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2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
open Import
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
open Result.O
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Raw library information |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
2018-02-07 17:51:40 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
module Status = struct
type t =
| Installed
| Public
| Private of Jbuild.Scope_info.Name.t
2016-12-15 11:20:46 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
module Info = struct
module Deps = struct
type t =
| Simple of string list
| Complex of Jbuild.Lib_dep.t list
let of_lib_deps deps =
let rec loop acc (deps : Jbuild.Lib_dep.t list) =
match deps with
| [] -> Some (List.rev acc)
| Direct name :: deps -> loop (name :: acc) deps
| Select _ :: _ -> None
match loop [] deps with
| Some l -> Simple l
| None -> Complex deps
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
type t =
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
{ loc : Loc.t
; kind : Jbuild.Library.Kind.t
; status : Status.t
; src_dir : Path.t
; obj_dir : Path.t
; version : string option
; synopsis : string option
; archives : Path.t list Mode.Dict.t
; plugins : Path.t list Mode.Dict.t
; foreign_archives : Path.t list Mode.Dict.t
; jsoo_runtime : Path.t list
; requires : Deps.t
; ppx_runtime_deps : string list
; pps : Jbuild.Pp.t list
; optional : bool
let of_library_stanza ~dir (conf : Jbuild.Library.t) =
let archive_file ext = Path.relative dir (conf.name ^ ext) in
let archive_files ~f_ext =
Mode.Dict.of_func (fun ~mode -> [archive_file (f_ext mode)])
let stubs =
if Jbuild.Library.has_stubs conf then
[Jbuild.Library.stubs_archive conf ~dir ~ext_lib:""]
let jsoo_runtime =
List.map conf.buildable.js_of_ocaml.javascript_files
~f:(Path.relative dir)
let status =
match conf.public with
| None -> Status.Private conf.scope_name
| Some _ -> Public
let foreign_archives =
{ Mode.Dict.
byte = stubs
; native = Path.relative dir conf.name :: stubs
{ loc = conf.buildable.loc
; kind = conf.kind
; src_dir = dir
; obj_dir = Utils.library_object_directory ~dir conf.name
; version = None
; synopsis = conf.synopsis
; archives = archive_files ~f_ext:Mode.compiled_lib_ext
; plugins = archive_files ~f_ext:Mode.plugin_ext
; optional = conf.optional
; foreign_archives
; jsoo_runtime
; status
; requires = Deps.of_lib_deps conf.buildable.libraries
; ppx_runtime_deps = conf.ppx_runtime_libraries
; pps = Jbuild.Preprocess_map.pps conf.buildable.preprocess
let of_findlib_package pkg =
let module P = Findlib.Package in
{ loc = Loc.in_file (Path.to_string (P.meta_file pkg))
; kind = Normal
; src_dir = P.dir pkg
; obj_dir = P.dir pkg
; version = P.version pkg
; synopsis = P.description pkg
; archives = P.archives pkg
; plugins = P.plugins pkg
; jsoo_runtime = P.jsoo_runtime pkg
; requires = Simple (P.requires pkg)
; ppx_runtime_deps = P.ppx_runtime_deps pkg
; pps = []
; optional = false
; status = Installed
; (* We don't know how these are named for external libraries *)
foreign_archives = Mode.Dict.make_both []
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Types |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
module Error0 = struct
module Library_not_available = struct
module Reason = struct
module Hidden = struct
type t =
{ name : string
; info : Info.t
; reason : string
type t =
| Not_found
| Hidden of Hidden.t
let to_string = function
| Not_found -> "not found"
| Hidden { info; reason; _ } ->
sprintf "in %s is hidden (%s)"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted info.src_dir) reason
let pp ppf t = Format.pp_print_string ppf (to_string t)
type t =
{ name : string
; reason : Reason.t
module No_solution_found_for_select = struct
type t = { loc : Loc.t }
module Resolved_select = struct
type t =
{ src_fn : (string, Error0.No_solution_found_for_select.t) result
; dst_fn : string
module Init = struct
type t =
{ unique_id : int
; path : Path.t
; name : string
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
type t =
{ loc : Loc.t
; name : string
; unique_id : int
; kind : Jbuild.Library.Kind.t
; status : Status.t
; src_dir : Path.t
; obj_dir : Path.t
; version : string option
; synopsis : string option
; archives : Path.t list Mode.Dict.t
; plugins : Path.t list Mode.Dict.t
; foreign_archives : Path.t list Mode.Dict.t
; jsoo_runtime : Path.t list
; requires : t list or_error
; ppx_runtime_deps : t list or_error
; resolved_selects : Resolved_select.t list
and db =
{ parent : db option
; resolve : string -> (info_or_redirect,
Error0.Library_not_available.Reason.t) result
; table : (string, resolve_status) Hashtbl.t
; all : string list Lazy.t
and resolve_status =
| Initializing of Init.t
| Done of (t, Error0.Library_not_available.Reason.t) result
and error =
| Library_not_available of Error0.Library_not_available.t
| No_solution_found_for_select of Error0.No_solution_found_for_select.t
| Dependency_cycle of (Path.t * string) list
| Conflict of conflict
and info_or_redirect =
| Info of Info.t
| Redirect of Loc.t * Path.t * string
| Proxy of t
and conflict =
{ lib1 : t * With_required_by.Entry.t list
; lib2 : t * With_required_by.Entry.t list
and 'a or_error = ('a, error With_required_by.t) result
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
module Error = struct
include Error0
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
module Conflict = struct
type nonrec t = conflict =
{ lib1 : t * With_required_by.Entry.t list
; lib2 : t * With_required_by.Entry.t list
type t = error =
| Library_not_available of Library_not_available.t
| No_solution_found_for_select of No_solution_found_for_select.t
| Dependency_cycle of (Path.t * string) list
| Conflict of Conflict.t
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
exception Error of Error.t With_required_by.t
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let not_available ~loc reason fmt =
Errors.kerrf fmt ~f:(fun s ->
Loc.fail loc "%s %a" s
Error.Library_not_available.Reason.pp reason)
2018-01-21 21:36:30 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Generals |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let name t = t.name
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let kind t = t.kind
let synopsis t = t.synopsis
let archives t = t.archives
let plugins t = t.plugins
let jsoo_runtime t = t.jsoo_runtime
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let src_dir t = t.src_dir
let obj_dir t = t.obj_dir
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let is_local t = Path.is_local t.obj_dir
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let status t = t.status
2018-01-21 21:36:30 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let to_init t : Init.t =
{ unique_id = t.unique_id
; path = t.src_dir
; name = t.name
2017-02-02 10:31:36 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
module L = struct
type nonrec t = t list
2016-12-02 13:54:32 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let include_paths ts ~stdlib_dir =
2016-12-15 11:20:46 +00:00
List.fold_left ts ~init:Path.Set.empty ~f:(fun acc t ->
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
Path.Set.add (obj_dir t) acc)
2018-01-21 21:36:30 +00:00
|> Path.Set.remove stdlib_dir
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let include_flags ts ~stdlib_dir =
let dirs = include_paths ts ~stdlib_dir in
Arg_spec.S (List.concat_map (Path.Set.elements dirs) ~f:(fun dir ->
[Arg_spec.A "-I"; Path dir]))
let c_include_flags ts ~stdlib_dir =
let dirs =
List.fold_left ts ~init:Path.Set.empty ~f:(fun acc t ->
Path.Set.add t.src_dir acc)
|> Path.Set.remove stdlib_dir
Arg_spec.S (List.concat_map (Path.Set.elements dirs) ~f:(fun dir ->
[Arg_spec.A "-I"; Path dir]))
let link_flags ts ~mode ~stdlib_dir =
(c_include_flags ts ~stdlib_dir ::
List.map ts ~f:(fun t -> Arg_spec.Deps (Mode.Dict.get t.archives mode)))
let jsoo_runtime_files ts =
List.concat_map ts ~f:(fun t -> t.jsoo_runtime)
let archive_files ts ~mode ~ext_lib =
List.concat_map ts ~f:(fun t ->
Mode.Dict.get t.archives mode @
List.map (Mode.Dict.get t.foreign_archives mode)
~f:(Path.extend_basename ~suffix:ext_lib))
let remove_dups l =
let rec loop acc l seen =
match l with
| [] -> acc
| x :: l ->
if Int_set.mem x.unique_id seen then
loop acc l seen
loop (x :: acc) l (Int_set.add x.unique_id seen)
loop [] l Int_set.empty
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Library name resolution and transitive closure |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let gen_unique_id =
let next = ref 0 in
fun () ->
let n = !next in
next := n + 1;
(* Dependency stack used while resolving the dependencies of a library
that was just returned by the [resolve] callback *)
module Dep_stack = struct
type t =
{ stack : Init.t list
; seen : Int_set.t
let empty =
{ stack = []
; seen = Int_set.empty
let dependency_cycle t (last : Init.t) =
assert (Int_set.mem last.unique_id t.seen);
let rec build_loop acc stack =
match stack with
| [] -> assert false
| (x : Init.t) :: stack ->
let acc = (x.path, x.name) :: acc in
if x.unique_id = last.unique_id then
build_loop acc stack
let loop = build_loop [(last.path, last.name)] t.stack in
{ With_required_by.
data = Dependency_cycle loop
; required_by = []
let create_and_push t name path =
let unique_id = gen_unique_id () in
let init = { Init. unique_id; name; path } in
{ stack = init :: t.stack
; seen = Int_set.add unique_id t.seen
let push t (x : Init.t) : (_, _) result =
if Int_set.mem x.unique_id t.seen then
Error (dependency_cycle t x)
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
Ok { stack = x :: t.stack
; seen = Int_set.add x.unique_id t.seen
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let map_find_result name res : (_, _) result =
match res with
| Ok _ as res -> res
| Error reason ->
Error { With_required_by.
data = Error.Library_not_available { name; reason }
; required_by = []
let rec make db name (info : Info.t) ~unique_id ~stack =
let requires, resolved_selects =
resolve_user_deps db info.requires ~pps:info.pps ~stack
let ppx_runtime_deps =
resolve_simple_deps db info.ppx_runtime_deps ~stack
2016-12-15 11:20:46 +00:00
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let map_error x =
Result.map_error x ~f:(fun e ->
With_required_by.prepend_one e (Library (info.src_dir, name)))
let requires = map_error requires in
let ppx_runtime_deps = map_error ppx_runtime_deps in
{ loc = info.loc
; name = name
; unique_id = unique_id
; kind = info.kind
; status = info.status
; src_dir = info.src_dir
; obj_dir = info.obj_dir
; version = info.version
; synopsis = info.synopsis
; archives = info.archives
; plugins = info.plugins
; foreign_archives = info.foreign_archives
; jsoo_runtime = info.jsoo_runtime
; requires = requires
; ppx_runtime_deps = ppx_runtime_deps
; resolved_selects = resolved_selects
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
and find db name =
match Hashtbl.find db.table name with
| Some (Initializing _) -> assert false
| Some (Done x) -> x
| None -> resolve_name db name ~stack:Dep_stack.empty
and find_internal db name ~stack : (_, _) result =
match Hashtbl.find db.table name with
| Some (Initializing init) ->
Error (Dep_stack.dependency_cycle stack init)
| Some (Done x) -> map_find_result name x
| None -> map_find_result name (resolve_name db name ~stack)
and resolve_name db name ~stack =
match db.resolve name with
| Ok (Proxy t) ->
let res = Ok t in
Hashtbl.replace db.table ~key:name ~data:(Done res);
| Ok (Redirect (_loc, path, name')) ->
let init, stack =
Dep_stack.create_and_push stack name path
Hashtbl.add db.table ~key:name ~data:(Initializing init);
let res =
match find_internal db name' ~stack with
| Ok _ as res -> res
| Error _ ->
match Hashtbl.find db.table name' with
| Some (Done res) -> res
| _ -> assert false
Hashtbl.replace db.table ~key:name ~data:(Done res);
| Ok (Info info) ->
let init, stack =
Dep_stack.create_and_push stack name info.src_dir
(* Add [init] to the table, to detect loops *)
Option.iter (Hashtbl.find db.table name) ~f:(fun x ->
let to_sexp = Sexp.To_sexp.(pair Path.sexp_of_t string) in
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
let sexp =
match x with
| Initializing x ->
Sexp.List [Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "Initializing";
Path.sexp_of_t x.path]
| Done (Ok t) -> List [Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "Ok";
Path.sexp_of_t t.src_dir]
| Done (Error Not_found) -> Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "Not_found"
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
| Done (Error (Hidden { info; reason; _ })) ->
List [Sexp.unsafe_atom_of_string "Hidden";
Path.sexp_of_t info.src_dir; Sexp.atom reason]
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
"Lib_db.DB: resolver returned name that's already in the table"
[ "name" , Sexp.atom name
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
; "returned_lib" , to_sexp (info.src_dir, name)
; "conflicting_with", sexp
Hashtbl.add db.table ~key:name ~data:(Initializing init);
let t = make db name info ~unique_id:init.unique_id ~stack in
let res =
if not info.optional ||
(Result.is_ok t.requires && Result.is_ok t.ppx_runtime_deps) then
Ok t
{ name
; info
; reason = "optional with unavailable dependencies"
Hashtbl.replace db.table ~key:name ~data:(Done res);
| Error reason as res ->
let res =
match db.parent with
| None -> res
| Some db ->
let res' = find db name in
match res' with
| Ok _ -> res'
| Error _ ->
if reason = Not_found then
Hashtbl.add db.table ~key:name ~data:(Done res);
and available_internal db name ~stack =
match find_internal db name ~stack with
| Ok _ -> true
| Error _ -> false
and resolve_simple_deps db names ~stack =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> Ok (List.rev acc)
| name :: names ->
find_internal db name ~stack >>= fun x ->
loop (x :: acc) names
loop [] names
and resolve_complex_deps db deps ~stack =
let res, resolved_selects =
List.fold_left deps ~init:(Ok [], []) ~f:(fun (acc_res, acc_selects) dep ->
let res, acc_selects =
match (dep : Jbuild.Lib_dep.t) with
| Direct name ->
let res =
find_internal db name ~stack >>| fun x -> [x]
(res, acc_selects)
| Select { result_fn; choices; loc } ->
let res, src_fn =
List.find_map choices ~f:(fun { required; forbidden; file } ->
if String_set.exists forbidden
~f:(available_internal db ~stack) then
resolve_simple_deps db (String_set.elements required) ~stack
| Ok ts -> Some (ts, file)
| Error _ -> None)
| Some (ts, file) ->
(Ok ts, Ok file)
| None ->
let e = { Error.No_solution_found_for_select.loc } in
(Error { With_required_by.
data = No_solution_found_for_select e
; required_by = []
Error e)
(res, { Resolved_select. src_fn; dst_fn = result_fn } :: acc_selects)
let res =
match res, acc_res with
| Ok l, Ok acc -> Ok (List.rev_append l acc)
| (Error _ as res), _
| _, (Error _ as res) -> res
(res, acc_selects))
let res =
match res with
| Ok l -> Ok (List.rev l)
| Error _ -> res
(res, resolved_selects)
and resolve_deps db deps ~stack =
match (deps : Info.Deps.t) with
| Simple names -> (resolve_simple_deps db names ~stack, [])
| Complex names -> resolve_complex_deps db names ~stack
and resolve_user_deps db deps ~pps ~stack =
let deps, resolved_selects = resolve_deps db deps ~stack in
let deps =
match pps with
| [] -> deps
| pps ->
let pps = List.map pps ~f:Jbuild.Pp.to_string in
deps >>= fun deps ->
resolve_simple_deps db pps ~stack >>= fun pps ->
fold_closure pps ~stack ~init:deps ~f:(fun t acc ->
t.ppx_runtime_deps >>= fun rt_deps ->
Ok (List.rev_append rt_deps acc))
(deps, resolved_selects)
(* Fold the transitive closure in arbitrary order *)
and fold_closure ts ~init ~f ~stack =
let seen = ref Int_set.empty in
let rec loop ts acc ~stack =
match ts with
| [] -> Ok acc
| t :: ts ->
if Int_set.mem t.unique_id !seen then
2018-02-20 18:55:52 +00:00
loop ts acc ~stack
Refactor library management (#516) Lib module ---------- We have a new module Lib that replaces Lib, parts of Lib_db and parts of Findlib. It is used to manage all libraries (internal and extrernal). Lib.t represent a completely resolved library, i.e. where all the dependencies have been resolved. Lib.Compile is used to provide what is necessary to build the library itself. Lib.Meta provides what is necessary to generate the META file for the library. We also have library databases represented as Lib.DB.t. A library database is simply a mapping from names to Lib.t values and and created from a resolve function that looks up a name and return a Lib.Info.t. A Lib.Info.t is the same as a Lib.t except that dependencies are not resolved. A library database can have a parent database that is used to lookup names that are not found in the current database. In practice we have the following hierarchy: 1. For every scope, we have a library database that holds all the libraries of this scope. In this DB, a library can be referred by either it's name or public name 2. the parent of each of these databases is a database that holds all the public libraries of the workspace. In this DB libraries must be referred by their public name 3. the parent of this DB is for installed libraries (1) databases are accessible via Scope.libs (Super_context.find_scope_by_{name,dir} sctx xxx) (2) is accessible via Super_context.public_libs sctx (3) is accessible via Super_context.installed_libs sctx The dependencies of a library are always resolved inside the DB it is part of. When we compute a transitive closure, we check that we don't have two libraries from two different DB with the same name. So for instance linting Base should now supported. Jbuild.Scope_info ----------------- Jbuild.Scope was renamed Jbuild.Scope_info Scope module ------------ This replaces Lib_db. A Scope.t is now just a pair of a Jbuild.Scope_info.t and a Lib.DB.t. Scope.DB.t is an object used to lookup scopes by either name or directory. We no longer have an external scope or special anonymous scope. Instead one should use Super_context.installed_libs or Super_context.public_libs depending on the context.
2018-02-20 11:46:10 +00:00
else begin
seen := Int_set.add t.unique_id !seen;
f t acc >>= fun acc ->
(Dep_stack.push stack (to_init t) >>= fun stack ->
t.requires >>= fun deps ->
loop deps acc ~stack)
>>= fun acc ->
loop ts acc ~stack
loop ts init ~stack
let to_exn res ~required_by =
match res with
| Ok x -> x
| Error e -> raise (Error (With_required_by.append e required_by))
let requires_exn t ~required_by =
to_exn t.requires ~required_by
let ppx_runtime_deps_exn t ~required_by =
to_exn t.ppx_runtime_deps ~required_by
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Transitive closure |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
module Closure =
type graph = unit
type nonrec t = t * With_required_by.Entry.t list
let key (t, _) = t.name
let deps (t, required_by) () =
let required_by =
With_required_by.Entry.Library (t.src_dir, t.name) :: required_by
List.map (requires_exn t ~required_by) ~f:(fun x -> (x, required_by))
exception Conflict_found of Error.Conflict.t
let check_conflicts ts =
List.fold_left ts ~init:String_map.empty ~f:(fun acc t ->
let name = (fst t).name in
match String_map.find name acc with
| None -> String_map.add acc ~key:name ~data:t
| Some t' -> raise_notrace (Conflict_found { lib1 = t'; lib2 = t }))
| (_ : _ String_map.t) ->
Ok (List.map ts ~f:fst)
| exception (Conflict_found c) ->
Error { With_required_by.
data = Conflict c
; required_by = []
let closure_cache = Hashtbl.create 1024
let closure ts =
match ts with
| [] -> Ok []
| _ ->
let key = List.map ts ~f:(fun p -> p.unique_id) in
Hashtbl.find_or_add closure_cache key ~f:(fun _ ->
let ts = List.map ts ~f:(fun t -> (t, [])) in
match Closure.top_closure () ts with
| Ok ts -> check_conflicts ts
| Error cycle ->
let required_by = snd (List.hd cycle) in
let cycle =
List.map cycle ~f:(fun (t, _) -> t.src_dir, t.name)
Error { With_required_by.
data = Dependency_cycle cycle
; required_by
| exception (Error e) -> Error e)
let closure_exn ts ~required_by = to_exn (closure ts) ~required_by
module Compile = struct
module Resolved_select = Resolved_select
let requires t = t.requires >>= closure
let resolved_selects t = t.resolved_selects
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Databases |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
module DB = struct
module Info_or_redirect = struct
type nonrec t = info_or_redirect =
| Info of Info.t
| Redirect of Loc.t * Path.t * string
| Proxy of t
type t = db
let create ?parent ~resolve ~all () =
{ parent
; resolve
; table = Hashtbl.create 1024
; all = Lazy.from_fun all
let create_from_library_stanzas ?parent stanzas =
let map =
List.concat_map stanzas ~f:(fun (dir, (conf : Jbuild.Library.t)) ->
let info = Info.of_library_stanza ~dir conf in
match conf.public with
| None ->
[(conf.name, Info_or_redirect.Info info)]
| Some p ->
if p.name = conf.name then
[(p.name, Info info)]
[ p.name , Info info
; conf.name, Redirect (conf.buildable.loc, dir, p.name)
|> String_map.of_alist
|> function
| Ok x -> x
| Error (name, x, y) ->
let pr : Info_or_redirect.t -> string = function
| Info info -> Loc.to_file_colon_line info.loc
| Redirect (loc, _, _) -> Loc.to_file_colon_line loc
| Proxy t -> Loc.to_file_colon_line t.loc
die "Library %S is defined twice:\n\
- %s\n\
- %s"
(pr x)
(pr y)
create () ?parent
~resolve:(fun name ->
match String_map.find name map with
| None -> Error Not_found
| Some x -> Ok x)
~all:(fun () -> String_map.keys map)
let create_from_findlib findlib =
create ()
~resolve:(fun name ->
match Findlib.find findlib name with
| Ok pkg -> Ok (Info_or_redirect.Info (Info.of_findlib_package pkg))
| Error e ->
match e with
| Not_found -> Error Not_found
| Hidden pkg ->
{ name = Findlib.Package.name pkg
; info = Info.of_findlib_package pkg
; reason = "unsatisfied 'exist_if'"
~all:(fun () ->
Findlib.all_packages findlib
|> List.map ~f:Findlib.Package.name)
let find = find
let find_exn t name ~required_by =
match find t name with
| Ok x -> x
| Error reason ->
raise (Error { data = Library_not_available { name; reason }
; required_by
let available t name = available_internal t name ~stack:Dep_stack.empty
let resolve_user_written_deps t deps ~pps =
let res, resolved_select =
resolve_user_deps t (Info.Deps.of_lib_deps deps) ~pps
let res = res >>= closure in
(res, resolved_select)
let resolve_pps t pps =
resolve_simple_deps t (List.map pps ~f:Jbuild.Pp.to_string)
let rec all ?(recursive=false) t =
let l =
List.filter_map (Lazy.force t.all) ~f:(fun name ->
match find t name with
| Ok x -> Some x
| Error (Hidden _) -> None
| Error reason ->
raise (Error { data = Library_not_available { name; reason }
; required_by = []
match recursive, t.parent with
| true, Some t -> all ~recursive t @ l
| _ -> l
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| META files |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
module Meta = struct
let to_names ts =
List.fold_left ts ~init:String_set.empty ~f:(fun acc t ->
String_set.add t.name acc)
(* For the deprecated method, we need to put all the runtime
dependencies of the transitive closure.
We need to do this because [ocamlfind ocamlc -package ppx_foo]
will not look for the transitive dependencies of [foo], and the
runtime dependencies might be attached to a dependency of [foo]
rather than [foo] itself.
Sigh... *)
let ppx_runtime_deps_for_deprecated_method t ~required_by =
closure_exn [t] ~required_by
|> List.concat_map ~f:(ppx_runtime_deps_exn ~required_by)
|> to_names
let requires t ~required_by =
to_names (requires_exn t ~required_by)
let ppx_runtime_deps t ~required_by =
to_names (ppx_runtime_deps_exn t ~required_by)
(* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Error reporting |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ *)
let report_lib_error ppf (e : Error.t) ~required_by =
match e with
| Library_not_available { name; reason } ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@{<error>Error@}: Library %S %a.@\n%a@\n"
Error.Library_not_available.Reason.pp reason
With_required_by.Entries.pp required_by;
(match !Clflags.external_lib_deps_hint with
| [] -> (* during bootstrap *) ()
| l ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"Hint: try: %s\n"
(List.map l ~f:quote_for_shell |> String.concat ~sep:" "))
| Conflict { lib1 = (lib1, rb1); lib2 = (lib2, rb2) } ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@{<error>Error@}: Conflict between the following libaries:\n\
- %S in %s\n\
\ %a\n
- %S in %s\n\
\ %a\n
This cannot work.\n"
lib1.name (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted lib1.src_dir)
With_required_by.Entries.pp rb1
lib2.name (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted lib2.src_dir)
With_required_by.Entries.pp rb2
With_required_by.Entries.pp required_by
| No_solution_found_for_select { loc } ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"%a@{<error>Error@}: No solution found for this select form.\n"
Loc.print loc
| Dependency_cycle cycle ->
Format.fprintf ppf
"@{<error>Error@}: Dependency cycle detected between the \
following libraries:\n\
Required by:\n\
(Format.pp_print_list (fun ppf (path, name) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "-> %S in %s"
name (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted path)))
With_required_by.Entries.pp required_by
let break_at_loc ppf required_by =
let rec loop acc (l : With_required_by.Entry.t list) =
match l with
| [] -> None
| Loc loc :: _ -> Some (loc, List.rev acc)
| e :: l -> loop (e :: acc) l
match loop [] required_by with
| None -> required_by
| Some (loc, required_by) ->
Loc.print ppf loc;
let () =
Report_error.register (fun ppf exn ->
match exn with
| Error { data = e; required_by } ->
let required_by = break_at_loc ppf required_by in
report_lib_error ppf e ~required_by;
| _ -> false)