na : Package_not_available.t =
{ package = name
; required_by = :: pkg.required_by
; reason = Not_found
Hashtbl.add t.packages ~key:name ~data:(Not_available na);
Inr na)
(deps, missing_deps @ missing_deps_acc)
@ -375,64 +432,49 @@ let load_meta t ~fq_name ~required_by =
; ppx_runtime_deps
Hashtbl.add t.packages ~data:(Present pkg)
Present pkg
| _ ->
let unknown_deps, hidden_deps =
List.partition_map missing_deps ~f:(fun name ->
match String_map.find name packages with
| None -> Inl name
| Some pkg -> Inr pkg)
match unknown_deps with
| name :: _ ->
Hashtbl.add t.packages ~key:name
~data:(Absent { package = name
; required_by = :: pkg.required_by
| [] ->
(* We can be in this case for ctypes.foreign for instance *)
if !Clflags.debug_findlib then
Printf.eprintf "findlib: skipping %S has it has hidden dependencies: %s\n"
(String.concat ~sep:", "
( hidden_deps
~f:(fun (pkg : Pkg_step1.t) ->;
assert (List.for_all hidden_deps
~f:(fun (pkg : Pkg_step1.t) -> not pkg.exists))
{ package =
; required_by = pkg.required_by
; reason = Dependencies_unavailable missing_deps
Hashtbl.add t.packages ~data:status
exception Package_not_found of Package_not_found.t
exception Package_not_available of Package_not_available.t
let find_exn t ~required_by name =
match Hashtbl.find t.packages name with
| Some (Present x) -> x
| Some (Absent pnf) -> raise (Package_not_found pnf)
| Some (Not_available na) -> raise (Package_not_available na)
| None ->
load_meta t ~fq_name:name ~required_by;
match Hashtbl.find t.packages name with
| Some (Present x) -> x
| Some (Absent pnf) ->
raise (Package_not_found pnf)
| Some (Not_available pnf) ->
raise (Package_not_available pnf)
| None ->
let pnf =
{ Package_not_found.
package = name
let na : Package_not_available.t =
{ package = name
; required_by
; reason = Not_found
Hashtbl.add t.packages ~key:name ~data:(Absent pnf);
raise (Package_not_found pnf)
Hashtbl.add t.packages ~key:name ~data:(Not_available na);
raise (Package_not_available na)
let find t ~required_by name =
match find_exn t ~required_by name with
| exception (Package_not_found _) -> None
| exception (Package_not_available _) -> None
| x -> Some x
let available t ~required_by name =
match find_exn t name ~required_by with
| (_ : package) -> true
| exception (Package_not_found _) -> false
| exception (Package_not_available _) -> false
module External_dep_conflicts_with_local_lib = struct
type t =
@ -491,7 +533,7 @@ let all_packages t =
Hashtbl.fold t.packages ~init:[] ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data acc ->
match data with
| Present p -> p :: acc
| Absent _ -> acc)
| Not_available _ -> acc)
|> List.sort ~cmp:(fun a b ->
let stdlib_with_archives t =

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@ -2,14 +2,24 @@
open Import
module Package_not_found : sig
module Package_not_available : sig
type t =
{ package : string
; required_by : string list
; reason : reason
and reason =
| Not_found
| Hidden
(** exist_if not satisfied *)
| Dependencies_unavailable of t list
(** At least one dependency is unavailable *)
val top_closure : t list -> t list
exception Package_not_found of Package_not_found.t
exception Package_not_available of Package_not_available.t
module External_dep_conflicts_with_local_lib : sig
type t =

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@ -87,10 +87,37 @@ let report_error ?(map_fname=fun x->x) ppf exn ~backtrace =
| Fatal_error "" -> ()
| Fatal_error msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%s\n" (String.capitalize_ascii msg)
| Findlib.Package_not_found { package; required_by } ->
| Findlib.Package_not_available { package; required_by; reason } ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@{<error>Error@}: External library %S not found.\n" package;
"@{<error>Error@}: External library %S %s.\n" package
(match reason with
| Not_found -> "not found"
| Hidden -> "is hidden"
| _ -> "is unavailable");
List.iter required_by ~f:(Format.fprintf ppf "-> required by %S\n");
begin match reason with
| Not_found -> ()
| Hidden ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"External library %S is hidden because its 'exist_if' \
clause is not satisfied.\n" package
| Dependencies_unavailable deps ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"External library %S is not available because it depends on the \
following libraries that are not available:\n" package;
let deps = Findlib.Package_not_available.top_closure deps in
let longest = List.longest_map deps ~f:(fun na -> na.package) in
List.iter deps ~f:(fun (na : Findlib.Package_not_available.t) ->
match na.reason with
| Not_found ->
Format.fprintf ppf "- %-*s -> not found\n" longest na.package
| Hidden ->
Format.fprintf ppf "- %-*s -> hidden (unsatisfied 'exist_if')\n"
longest na.package
| Dependencies_unavailable _ ->
Format.fprintf ppf "- %s%-*s -> unavailable dependencies\n"
na.package longest "")
let cmdline_suggestion =
(* CR-someday jdimino: this is ugly *)
match Array.to_list Sys.argv with