This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
Convert ints into french.
Convert integers into french.
Provided as a 1-function library, and a basic command-line utility (`nbr` — will
Provided as a 1-function library and a basic command-line utility (`nbr` — will
certainly be renamed to something longer and less likely to name clash).
More advanced functionnalities could be added when needed. Here are some
@ -4,14 +4,16 @@ let rec parse_and_print () =
input_line stdin |> function
| "q" | "Q" -> ()
| "h" | "?" | "H" ->
print_endline "Je n'accepte que des entiers positifs. Et pas trop grands…\n'q' ou 'Q' pour quitter.";
"Je n'accepte que des entiers positifs. Et pas trop grands…\n\
'q' ou 'Q' pour quitter.";
flush stdout;
parse_and_print ()
| str ->
str |> int_of_string
|> (fun i ->
match i with
| i -> i |> Nombres.nombre_of_int |> print_endline
| i -> i |> Nombres.nombre |> print_endline
| exception _ -> ())
|> parse_and_print
@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
(lang dune 2.8)
(lang dune 3.0)
(name nombres)
(version 0.9)
(generate_opam_files true)
(name nombres)
(source (github ttamttam/nombres))
(license ISC)
(authors "Matthieu Dubuget")
(maintainers "matthieu.dubuget@gmail.com")
(name nombres)
(synopsis "Conversion of integers to french.")
"\| Convert ints into french.
"\| Convert integers into french.
"\| Some references:
"\| - https://leconjugueur.lefigaro.fr/frlesnombres.php
@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
(name nombres))
(name nombres)
(public_name nombres)
(libraries fmt))
@ -1,56 +1,188 @@
let rec nombre_of_int = function
| 0 -> "zéro"
| 1 -> "un"
| 2 -> "deux"
| 3 -> "trois"
| 4 -> "quatre"
| 5 -> "cinq"
| 6 -> "six"
| 7 -> "sept"
| 8 -> "huit"
| 9 -> "neuf"
| 10 -> "dix"
| 11 -> "onze"
| 12 -> "douze"
| 13 -> "treize"
| 14 -> "quatorze"
| 15 -> "quinze"
| 16 -> "seize"
| 20 -> "vingt"
| 30 -> "trente"
| 40 -> "quarante"
| 50 -> "cinquante"
| 60 -> "soixante"
| 80 -> "quatre-vingts"
| 100 -> "cent"
| 1000 -> "mille"
| n when n < 70 -> jusqua_70 n
| n when n < 80 -> jusqua_100 "soixante" n
| n when n < 100 -> jusqua_100 "quatre-vingt" n
| n when n < 1_000 -> jusqua_1000 n
| n when n < 1_000_000 -> jusqua_1000000 n
| _ -> "--------------------"
type options =
| Septante
| Huitante
| Nonante
| Belgique (* Septante Nonante *)
| VVF (* Septante Huitante Nonante *)
and jusqua_70 n =
let dizaine = nombre_of_int (n / 10 * 10) in
let unite = n mod 10 in
[ dizaine; nombre_of_int unite ]
|> String.concat (if unite = 1 then " et " else "-")
let int_of_options = function
| Septante -> 0x1
| Huitante -> 0x2
| Nonante -> 0x8
| Belgique -> 0x1 lor 0x8
| VVF -> 0x1 lor 0x2 lor 0x8
and jusqua_100 dizaine n =
let unite = n mod 10 in
[ dizaine; nombre_of_int (n mod 20) ]
|> String.concat (if unite = 1 && n < 80 then " et " else "-")
type mode = [ `Belgique | `VVF | `France ]
and jusqua_1000 n =
let centaine = n / 100 and reste = n mod 100 in
let cent = if centaine > 1 && reste = 0 then "cents" else "cent" in
((if centaine = 1 then [ cent ] else [ nombre_of_int centaine; cent ])
@ if reste = 0 then [] else [ nombre_of_int reste ])
|> String.concat " "
let options_of_mode = function
| `Belgique -> [ Belgique ]
| `VVF -> [ VVF ]
| `France -> []
and jusqua_1000000 n =
let milliers = n / 1000 and reste = n mod 1000 in
((if milliers = 1 then [ "mille" ] else [ nombre_of_int milliers; "mille" ])
@ if reste = 0 then [] else [ nombre_of_int reste ])
|> String.concat " "
let int_of_mode m =
m |> options_of_mode |> List.map int_of_options
|> ListLabels.fold_left ~f:( + ) ~init:0
let mode_of_int = function
| 0 -> `France
| 1 -> `Belgique
| 2 -> `VVF
| _ -> assert false
let opts options lst = List.exists (fun opt -> List.mem opt options) lst
let nombre ?(options = []) n =
let has_opts = opts options in
if n = min_int then invalid_arg "Nombre hors domaine"
(* if debug then Fmt.pr "@[<v 2>nombre %d:@," n; *)
let rec schu =
and schd =
and nombre_of_int ?(singular = false) ?(accu = []) current () =
match current with
| 0 ->
if accu <> [] then accu |> List.rev |> String.concat " "
else "zéro"
| n when n < 0 -> nombre_of_int ~accu (-n) ()
| n when n < 17 -> unroll (schu.(n) :: accu)
| n when n mod 10 = 0 && n < 61 -> unroll (schd.(n / 10) :: accu)
| 80 ->
let nom, noms =
if has_opts [ Huitante; VVF ] then ("huitante", "huitante")
else ("quatre-vingt", "quatre-vingts")
unroll ((if singular then nom else noms) :: accu)
| 100 -> unroll ("cent" :: accu)
| 1000 -> unroll ("mille" :: accu)
| n when n < 70 ->
let dizaines = nombre_of_int (n / 10 * 10) () in
let unites = n mod 10 in
let accu =
(if unites = 1 then " et " else "-");
nombre_of_int unites ();
|> String.concat "")
:: accu
unroll accu
| n when n < 80 ->
let unites = n mod 10 in
let accu =
if has_opts [ Septante; Belgique; VVF ] then
(if n < 70 then "soixante" else "septante");
(if unites = 1 && n < 80 then " et "
else if unites > 0 then "-"
else "");
(if unites > 0 then nombre_of_int unites () else "");
|> String.concat "")
:: accu
(if unites = 1 && n < 80 then " et " else "-");
nombre_of_int (n mod 20) ();
|> String.concat "")
:: accu
unroll accu
| n when n < 100 ->
let unites = n mod 10 in
let accu =
if has_opts [ Huitante; VVF ] && n < 90 then
(if unites = 1 then " et " else if unites > 0 then "-" else "");
(if unites > 0 then nombre_of_int unites () else "");
|> String.concat "")
:: accu
else if has_opts [ Nonante; VVF; Belgique ] && n >= 90 then
(if unites = 1 then " et " else if unites > 0 then "-" else "");
(if unites > 0 then nombre_of_int unites () else "");
|> String.concat "")
:: accu
(if unites = 1 && n < 80 then " et " else "-");
nombre_of_int (n mod 20) ();
|> String.concat "")
:: accu
unroll accu
| n when n < 1_000 -> jusqua_x ~singular accu 100 ~nom:"cent" ~un:false n
| n when n < 1_000_000 -> jusqua_x accu 1000 ~nom:"mille" ~un:false n
| n when n < 1_000_000_000 ->
jusqua_x accu 1_000_000 ~nom:"million" ~un:true n
| n when n < 1_000_000_000_000 ->
jusqua_x accu 1_000_000_000 ~nom:"milliard" ~un:true n
| n when n < 1_000_000_000_000_000 ->
jusqua_x accu 1_000_000_000_000 ~nom:"billion" ~un:true n
| n when n < 1_000_000_000_000_000_000 ->
jusqua_x accu 1_000_000_000_000_000 ~nom:"billiard" ~un:true n
| n when n <= max_int ->
jusqua_x accu 1_000_000_000_000_000_000 ~nom:"trillion" ~un:true n
| _ -> assert false
and unroll accu = List.rev accu |> String.concat " "
and jusqua_x ?(singular = false) accu lim ~nom ~un n =
let un = if un then "un" else "" in
let noms =
match (nom, singular) with
| "mille", _ -> "mille"
| nom, true -> nom
| nom, false -> nom ^ "s"
let count = n / lim and reste = n mod lim in
let accu =
match count with
| 1 -> nom :: un :: accu |> List.filter (( <> ) "")
| _ ->
let noms = if lim = 100 && reste <> 0 then nom else noms in
:: nombre_of_int ~singular:(singular || lim = 1000) count ()
:: accu
nombre_of_int ~singular ~accu reste ()
nombre_of_int n ()
@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
opam-version: "2.0"
version: "0.9"
synopsis: "Conversion of integers to french."
description: """
Convert ints into french.
Convert integers into french.
Some references:
- https://leconjugueur.lefigaro.fr/frlesnombres.php
- https://www.miakinen.net/vrac/nombres
- https://www.dcode.fr/ecriture-nombre-lettres
maintainer: ["matthieu.dubuget@gmail.com"]
authors: ["Matthieu Dubuget"]
license: "ISC"
homepage: "https://github.com/ttamttam/nombres"
bug-reports: "https://github.com/ttamttam/nombres/issues"
depends: [
"dune" {>= "2.8"}
"dune" {>= "3.0"}
"odoc" {with-doc}
build: [
@ -26,3 +33,4 @@ build: [
"@doc" {with-doc}
dev-repo: "git+https://github.com/ttamttam/nombres.git"
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