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open! Import
2017-03-15 11:41:44 +00:00
type 'a fold_callback_result =
| Cont of 'a
| Dont_recurse_in of String_set.t * 'a
module Dir = struct
type t =
{ path : Path.t
; files : String_set.t
; sub_dirs : t String_map.t
let path t = t.path
let files t = t.files
let sub_dirs t = t.sub_dirs
let rec fold t ~init ~f =
2017-03-15 11:41:44 +00:00
match f t init with
| Cont init ->
String_map.fold t.sub_dirs ~init ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:t acc ->
fold t ~init:acc ~f)
2017-03-15 11:41:44 +00:00
| Dont_recurse_in (forbidden, init) ->
String_map.fold t.sub_dirs ~init ~f:(fun ~key:sub_dir ~data:t acc ->
if String_set.mem sub_dir forbidden then
fold t ~init:acc ~f)
type t =
{ root : Dir.t
; dirs : Dir.t Path.Map.t
let root t = t.root
let ignore_file = function
| ""
| "_opam"
| "_build"
| ".git"
| ".hg"
| "_darcs"
| "." -> true
| fn -> fn.[0] = '.' && fn.[1] = '#'
let load path =
let rec walk path : Dir.t =
let files, sub_dirs =
Path.readdir path
|> List.filter ~f:(fun fn ->
not (ignore_file fn))
|> List.partition_map ~f:(fun fn ->
let path = Path.relative path fn in
if Path.exists path && Path.is_directory path then
Inr (fn, walk path)
Inl fn)
{ path
; files = String_set.of_list files
; sub_dirs = String_map.of_alist_exn sub_dirs
let root = walk path in
let dirs =
Dir.fold root ~init:Path.Map.empty ~f:(fun dir acc ->
2017-03-15 11:41:44 +00:00
Cont (Path.Map.add acc ~key:dir.path ~data:dir))
{ root
; dirs
2017-03-15 11:41:44 +00:00
let fold t ~init ~f = Dir.fold t.root ~init ~f
let find_dir t path =
Path.Map.find path t.dirs
let file_exists t path fn =
match Path.Map.find path t.dirs with
| None -> false
| Some { files; _ } -> String_set.mem fn files
let exists t path =
Path.Map.mem path t.dirs ||
file_exists t (Path.parent path) (Path.basename path)
let files_recursively_in t ?(prefix_with=Path.root) path =
match find_dir t path with
| None -> Path.Set.empty
| Some dir ->
Dir.fold dir ~init:Path.Set.empty ~f:(fun dir acc ->
let path = Path.append prefix_with (Dir.path dir) in
2017-03-15 11:41:44 +00:00
(String_set.fold (Dir.files dir) ~init:acc ~f:(fun fn acc ->
Path.Set.add (Path.relative path fn) acc)))