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2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
open Import
open Future
module Kind = struct
type t = Default | Opam of { root : string; switch : string }
type t =
{ kind : Kind.t
; for_host : t option
; build_dir : Path.t
; path : Path.t list
; ocaml_bin : Path.t
; ocaml : Path.t
; ocamlc : Path.t
; ocamlopt : Path.t option
; ocamldep : Path.t
; ocamllex : Path.t
; ocamlyacc : Path.t
; ocamlmklib : Path.t
; env : string array
; findlib_path : Path.t list
; arch_sixtyfour : bool
; version : string
; stdlib_dir : Path.t
; ccomp_type : string
; bytecomp_c_compiler : string
; bytecomp_c_libraries : string
; native_c_compiler : string
; native_c_libraries : string
; native_pack_linker : string
; ranlib : string
; cc_profile : string
; architecture : string
; system : string
; ext_obj : string
; ext_asm : string
; ext_lib : string
; ext_dll : string
; os_type : string
; default_executable_name : string
; host : string
; target : string
; flambda : bool
; exec_magic_number : string
; cmi_magic_number : string
; cmo_magic_number : string
; cma_magic_number : string
; cmx_magic_number : string
; cmxa_magic_number : string
; ast_impl_magic_number : string
; ast_intf_magic_number : string
; cmxs_magic_number : string
; cmt_magic_number : string
let all_known = ref String_map.empty
let all () = !all_known
let get_arch_sixtyfour stdlib_dir =
let config_h = Path.relative stdlib_dir "caml/config.h" in
List.exists (lines_of_file (Path.to_string config_h)) ~f:(fun line ->
match String.split_words line with
| ["#define"; "ARCH_SIXTYFOUR"] -> true
| _ -> false)
let create ~(kind : Kind.t) ~path ~env =
let name =
match kind with
| Default -> "default"
| Opam { switch; _ } -> switch
let prog_not_found_in_path prog =
die "Program %s not found in PATH (context: %s)" prog name
let which x = Bin.which ~path x in
let ocamlc =
match which "ocamlc" with
| None -> prog_not_found_in_path "ocamlc"
| Some x -> x
let dir = Path.parent ocamlc in
let prog_not_found prog =
die "ocamlc found in %s, but %s/%s doesn't exist (context: %s)"
(Path.to_string dir) (Path.to_string dir) prog name
let best_prog prog = Bin.best_prog dir prog in
let get_prog prog =
match best_prog prog with
| None -> prog_not_found prog
| Some fn -> fn
let build_dir =
match kind with
| Default -> Path.of_string "_build/default"
| Opam { root = _; switch } ->
Path.of_string (sprintf "_build/%s" switch)
let ocamlc_config_cmd = sprintf "%s -config" (Path.to_string ocamlc) in
2016-12-15 11:20:46 +00:00
(match Bin.opam with
| None ->
return []
| Some fn ->
Future.run_capture_line ~env (Path.to_string fn)
["config"; "var"; "lib"]
>>| fun s -> [Path.absolute s])
(match which "ocamlfind" with
| None ->
return []
| Some fn ->
Future.run_capture_lines ~env (Path.to_string fn) ["printconf"; "path"]
>>| List.map ~f:Path.absolute)
>>| fun (a, b) ->
match a @ b with
| [] -> [Path.relative (Path.parent dir) "lib"]
| l ->
List.fold_left l ~init:l ~f:(fun acc x ->
if List.mem x ~set:acc then
x :: acc)
|> List.rev)
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
(Future.run_capture_lines ~env (Path.to_string ocamlc) ["-config"])
>>= fun (findlib_path, ocamlc_config) ->
let ocamlc_config =
List.map ocamlc_config ~f:(fun line ->
match String.index line ':' with
| Some i ->
(String.sub line ~pos:0 ~len:i,
String.sub line ~pos:(i + 2) ~len:(String.length line - i - 2))
| None ->
die "unrecognized line in the output of `%s`: %s" ocamlc_config_cmd
|> String_map.of_alist
|> function
| Ok x -> x
| Error (key, _, _) ->
die "variable %S present twice in the output of `%s`" key ocamlc_config_cmd
let get var =
match String_map.find var ocamlc_config with
| None -> die "variable %S not found in the output of `%s`" var ocamlc_config_cmd
| Some s -> s
let get_bool var =
match get var with
| "true" -> true
| "false" -> false
| _ -> die "variable %S is neither 'true' neither 'false' in the output of `%s`"
var ocamlc_config_cmd
let get_path var = Path.absolute (get var) in
let stdlib_dir = get_path "standard_library" in
let t =
{ kind
; for_host = None
; build_dir
; path
; ocaml_bin = dir
; ocaml = Path.relative dir "ocaml"
; ocamlc
; ocamlopt = best_prog "ocamlopt"
; ocamllex = get_prog "ocamllex"
; ocamlyacc = get_prog "ocamlyacc"
; ocamldep = get_prog "ocamldep"
; ocamlmklib = get_prog "ocamlmklib"
; env
; findlib_path
; arch_sixtyfour = get_arch_sixtyfour stdlib_dir
; stdlib_dir
; version = get "version"
; ccomp_type = get "ccomp_type"
; bytecomp_c_compiler = get "bytecomp_c_compiler"
; bytecomp_c_libraries = get "bytecomp_c_libraries"
; native_c_compiler = get "native_c_compiler"
; native_c_libraries = get "native_c_libraries"
; native_pack_linker = get "native_pack_linker"
; ranlib = get "ranlib"
; cc_profile = get "cc_profile"
; architecture = get "architecture"
; system = get "system"
; ext_obj = get "ext_obj"
; ext_asm = get "ext_asm"
; ext_lib = get "ext_lib"
; ext_dll = get "ext_dll"
; os_type = get "os_type"
; default_executable_name = get "default_executable_name"
; host = get "host"
; target = get "target"
; flambda = get_bool "flambda"
; exec_magic_number = get "exec_magic_number"
; cmi_magic_number = get "cmi_magic_number"
; cmo_magic_number = get "cmo_magic_number"
; cma_magic_number = get "cma_magic_number"
; cmx_magic_number = get "cmx_magic_number"
; cmxa_magic_number = get "cmxa_magic_number"
; ast_impl_magic_number = get "ast_impl_magic_number"
; ast_intf_magic_number = get "ast_intf_magic_number"
; cmxs_magic_number = get "cmxs_magic_number"
; cmt_magic_number = get "cmt_magic_number"
if String_map.mem name !all_known then
die "context %s already exists" name;
all_known := String_map.add !all_known ~key:name ~data:t;
return t
let initial_env = lazy (
Lazy.force Ansi_color.setup_env_for_ocaml_colors;
Unix.environment ())
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
let default = lazy (
let env = Lazy.force initial_env in
let rec find_path i =
if i = Array.length env then
match String.lsplit2 env.(i) ~on:'=' with
| Some ("PATH", s) ->
Bin.parse_path s
| _ -> find_path (i + 1)
let path = find_path 0 in
create ~kind:Default ~path ~env)
let extend_env ~vars ~env =
let imported =
Array.to_list env
|> List.filter ~f:(fun s ->
match String.index s '=' with
| None -> true
| Some i ->
let key = String.sub s ~pos:0 ~len:i in
not (String_map.mem key vars))
(List.map (String_map.bindings vars) ~f:(fun (k, v) -> sprintf "%s=%s" k v))
|> Array.of_list
let create_for_opam ?root ~switch () =
match Bin.opam with
| None -> die "Program opam not found in PATH"
| Some fn ->
(match root with
| Some root -> return root
| None ->
Future.run_capture_line (Path.to_string fn) ["config"; "var"; "root"])
>>= fun root ->
Future.run_capture (Path.to_string fn)
["config"; "env"; "--root"; root; "--switch"; switch; "--sexp"]
>>= fun s ->
let vars =
Sexp_lexer.single (Lexing.from_string s)
|> fst
|> Sexp.Of_sexp.(string_map string)
let path =
match String_map.find "PATH" vars with
| None -> Bin.path
| Some s -> Bin.parse_path s
let env = Lazy.force initial_env in
create ~kind:(Opam { root; switch }) ~path ~env:(extend_env ~vars ~env)
let which t s = Bin.which ~path:t.path s