Fix expansion of ${@}

This commit is contained in:
Jeremie Dimino 2017-06-05 15:58:53 +01:00
parent e5f27b8ba8
commit 172467a7b6
1 changed files with 30 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -568,7 +568,8 @@ module Action = struct
(t, acc)
let expand_step2 sctx ~dir ~artifacts ~targets ~deps t =
let expand_step2 sctx ~dir ~artifacts
~targets_written_by_user ~deps_written_by_user t =
let open Action.Var_expansion in
U.Partial.expand sctx.context dir t ~f:(fun _loc key ->
match String_map.find key artifacts with
@ -576,40 +577,49 @@ module Action = struct
| None ->
let cos, var = parse_bang key in
match var with
| "@" -> Some (Paths (targets, cos))
| "@" -> Some (Paths (targets_written_by_user, cos))
| "<" ->
(match deps with
(match deps_written_by_user with
| [] ->
(* CR-someday jdimino: this should be an error *)
Strings ([""], cos)
| dep :: _ ->
Paths ([dep], cos))
| "^" -> Some (Paths (deps, cos))
| "^" -> Some (Paths (deps_written_by_user, cos))
| "ROOT" -> Some (Paths ([sctx.context.build_dir], cos))
| var ->
match expand_var_no_root sctx var with
| Some s -> Some (Strings ([s], cos))
| None -> None)
let run sctx t ~dir ~dep_kind ~targets ~scope
let run sctx t ~dir ~dep_kind ~targets:targets_written_by_user ~scope
: (Path.t list, Action.t) Build.t =
let t, forms = expand_step1 sctx ~dir ~dep_kind ~scope t in
let { Action.Infer.Outcome. deps; targets } =
match targets with
match targets_written_by_user with
| Infer -> Action.Infer.partial t ~all_targets:true
| Static targets_written_by_user ->
let targets_written_by_user = Pset.of_list targets_written_by_user in
let { Action.Infer.Outcome. deps; targets } =
Action.Infer.partial t ~all_targets:false
let missing = Pset.diff targets targets_written_by_user in
if not (Pset.is_empty missing) then
Loc.warn (Loc.in_file (Utils.jbuild_name_in ~dir))
"Missing targets in user action:\n%s"
( (Pset.elements missing) ~f:(fun target ->
sprintf "- %s" (Utils.describe_target target))
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n");
(* CR-someday jdimino: should this be an error or not?
It's likely that what we get here is what the user thinks of as temporary
files, even though they might conflict with actual targets. We need to tell
jbuilder about such things, so that it can report better errors.
let missing = Pset.diff targets targets_written_by_user in
if not (Pset.is_empty missing) then
Loc.warn (Loc.in_file (Utils.jbuild_name_in ~dir))
"Missing targets in user action:\n%s"
( (Pset.elements missing) ~f:(fun target ->
sprintf "- %s" (Utils.describe_target target))
|> String.concat ~sep:"\n");
{ deps; targets = Pset.union targets targets_written_by_user }
let targets = Pset.elements targets in
@ -638,12 +648,17 @@ module Action = struct
let vdeps = String_map.bindings forms.vdeps in
Build.first (Build.all ( vdeps ~f:snd))
>>^ (fun (vals, deps) ->
>>^ (fun (vals, deps_written_by_user) ->
let artifacts =
List.fold_left2 vdeps vals ~init:forms.artifacts ~f:(fun acc (var, _) value ->
String_map.add acc ~key:var ~data:value)
expand_step2 sctx ~dir ~artifacts ~targets ~deps t
expand_step2 sctx ~dir ~artifacts
(match targets_written_by_user with
| Infer -> []
| Static l -> l)
~deps_written_by_user t
(* CR-someday jdimino: we could infer again to find more dependencies/check
targets again *))